Thought I'd start a separate thread for the posting of news, updates, pictures etc. from the nest at the Loch of the Lowes. Now that the first chick has hatched at Loch Garten the Daily Update page is going to get too unwieldy if it is used for news from LotL as well as LG, and the "News From Other Nests" is getting pretty full as well.
By the way, night Sandra and LMac
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
I have been out all day, so it is lovely to look in and see that it is the hungry chick, that is eating.
Hi folks. Been busy most of the day but glad to hear hungry chick finally got something to eat. Interesting that Lady grabbed the remains. Really super pix! Off to do some things and sort out dinner. Back later.
Evening all: Jus tlogged on and we have two bireds on the nest. One of them is dragging a stick around (thought it was a fish at first). Let's see what happens this morning.
Well one of the chicks appears to be pulling at something, but I'm wondering if it's some old hard fish leftover.... unless someone brought a fish earlier. This doesn't look like a fresh fish - it's long and stringy. Hmmm.
Aha! I spy a third bird to the left just off camera. Now I'm thinking the bird in the middle who's pulling on the long dark stringy thing must be Lady. Not speckled like the chicks. No idea what she's fussing with; doesn't seem to be making a lot of progress.
One chick left the nest a few minutes ago an now Lady followed a few minutes later, leaving the second chick to tackle what I can only assume are the remains of a long tough fish! But I could be waaaaay off. Have been trying to snag a pic, but everytime I get MWSnap up, it freezes the image and I miss the best shot.
Well, stepped away from the computer and now it looks like the chick has left the nest and Lady has returned.
Lost the wireless connection for a couple of minutes, then was on another window. Now I'm not sure who's on the nest. Lady typically sits on her favorite perch, but whoever is here now is in the middle of the nest (on one leg!) (Long John Osprey?)
Lady (or Laird) just brought a large fish - Wow - and whoever was on the nest has flown off with it after grabbing it and mantling for a moment. Surely the chicks aren't that advanced?? Could it have been Lady on the nest the whole time? Light not wonderful......this is as confusing as trying to ID the LG chicks!! :-)