Loch of the Lowes - 2010

Thought I'd start a separate thread for the posting of news, updates, pictures etc. from the nest at the Loch of the Lowes. Now that the first chick has hatched at Loch Garten the Daily Update page is going to get too unwieldy if it is used for news from LotL as well as LG, and the "News From Other Nests" is getting pretty full as well.

  • Yes Peter is the expert.

    It was being so excited to see her the way she is today, like everyone else.  You have no right speaking  the way you have just spoken to me. I shall just leave it at that! 

    If nothing goes right, go left! :-)

  • She is now sitting on the nest, but looking far more alert than this morning, even. The chicks are mostly sleeping, as chicks do.  Fingers crossed that he brings some fish soon, and she can be tempted to have some.

  • we're just back from a weekend in Aviemore, Popped into Lowes at lunchtime.We watced the male fishing, three times without success.  Lovely to see.  I'd been inundated with texts on Madge's condition over the weekend and when we went in at 12 was surprised to see her looking so well.  Alas, she attempted to get up and shade the chicks with her wings and her condition was all too obvious. The chicks had been fed twice this morning and I;m sure it wouldn;'t have been long after we left at One that they would be be fed again. Madge didn't attempt to eat at all at either of thefish this morning. 

    She's had a long and productive innings and it seems fitting that the Lowes will be her final resting place

    All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
    Spike Milligan

  • Sandra P said:


    I KNOW she has not eaten and I KNOW she is not strong!!  I meant she is stronger than she has been!!!

    I even KNOW that she might die .Please do not patronise me!!!   I shall not comment on here anymore!! I will leave it for the "experts"

    I was just so excited to see her stand for a while.

    Sandra, don't take umbridge, we all know what you mean, it may not come out as you intended it to, I am the same, we all live in hope that she can survive this setback but also know it may not be.  Carry on posting, do.

  • It's good that you are keeping positive Margobird but the sensible thing is to wait and see if Peter or a member of staff at the center at LoTL actually puts in print that Lady has eaten something. Until that happens we need to know that she hasn't. We are all so eager and eyes will see what they want to see - it's human nature. I'm not intending to be hard on you Margo - there are a lot of posts - i've had a trawl myself - but the only post that really counts is an Official one as far as I am concerned.  But I am keeping positive too and it isn't over till it's over.  OK?

  • Have been watching her too Linda and she is holding her head proudly bless her and as you say seems even more alert than earlier.  I am sure I can hear her calling but am I imagining things.


  • Thanks Soosin for your eye witness observations. You will have seen so much more than we can see via the camera.

  • Lady is having a bit of a preen, showing what she can still do, even if its only for a short time.

  • Whilst her body looks stronger today she really doesn't seem to be there mentally.  She really doesn't seem to be too aware of what is going on around her.  She is using her wings to prop herself up and the chicks are crawling under them rather than her trying to protect them.  Earlier today they did this quite quickly and nearly knocked her over the edge of the nest.  She had to flap about to steady and free herself.  Really, she hasn't too long left  I think.  She doesn't even seem to be aware that there are fish about.

  • It certailnly looks as if Lady wants to carry on for just a bit longer so her chicks have a better chance of survival. You can't fault Laird, though, he has been coming in and feeding them and at times he's been by Lady's side.

    I am going to say it again - it is truly a privelege that we can watch wild birds in their natural habitat, the highs and the lows too.