Loch of the Lowes - 2010

Thought I'd start a separate thread for the posting of news, updates, pictures etc. from the nest at the Loch of the Lowes. Now that the first chick has hatched at Loch Garten the Daily Update page is going to get too unwieldy if it is used for news from LotL as well as LG, and the "News From Other Nests" is getting pretty full as well.

  • I thought it was Lady too, Sandra, could it have been Laird and we both got mixed up. She is now at the back of the nest with head down again.

  • One of the chicks just wacked mum in the chin and Lady responded.  Its now settled down again as is the other one, both resting after Laird has fed them.

  • Lady has now turned herself round a little more and is gazing out into space, maybe she can just about see the Laird .  Now bowing her head as if to rest.

  • Good monring Lynette and a minor miracle this morning at LOtL.  Have just logged in again and Lady still sitting up and aware of her surroundings.  Someone on that blog noticed that she had taken a couple of mouthfuls of fish so hoping that she will eat a bit more through the day.  I know she is still very ill but feel more able today to look in and blog.  I had to stop blogging yesterday as I didn't want my sadness to upset other people as I know we all feel so much for her.  At the moment one of her chicks is cuddled right up to her, hope she is aware of her chick.


  • Heron77 said:

    The Lady of the Loch got up, although on very shaky legs and spread those huge, beautiful, wonderful wings of her's.  She's turned around facing the camera now.  I think her main concern is for her chicks.  Selfless to the last.



    Heron 77 I cannot believe that Lady is still with us what a fighter and one amazing osprey.  I know she is still very ill but to see her this morning seeming to be much more with us and moving was heartwarming.  the Laird has just fed the chicks again but did not see Lady take any from him.  Someone on the LOtL blog said she had a couple of mouthfuls earlier on and they are hoping she will be able to eat more today. 


  • Just been watching male feed the two chicks while female sat on her wings.  His instinct to preserve his genes in these chicks in so strong - when she seemed to be asking for food, he looked at her as if to say "what do you want you silly old bat, I'm feeding them aren't I?"   My hope is that she will die soon, a clean nest is what would most protect these young Ospreys now that the male has established his new role.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • The chicks look as though they are doing their best to rally mum.

  • margobird said:

    The Lady of the Loch got up, although on very shaky legs and spread those huge, beautiful, wonderful wings of her's.  She's turned around facing the camera now.  I think her main concern is for her chicks.  Selfless to the last.



    Heron 77 I cannot believe that Lady is still with us what a fighter and one amazing osprey.  I know she is still very ill but to see her this morning seeming to be much more with us and moving was heartwarming.  the Laird has just fed the chicks again but did not see Lady take any from him.  Someone on the LOtL blog said she had a couple of mouthfuls earlier on and they are hoping she will be able to eat more today. 


    Hi Margobird.  I'll be honest when I saw the emails from this thread on Saturday and looked on the LotL webcam, I really thought Marge only had minutes to live.  I had to move away from that page, not so much because of a bird dying but baically because of her utterly helpless posture.  However the Lady of the Loch, has over these past couple of days reminded me of one the fundimental reasons why I love all birds.  It's the inbuilt dedication to not just their own survival but that of their offspring.  Although a small part of me is cautiously hopeful I'm not expecting a miracle, however the Lady of the Loch is setting a great example to her chicks.  For all any of us know one or possibly both of those chicks might be female, and if she's the first example of the Osprey adult female, what a wonderful start to life.  She's one amazing Osprey right enough.




    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Foxtail have just read your post and it made me think a bit more logically about the LOtL situation.  You are right if we watch ospreys we have to accept it might not always be what we want to see or read about.  I feel differently today especially when I saw Lady sitting up.  She is still very ill but how amazing is she.


    Also I apologise to everyone for my outpourings of the grief I felt.  At least we know any time she does have left will be where her home is at LOtL.
