Loch of the Lowes - 2010

Thought I'd start a separate thread for the posting of news, updates, pictures etc. from the nest at the Loch of the Lowes. Now that the first chick has hatched at Loch Garten the Daily Update page is going to get too unwieldy if it is used for news from LotL as well as LG, and the "News From Other Nests" is getting pretty full as well.

  • Thank you Short Stuff - appreciated. I dare not ask the next question.

  • Unknown said:

    Cirrus - The LoTL blog says that she is 27.

      That must surely be quite old for an osprey, does anyone know how long they could live fo.

    At present the picture is one of  not much movement if at all from her. The chicks are snuggled up beside her. Hopefully Laird, as said in earlier posts, will see that something is wrong and take over duties.

  • Lynette - Have just seen Lady moving again, she is still lifting her wee head up now and again.

  • She is trying to lift her head ad is moving a bit more.

  • I'm so sorry to see and hear the news from this nest - I do follow the L. Garten nest mainly, but look in on here from time to time.  She is a great age so possibly producing these chicks has been her last big effort- I hope not, and that she may revive and see them fledge.

  • They ae showing a closeup of Lady and it looks as though she is gasping for breath, so sad .

    Every now an then as she tries to lift her head, her eyes looked closed.

  • I may be wrong but Lady seems to be a wee bit more alert, there was a whiley there when she wasn't moving at all.


    Oh Lynette, I didnt think of that, thought she was perking up a wee bit, you might be right tho :o(