EJ has her back to us at the moment and keeps fidgiting - could there be somethin in the offing. We can but live in hope.
Happy watching all you early morning ones. I'll sign off now till our UK morning.
Sorry bit premature with the handover, clock is a little fast.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Gary, I echo what Linda has said. Thank you. Although I saw that one sided conversation between EJ and Odin, it was hillarious to watch it again.
Hello Margo and welcome back.
I am going out for lunch now, so look forward to some fish reports when I return.
Linda/Brenda, I was teasing a little:)
My other/better half had to get up a little earlier than normal so it worked out well. However as i can now splice/edit I will try and turn the machine on early even if I'm not watching for the first hour.
Nothing much has happened for a little while. EJ is up and down a bit but looks hot there for her.
Thanks for that clip Gary - you really are spoiling us! I missed it because I forgot I had muted the sound when I was sitting here earlier ... senior moment again!
Welcome back Margobird ... I trust you had a great time in Venice
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Thanks DjoanS we had a wonderful time.
Just noticed the Brighton peregrine chicks are being fed. (Sorry wrong blog).
Me too, Lindybird - he's still quite fanciable at 80!
Oops! - previous post refers to Clint Eastwood, lest there be any mistake.
Sorry to cause that Rawhide digression on this thread dedicated to micro-watching the nest ;)) I was about 6 when it was on I think. I never knew it wasClint Eastwood until fairly recently, but I always quite fancied him.
Terry in Cumbria
Hi Terry - I believe 'micro' digressions are just fine - we just don't want a tome of something other than nest things. After all, it's been a 'quiet' day on the nest so far, hasn't it? And it's nice to have some 'conversation' :)
Hey - is Marge's first egg cracking?