Manton Bay (Rutland) nest updates

Looking at the site at Rutland Water. Female having a turn of the eggs and now settling down again. Lovely and calm there as it is here in Northants.

Would be nice to do a diary for the MantonBay (Rutland) as update on other nests now takes ages to get to the end and update.

Do they have names for these two at MantonBay.  Please note I have changed the name to Manton Bay (Rutland) nest updates as a suggestion from Sandy.  Hope this meets with everyones approval.

  • Still three intact eggs at Manton:

  • Nice pic of the eggs. Hopefully tomorrow or Monday will be better weather for hatching. If I was a chick I would stay in my egg today.

  • The streaming cam is down at the moment and the stills cam goes off at 5 pm - the last image provided a tantalising glimpse:


  • Sandy , Its been a long wait and originally I  jokingly said I hoped the first hatch would be on monday because of the poor weather forecast over sat & sun. Perhaps it will be tomorrow after all.

  • Any day will do for me, Alan!

    Because this is a new pair it's always going to be an anxious time waiting for the first hatch. We've got to be realistic, new pairs often have small first clutches, but things have gone so well so far it would be heartbreaking if the eggs weren't viable for whatever reason.