Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 May 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

Wild horse and foal
Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range in Montana, U.S.
U.S. government photo, labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Brenda: That would be disturbing to see one from the tenth floor. Events in the sky are more impressive at that height. I used to live in a high-rise on the 15th floor. Lightning storms are incredible at that level.

    I've seen a couple of small fireballs, but nothing like the event last night on the coast.

  • Hi all ..

    The weather had broken after a few 25s down to a couple of 5s it's now raining..

    Loads done in the garden and more to do before Daisy goes to play in the kennels and we treat the lawn and then pop to Dunkeld for a couple of nights to visit L of the Ls nest.

    All my troughs (10) needed new liners so OH did the sewing and I took Daisy for long walks.

    Love to read the goings on holidays trips health and Bonnie and her escapades.

    Lindy hope all is well with her... xxx

  • Hello Everyone.

    Diane, that fireball is an impressive site to see. Thank you for posting the video. I have certainly never seen anything like it. It must be quite scary, though.

    A lot of sewing for 10 liners, Wendy. Daisy must have had a very long walk!

    I hope Lindy and her OH are well and not having a too difficult time. Bonnie's antics are amusing to read about, but not to experience I think!

    Yesterday was our Wedding anniversary and we walked along the river to our favourite restaurant for lunch. I had the fishy menu as usual.

  • Reading back, glad that Heather is back safe and sound, and by the quick, if not scenic route. I would love to see the tulips. I have been for a city break to Amsterdam some years ago, but not at Tulip time.  It was an interesting and enjoyable break, though.

    Lovely pictures from Annette's garden, and beautiful birds.

    Very exciting, Brenda, organising your daughter's wedding. A lot of 'things to do' though.

    Best wishes to OG, Margo, AQ,and everyone I haven't mentioned.

  • Thank you Heather, Brenda & Rosy.


    {{{HUGS}}} to Margo


    Linda – Today’s paper reports that desexing dogs reduces tendency to bite. I think they are referring to people not bulbs.

  • Evening all:  

    AQ: What a pain about the fence.  Can you slap some paint on it just to cover it up while the shrubs grow?  So sorry you're missing those day trips. :-(

    Brenda: I love that the funeral ended on such a positive note. That would put a smile on my face.  Wow - was that a fireball or maybe ball lightening, which I've heard about but never seen.

    Diane: Wow - didn't see word one about it on any news.  Fabulous videos.  It looks like that one that lit up Russian skies a couple of years ago and blew out windows.  Thanks so much for cluing us in.  Brilliant!

    Heather: Any chance you can take a break after all the visitors and traveling?

    Rosy: Happy belated anniversary!

    Wendyb: Sounds like you and OH are both on the same garden schedule.

    Lindybird: Hope you're doing okay!

    Margo: Special hugs to you and OH.

    Hi to everyone else!  Have a good Wednesday all.

  • Good Morning Everyone, We hope to get out before the heavy rain arrives here, although we will not be able to avoid it all. We have various appointments this morning and I also need to food shop.

    A Belated HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, Rosy. Glad you were able to celebrate at your favourite restaurant.

    Annette, I remember that at the time the reports said that it was a fireball. Whatever it was, I don't want to see another one :-))

    Wendy, Enjoy your time at Loch of the Lowes. A lovely place.

    Hope you all have a good day and avoid the rain and thunderstorms.

  • Well it's still raining and predicted to for the next week.

    Lawn etc looked noticeably better but I think a couple of days of this will be quite enough.

    Troughs took himself most of Sunday as a couple of them are 5 feet wide. He is also a perfectionist so better than the original. I did comment that they would see me out!!

    We had 2 long walk and I know we are rural and have a railway bridge over the Spey Daisy and I get bored by the same bit of road if we head that way so we cheat and take the car. She so loves the car you could go out all day and she would just sleep in the back. So we very rarely leave her at home.

    Looking forward to L of the L and a week after off with a friend to see Puffins on the Farne Islands so praying for good boating weather.

    Well it looks as though egg 2 hasn't hatched at LG :-(

  • Hello all

    Miserably wet here, as expected. OH is braving it to go to the barber - he must be desperate.

    My brother is having problems with his new to him car, already, after only three weeks. The prop shaft has gone. It does have some kind of warranty, I gather.

    ANNETTE - in fact, just being at home alone is lovely, despite the ever essential chores. Only the two of us to worry about and I can take myself off to bedroom at whatever time I fancy after evening meal. Reading, catching up on here, the odd bit of TV and the phone beside me. Paradise!

    take care, all, thinking about MARGO and her OH and wondering how LINDY is coping with Bonnie and her lampshade.

    Back later

  • Dear All

    At long last communication with the outside world has been restored. No landline for nearly a week, that was fixed late Monday. Our Broadband connection took until yesterday evening it was so slow it became impossible to use. Fingers crossed things will stay this way.

    Would like to thank you all for our Anniversay wishes. It was a special day as we have thought at times we would not be celebrating. havinng said that every day is a bonus and we try to make the most of time spent together. We went for a drive through the beautiful Dirset countryside which is at its best at the moment. Has our meal in our recently rediscovered pub which has won Pub of the Year Dorset and will now be trying to win Best Pub in the UK. They certainly deserve the accolade. All the meat is sourced from their farm nearby and is top quality. Both enjoyed our meal and OH managed a sweet but I was too full to have one. Before your main meal is out you are given a bowl of complimentary soap which was absolutely delicious. To finish hone made petit fours we presented. I did manage to have a taste. As with our last visit we came away with some meat from the farm.  Their pork sausages are the best we have ever tasted. We also managed another steak meal on Saturday.

    OH is currently working out his notice and we are both looking forward to seeing more of each other more and hopefully getting out more while I can.

    Consultant visit yesterday and news not too bad. The extra unit of blood I was given has definitely helped as HB level had not drooped as much as it had before. I knew I was feeling relatively well at the moment. What it means is my next transfusion has been put forward a week. If I was to have the transfusion this coming Friday they would only be able to give give me 2 units. The good news is we have wedding at the beginning of June so the 3 units will make sure I am OK to go. It also means we can go to a show this Friday. Going to see Joe Brown's son who has a group of his own. 

    AQ so sorry you are in a lot of pain.

    Rosy belated Anniversary wishes to you.

    Heather good to read you enjoyed Denmark trip.

    Annette thanks for the lovely photos. Miss D looks delightful.

    Linda wonderful poem and enjoyed looking at your Malta pics. So sorry Boonie is causing such an upset.

    OG will repeat myself again by saying how much you fit in to each day.

    Wendy enjoy your time at Loch of the Lowes and the visit tomFarne.

    Diane such a lovely pic to start the week off.

    Keith what a good idea to have a community Orchard, hope it is a success.

    Weather today is wet and there could be a storm later. We had a very localised one  at the end of last week. Spectacular for those who like storms but as know they frighten the life out of me. Rain was so heavy it caused flash flooding and our drive became a lake. We live at the bottom of a hill and the drains just coukd not cope with the deluge.

    Do take care of yourselves.

    Love Margo x