Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 May 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

Wild horse and foal
Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range in Montana, U.S.
U.S. government photo, labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Welcome back HEATHER.  Everyone I know who's been to Amsterdam (oh and that would include me!) would go back willingly.

  • Two whales only today (one Mom; one baby); not during my shift. BUT. Noticed our Hooded Oriole splashing about again today in the fountain so grabbed my point-and-click Nikon and managed to catch a couple of so-so shots. Colors are a bit dull coz the sun had gone down. Still,they'll give you an idea of just how striking these birds are...

  • Hi, all.

    I've been busy working on my project, as well as dealing with distractions, so I haven't been posting much. I've tried to keep up with posts, but I know I've missed some. I'll try to do better. Here are just a few replies, but I apologize to folks I miss.

    Annette: Those orioles are fabulous. Such beautiful birds. Hope you get to see them a lot. I'm so happy that your whale count is up this year, even if today's were only 2.

    OG: I hope your eye is moving toward full recovery! How nice that you were given half of the flowers in the church! Lovely! I enjoyed your reports on your recent holiday. I would have loved to see the railway museum and the railway. And I would've so enjoyed the visit to the Kelpies. Next time, I'm going with you. LOL

    Brenda: Good luck with the wedding preparations. Glad your daughter has her dress. Weddings are a lot of work! If you're going to hand write all the addresses on the envelopes for the invitation cards, I don't envy you. Makes my arthritis hurt just to think about it.

    Lynette: I hope you're having a wonderful holiday!

    Heather: Welcome back. I'm glad you had a nice time and arrived back safely!

    Lindy: Sending good energy to you. I hope you're relaxing and feeling better. I've been meaning to tell you that I enjoyed all of your holiday photos that you posted last week. The Malta pics were fascinating. The place doesn't look like I had envisioned it. I see from your skyline views that much of it is densely populated. The old architecture is very ornate and powerful. I would like to see the National Library there. I love libraries like AQ loves churches. :-) Thanks for posting the pics.

    dibnlib: I hope you are having safe travels. I also hope your visit with your mom goes as well as is possible. Best to you.

    Keith G: Glad you had a good day over the weekend and enjoyed christening the barbecue.

    AQ: Sending healing energy to you. I so hope you'll be out of pain soon. I saw your comment about immigration to Australia from the U.S. in response to our election this year. I'm planning on moving in with you. LOL :-)))

    Limpy: Those ducklings are lovely!

    Hi to Rosy, bjane, George G, Clare, and everyone.

    Margo: I hope you had a lovely meal out for your anniversary. Hugs to you.

  • OH is at nanny duty, a change (?) from nursing/dishes/heating meals/etc! Knee continues to improve slowly. Dose of nasty tablet is reduced today so I am expecting diarrhoea to reduce or better still go away. Last Fri Doc said knee would be 10 days. I missed my bus trip on Sunday and it doesn’t look likely I shall be fit for next trip either <sigh>


    Next door neighbour is getting new fencing, he wants dark grey – morbid & looks terrible when old & faded – he said his 3 other neighbours agreed. I reckon he told us all the same. Houses are displaced so we all have 2 back neighbours. I finally reached Mrs BackFence. To cut a miserable story short altho’ we already cream fencing across half & other side & she has cream both sides, we are forced to have the dark on 1/3 back. Why didn’t my OH initiate the fencing? Oh well, more shrubs to hide fence. Mr NextDoor also said they were starting work yesterday, so OH has been rushing to clear space along the fence for access. I spoke to FenceMan this morn to measure our bit, he said they start next Mon. Another neighbour not to be trusted.


    Enjoying chat, photos, poem but too tired to reply to each or any. Sorry.

  • Oh, AQ, that is pretty awful. At first I thought that you could just paint your side of the fence any colour you wanted but maybe that is not possible and your fences come already 'coloured'. Ours are all joint fences so we usually pay half each when they need to be replaced. However, we have had our moments..... I'm happy to read that your knee is a little better, you must be feeling very miserable what with that, the unpleasant side effect of the medication and missing your trips. Hugs from here.

  • Good Morning ALL. Sunny on / off this morning. Friend's funeral was full of some tears from many, but plenty of laughter. His close friend ( going back to school days) made a very touching and very amusing tribute. The coffin left the church to the song " Always Look on the Bright Side of Life ".  ( a request made by the man, before he died ). 

    Heather, Good to see you are back home, after a lovely stay with your friends. I do agree, Amsterdam is well worth a visit, especially now, when the tulip fields are so beautiful.

    Linda, I hope you are relaxing and feel calmer today.

    Annette, Love your photographs. It would be wonderful to see such colourful birds in the garden.

    AQ, You really are suffering with your knee. So sorry. I agree, I wouldn't want grey fencing either. I do hope you are successful in hiding it. Is there no way you can paint your side, to match the rest of your fencing ?

  • An enormous fireball (?) was viewed by 100s of people all along the U.S. northeast coast last night. I hope it was a natural fireball and not a military/war-related object. The photos and videos are extraordinary. The American Meteor Society is asking for anyone who witnessed the event to file a report.

  • Hello again from a wet Inverness. My OH managed quite a bit of gardening before the rain arrived.

    ANNETTE- such a colourful bird,thank you for sharing!

    DIANE- I hope that the distractions are not too horrendous....

    OG- Trust that J's appointment went well. I confess that I had to Google 'prism' regarding specs, etc. When you spoke about J looking over the top of his specs, I could only think of Miss Prism in the Importance of, etc!!

    LINDY- how did Bonnie cope with her surgery?

    I'm still washing clothes and bed linen. Could have had it all finished but chose to leave some until today. The luxury of retirement, no pressure to achieve things by a certain time.

    Take care, all.

  • DIANE- just watched the fireball video. Extraordinary.

  • I have seen a fireball, Diane and it really is one of those things I will never forget. It was during a bad thunderstorm during the night and we were staying on the tenth floor of a UK hotel.  I couldn't sleep so I looked out of the window and saw the fireball bounce across a field. It didn't start a fire, but the next morning we could see the scorch marks across the field. I found it very frightening. I hope your's was a natural fireball.