Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 May 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

Wild horse and foal
Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range in Montana, U.S.
U.S. government photo, labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Sorry Harelady, I don't know any humane method of getting rid of rats. I really don't like the thoughts of having them anywhere near the house.

  • Harelady:  I don't know of a humane method, either:  possibly some of the poisons you can buy make them die without pain, but I have no idea, they don't tell you.  We had the self same problem with the bird food both here and next door, attracting rats.   Eventually, they were strolling along the garden path as if they were not frightened of us at all.  One day I saw one walking along our kitchen windowsill, on the outside, and it was not even frightened when I tapped on the glass!!  

    We borrowed a Rat Trap (available in large DIY Shops and that kind of place)  Its just a cage which they can be lured into, but can't get out of again.   Then you can, ahem, dispose of the rat in the way you think fit.  Some people may take them out into the countryside and let them out:  we went for my OH killing the rat as quickly and cleanly as he could.  I should say that he did not relish the job at all.

  • It is OH's birthday, so we are off out for lunch now at a favourite restaurant. I couldn't get a booking for tonight :-((

  • Many thanks Linda - I don't think I could kill them so a trap would not be right for me. I may have to call a professional but I know they will tell me not to feed the birds. I have to do something fast as my Granddaughter will be staying for a week soon and I can't have him on the patio. Best get ringing round :(

  • Happy Birhday to Brenda's OH!   Hoping you have enjoyed a pleasant meal at your favourite place.

    I was going to potter a little in the garden, but it started raining here a good hour or so before it was forecast to, so I sat reading and dozed off, instead! Did manage to rescue the laundry from the line, first!

  • Morning all:

    Harelady! Long time no see. My friend in Long Beach (just south of LA) was back east for months and came  back to horrible rat and mouse problem - in her garden and the house. She finally called in the cavalry (pest control company) which put traps all over the place: 2 dead rats so far and 27 mice. Good luck clearing the garden. We have a gopher guy coming this afternoon - something is digging holes and eating my painstakingly planted and slow-growing dymondia ground cover.  I've tried a variety of non lethal deterrents, but with limited success.  :-(   Vermin aside, hope you're doing well and that all will be banished before granddaughter arrives.

    Brenda: Hope the b/day lunch was good.

    Off to sort out the world....

  • Still not done all my replies to All - where does the day go?

    Thought you might like to see my pics from our visit a couple of weeks ago, to Glaslyn Osprey in N. Wales.  It was a cloudy day, but we were at least in the dry...

    On arrival at the gates, this is what you see:

    And on the other side:

    Lots of yellow gorse around the site:

    How the Centre looks, as you approach (newly built last year)

    The bird hide next to it:  A Kingfisher had recently been seen, and I see on their blog that he has been back again, since.

    The view across the valley from the platform:  the nest is only viewable through scopes provided:

    Close up of the snow topped mountains behind:

    There were some young people there that day, who didn't seem too sure what they were looking at, as its difficult to see through the scopes. You can only just see an osprey head if it moves, or if the birds sit on the edge of the nest.  But they enjoyed the live streaming pics inside.  Talked to some of the volunteers, who were thrilled that they have eggs this year on the nest.  There have been other ospreys observed in the area, too, which is all good:  hopefully another pair will set up house in this valley which is peaceful, and there is good fishing not far away.

  • Well finally found time to get back. Builder came back yesterday and did the two internal jobs, widening a doorway and taking a corner off a wall both to improve accessibility. We will now be heading to putting things in, eg  wood laminate floor in the hall to take the twisting of the buggy (it really tears carpets to shreds as everything is tight turns) and tidying up walls, doorway etc). That is to our handyman (by chance also a qualified horticulturist, another help), he can do jobs that I haven't got a hope of doing. We are definitely progressing!

    Typing this while distracted by fledgeling starlings being fed from the suet tray outside the window, its why I started this 20 minute ago and not finished!

    I don't know if anyone else has this problem but in the Forest we seem to have a different time – its called 'forest time', the person will come eventually but not necessarily at the appointed time or day!

    Margo: Thank you for that pub link, we are looking around for cottages etc that are closer to us than Scotland as we know are time is limited for travelling that distance so any useful tips go straight into a folder for reference later. I will have to check availability, or garden etc later, this appliees to almost anywhere.

    Lindybird: I know that problem with a shower, usually extended, ruining the best laid plans. Just caught up with your photos – they’re good and different to other locations we have been able to visit. Weather permitting I hope to get to Symonds Yat for our peregrines over the weekend but forecast may stop that.

    Time to sort out dinner.

  • Unknown said:

    Morning all:

    Harelady! Long time no see. My friend in Long Beach (just south of LA) was back east for months and came  back to horrible rat and mouse problem - in her garden and the house. She finally called in the cavalry (pest control company) which put traps all over the place: 2 dead rats so far and 27 mice. Good luck clearing the garden. We have a gopher guy coming this afternoon - something is digging holes and eating my painstakingly planted and slow-growing dymondia ground cover.  I've tried a variety of non lethal deterrents, but with limited success.  :-(   Vermin aside, hope you're doing well and that all will be banished before granddaughter arrives.

    Brenda: Hope the b/day lunch was good.

    Off to sort out the world....

    Thanks Annette - think it will have to be a professional.