I think I will start MAY, 2016 quite simply with a current snippet of the LOCH GARTEN NEST with EJ quietly incubating her three eggs.

  • Without opening up the debate on tagging - I would not wish an osprey to be tagged just to satisfy our curiosity.

    Would it serve any other purpose at this stage - given the number of tags that have gone off the radar whether it be the demise of a bird or transmitter failure I doubt it as it is giving me mixed vibrations.

    We may understand the birds movements more today than yesterday but have things changed much at there wintering grounds - I don't think so.

    Only my opinion and I respect all others without contempt.

    It is very satisfying when a bird like 2R turns up and yes many have been spotted for the first time many years after they first left our shores. So if we do not know there is hope for any including Garten. All I can say is that as soon as DOP decided not to tag further birds the first born after that decision returns - maybe co-incidence and I will never know so resect that.

    Examination of existing nests and work in restoring nests in winter with good foundations and building good strong nests with good solid bases in good areas is the key to success. A good example with friends of the ospreys who removed and restored Glaslyn last season and continually place good solid nests around Wales to encourage pairing and breeding.

    Unfortunately not enough males around and we know the reason and without a gender translocation as Rutland did we have to be patient. There are a few males on the list to come back and lets see the gender in Wales chicks brings this year.

    I have my own opinion as to why the Glaslyn born male chicks moved out of Wales for pastures north.

  • Unknown said:

    My maths come out May 12th or 13th.

    have fun in Barcelona.

    TIGER on his own website has posted that the first chick is speculated on 11 May at Rutland. (TIGER and CHLOE Osprey data pages) show EJ laid her first egg on 7 April compared to the first egg at Rutland Manton bay on 4 April at roughly the same time in the evening. So maybe watch out for dates 12th onwards towards 14th.

    I give Thanks to both Tiger and Chloe and others who assist in their data for providing all the information they do. It is valuable to me particularly during times of travel as an easy access.

  • Or maybe start watching more often on the 10th, just to be ready in case Tiger is right.  After all he did guess EJ's return to the minute one year! To his own surprise, I think.

    No matter how carefully I watch, I usually miss the milestone moments anyway.  But I did watch at least once as EJ laid an egg and I'll never forget when I HEARD Odin doing a sky dance for EJ.  We could hear the wings as he flew past and pretty much know where he was in the air.  Once he came close enough to the cam to see a wing.

    It is Wed afternoon so I am listening to Music of Scotland on local radio, currently playing Northern Lights of Aberdeen - one of my favorites.  Now he is talking about Caledonia Society of Cincinnati.  Caledonia of course being a very familiar name to us here on the Gabfest.

  • Caledonia is the Latin name given to the land now known as Scotland by The Romans.

    Alba is the Scottish Gaelic name for Scotland.

  • Radio host Jesse Andrews has the strange habit of playing the same song several times throughout his 3 hour program. This practice is fine with me.  Today his song of choice has been "Lights of Aberdeen" and I love it. Also he played "Scotland the Brave" several times- once with words, once a very lively instrumental.  I used to know that FISH was listening and we chatted about what was being played. MISS YOU, FISH!!

  •  Richard said "We don't count our osprey until they are hatched."   Still I feel a great loss here.  But this ending was  likely from the beginning and certainly inevitable from the time Monty  deserted.   As they say, probably for the best  NOW, rather than after a chick hatches and dies a slow death from starvation and neglect.

  • Blue 24 probably off chasing Blue 2R away in case she takes a fancy to Dai Dot.

  • JUNE - You may be interested in a post Tiger has placed on DU.

    He has averaged EJ hatchings over years and come up average days.

    1st eggs hatch at 37 days

    2nd eggs at 36 days

    3rd eggs at  35   days

    EJ is odd in that her first egg usually hatch at  36 days.

    Now look at Imagicat Count Up Clocks and you will see present status.

    Here is the site for clocks

    or depending if you have flash or not.

    Thanks to Imagicat (Tiger and Chloe)

  • I think I have these links in my favorites - Well, DID have.  Unfortunately all that is lost with this blasted new computer. Will check these out.

  • I guess they are still juveniles or VERY young adults.  It seems to take them several years after they arrive back before they really settle down, so maybe we should not expect too much too soon.