I think I will start MAY, 2016 quite simply with a current snippet of the LOCH GARTEN NEST with EJ quietly incubating her three eggs.
Around 35 to 36 days from laying of egg.
Egg Number 1 laid 7th April in evening just after 20:00.
So May 5th far too early - I'll let you do the maths.
Off to bed early flight to Barcelona.
My maths come out May 12th or 13th.
have fun in Barcelona.
Fantastic news, isn't it, June? I expect that the people at the Dyfi Osprey Project are dancing and whooping with joy!
Kind regards, Ann
Same picture, but sharper, this one direct from the Glaslyn facebook page.
Also from the Glaslyn facebook page, from the same entry in fact. This is a good description of the situation.
Yes, it is good news indeed, Ann. The name Clarach sounded familiar to me when I first read it, so guess I sort of remember her from her nest. Iam glad they used er given name and not just her rig ID, otherwise I never would have made the connection.
I expect Clarach fans ARE "dancing and whooping with joy!" I know I will be if eer one of EJ's return.
Have been travelling all day and just heard the news of the return of Blue 2R.
This is probably the best osprey news we have had this season.
I think 2R (Clarach) was the first chick of Blue 12 (Glesni).
Now another female opposition for Blue 24 around North to central Wales.
At three years old I wonder what happened to her last season - Did she stay at her wintering grounds after a two year spell or did she partially migrate or did she come home and was not spotted.
There is a new blog about Clarach (Blue 2R(13)) and her life story on the website www.dyfiospreyproject.com . Then click on blogs. Needless to say they are over the moon at the Dyfi!
Good evening all. Just read the very good news that Clarach has returned! I was just wondering if ant Dyfi chicks had returned . This is very good news! :)
HI Willow, Ann& Keith. All good guesses, Keith. As she was not tagged, we'll never know. Knowing would satisfy our curiosity, but would it serv any other purpose, I wonder.
Yes another female too many in the Dyfi area. I want so much to solve the problem but here I sit half a continent and an ocean away. Even if I were right there I could do nothing but wring my hands and moan. :( Just as I do here.
One thing for sure, though. I'll never again look at "intruders" as I used to. They may be one of our chicks returning home only to be rejected by their neighbors or even parents. Maybe even my Garten returned and her ring was never recognized.