Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 April 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

I'll be back soon to catch up with everyone.

  • Dear All

    Thanks for all your kind support, as always much appreciated. The last 4 weeks have not been too good as the cold really took its toll. Slept a lot of the time as I felt exhausted and eating became a chore rather than a pleasure. It is onkty this week that I have started to feel better but of course blood count has dropped so now feeling rather weak. Just having a shower leaves me feeling exhausted.

    Saw my Consultant yesterday and it has been decided that units of blood be increased to 3 every 3 weeks so will spend about 7 hours having the transfusion on Friday and will see Consultant in 3 weeks time. I may have to have another bone marrow test at some time to see whether or not I can have an injection to slow things down a bit. Future all a bit uncertain and although I try not too dwell on things it is becoming increasingly difficult for me and OH. He has decided that now is the time to give up his work as he wants to be with me more. He has been wonderful as you all know but is finding that he cannot give his best at work as 3 days does not enable him to carry out his duties as a manager. He has admitted that the last 4 years have been just as tough for him and he is getting more and more exhausted. It will be good to have him at home but in a way it makes makes me feel a little negative about things. He has been an absolute treasure and up til now has never complained about the difficulties of looking after me and working full-time. He has said it is important now to do things together as much as possible and not wait for the time when things will be more difficult for me. So sorry that this post is a bit downbeat but things are definitely more difficult. We did not get out for our steak last Saturday as I didn't feel I could not  do justice to a meal. Fingers crossed we will go this Saturday.

    Just a few mentions for Clare and Diane I am so pleased you have employment. Thanks to Lindybird for all the photos and also your poem about EJ in the snow, another gem. Thinking of Heather while her brother visits and was so pleased you enjoyed the christening. OG hope you are not trying to do too much can see you are filling up most days. Annette so pleased you enjoyed your sister's visit.  dibnlib pleased you are feeling a little better this particular cold really hangs on.

    The weather so strange at the moment. Quite a heavy frost this morning and yesterday we actually had a snow shower, thunder and hail. Poor E J was covered in frost this morning hope Odin will bring a fish and take over incubation for a while. 

    Take care all I am always thinking of you.

    Margo xx

  • Just great to hear from you, Margo - Sorry to hear that you didn't get out for your meal, but fingers crossed that you & your OH will be able to, soon. Sounds as if your medical team are all working hard to help you at this time. I'm sure your OH will be happier to have the time to devote to you each day, without rushing off to work, and it will be good for you both to have more time together. {{HUGS}}

    EDIT -  I was so pleased to see that you've had chance to keep up with our wonderful ospreys!

  • Weather still ok, so fingers crossed it stays that way.

    I managed 50 lengths, so well pleased with myself.

    MARGO Good to hear your OH is giving up work, it should relieve the pressure he must have felt.

  • Gosh, Dibnlib - 50 lengths is impressive!  Glad you feel much better now, you must do, to have had all that energy!

    Been out shopping - walked down the main street of nearby town and thought what a beautiful Spring day it was, in the bright sunshine. Then, after I'd done my errands, I drove home in a snowstorm!  Bought my OH a new bow tie as he seems to have lost the one he's used for years, plus a bargain half price shirt.

  • Hello Everyone. After a very sunny morning, we are now having sunny intervals and the odd light shower.
    Bowling green opened on Monday evening for the summer season. Went out to practise and the heavens opened. Ran back to the clubhouse and dried off and then practised for over an hour in the sunshine, but it was so cold. Playing on a lush, damp green, took a lot of effort and I was aching yesterday. A big difference playing on grass, compared with the indoor carpet. OH is on the green, practising at the moment.

    Annette, Your time with your sister seems to have gone so quickly, but as you say, so much laundry for you to do now.

    Dibnlib, Sorry I missed your Anniversary, but A Belated Happy Anniversary to you and your OH.  Well done on your fifty lengths swim.

    OG, Do enjoy ' Fiddler on the Roof'. A wonderful musical.

    Linda, Have a lovely long weekend in Wales. I hope it won't be typical Bank Holiday weather for you.

    AQ, I did laugh at your shopping without your " teenage OH ".  

  • Morning all: OH has not emerged from under the covers yet; he is by nature very quiet and is probably shell-shocked from all the company and constant chatter over the few days.  I shall leave him to recover in peace before I start nattering again.

    Margo: Good to hear from you but sorry it's taken so long to get over that pesky cold.  Your OH sounds very smart and capable and obliviously has his priorities straight. What a great guy he is!  Do hope you can do justice to a meal out soon.  Hugs and more hugs to you both.

    Have done nothing with pile of laundry - but will tackle it now or it may take on a life of its own.  Sister and BiL all checked in at LAX and waiting to board flight to Chicago before taking overnight flight to Heathrow this evening. I shall be tracking their flights on Flightradar24.  Their daughter will meet the plane tomorrow then take them to her place for cups of tea, dinner, and a good night's sleep before they head back to Lincolnshire Friday.

    Have read everyone's news but will go back later to make sure I haven't missed anything important like someone winning the lottery, etc...

    The laundry beckons....

  • Disgraceful:



    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Strongly agree with you, OG. The odds are very much against anyone being caught though.

  • Very upsetting. Can't say what I'd like to punish the perpetrator(s) with......

  • Annette - I expect your sister & OH will need a good rest when they touch down, as it's the worst direction of travel for jet lag:  my d.in.law was in Washington recently and said the worst part was feeling hung over the next day after her return.

    Never mind the laundry, it will disappear eventually!

    My OH liked the shirt, which was a relief as he usually says "I don't need any clothes". I made him try it on and he looked very smart (Light blue summer shirt w short sleeves).