Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 April 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

I'll be back soon to catch up with everyone.

  • Lovely to read your news. Heather glad the christening went well.

    Managed the gym this morning but OH still can't come in for a swim so it was a brief visit.   Having stitches out on Thursday and hopefully back to normal next week with gym.

    Had to book into my OH's favourite restaurant for Fathers' Day already as it gets booked up pretty quickly. He loves a carvery and we go to one in Dunchurch, nr. Rugby.

    Brother is still waiting for the family home to be renovated. Nothing has been done since before Christmas now.   There was a meeting with the developer and planning people the other week but developer has admitted that he is strapped for cash so goodness knows when the house is going to be made much more habital.

  • Happy Anniversary to DIBLIB and enjoy the celebration on Thursday - hopefully some better weather by then!

    Everyone else - I still hope to catch up some time, but off to the theatre this evening - Fiddler on the Roof.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Enjoy that, OG - there are some great tunes in that one!

    We've just had the promised rainstorm with thunder and lightning, half an hour ago....  what next?  My poor blooms were wobbling in the garden as the hail hit them.  Our Magnolia Stellata is a picture this year, it keeps growing and is even bigger each time than the last.  I always think of my Mother when I look at it, as she planted it and would have been so pleased to see it flourishing so well.

    I've prepared a lot of the Malta pics but no time to put them on here this week as we are off out tomorrow, followed by going to Wales on Thursday for a couple of days - I'll post some after that. We collected our old car and its had a new section on the exhaust pipe plus a couple of little tweaks, but it will keep going for a while yet!

  • Well another day of snow sleet and rain...

    We keep saying oh it's late this year but FB sent me an anniversary reminder of a photo I posted on this day last year. It was identical to the one I took at 10am:-)

    Had arranged for Daisy to go to kennels to sort out the lawn but this is now on hold until next bank holiday. I have booked an away few days in a Spa log cabin in Perthshire.

    Enjoy Fiddler OG I remember seeing Topol in it long before I got married and we had to book tickets months in advance but so so worth the wait.

  • Stair rod hail a few mins ago!!!

    OG  My Mum used to go to see musicals in Edn with a Finnish friend of hers. She said to me on the phone one day "Maria wants me to go and see Fiddler on the roof". I don't really want to, I don't know anything from it". I attempted to sing some of the music down the phone, then asked if she knew who was playing the lead, was it Topol I asked. That sounds right, she said. She was told in no uncertain terms that she had to go and of course she just loved it. Apparently Topols daughter was in it too.    Have a great evening OG.

  • Evening all from under a giant pile of laundry - sheets, towels, etc., etc.... now piled on floor in front of washer and dryer.  Sister and BiL ensconced in hotel near LA Airport; OH and I are back in our own beds. Wonderful visit; would never move so far away from family if I could do it again, but oh well....

    Will catch up in next day or three....

    Meanwhile, am wondering if any news from Margo and if she got out for a meal last weekend....

  • Good Morning,  Everyone. Bright at my window here, after a cold night which left frost on our lawn.

    Annette - Sounds as if all went to plan with your lovely family visit: you will be tired now after all that travelling and excitement. It's great that travel is possible for such great distances in this modern day, but nevertheless, it must be emotional for you to have to bid goodbye and start looking forwards to the next time you can all be reunited.

    I think every day of dear Margo, do hope that she is picking up again. 

  • Glorious weather ta the moment. Do hope it stays that way. This afternoon I hope to walk with a new friend and her dog. Maisie apparently can be a bit of a handful on walks as she dislikes other female dogs. Let's hope we don't meet any!!!!. I have been so lucky with my dogs as they have all been other dog friendly apart from Harvey who had been very badly attacked as a young dog. He didn't go all out to fight other dogs but just wanted to be left alone to do his own thing. Swim this morning at a leisurely pace as still pretty tired.

  • I went food shopping on my own today. It was so nice not to have a sulky teenager trailing behind, oops, I mean OH trailing behind!