Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 April 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

I meant to tell you all this story.

Early last week, during the very high winds, I had to go north for groceries. I was unloading my shopping and struggling to walk in the gales. I saw R.T. Hawk and his pale mate (the red-tailed hawk pair) riding the thermals together.

R.T. started to glide over the creek toward town, and then he saw me watching him. He circled all the way back and flew right toward me. He turned into the wind and pumped his wings, so that he was hovering in one place right above me. He looked at me in the eyes for several seconds! Then he turned and flew on his way. I don't know what made him fly over to see me.

I haven't seen any hawk juveniles around this year.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

Nokota Wild Horses on the prairie in North Dakota
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • CLARE  so very glad you have got a job, congratulations.

    Was about to hang the washing out when the rain started.

    Benson is not happy. He usually gets toast corners, but not today as we had croissants. He definitely feels hard done by.

    Have sponsored a friend for tomorrows London marathon. Her grandson has some neurological disorder so she is raising money for that society. She was going to do it last year but her GP advised against it as she had been through the mill when her husband had  a very serious motorbike accident and was in Raigmore for some time.

  • Good Morning Everyone. Rain overnight, but at the moment it is a bright morning.

    Happy St Georges Day.

    Also remembering that it is William Shakespeare's 400th Anniversary of his death today. We always see one of his plays at least once a year.

    I hope Linda is having a good drive to her son and his family.

    OG, Do take care of yourself. I have booked a gardener to come and help with redesigning our gardening. I don't want OH to have any 'accidents' with his eyes. He has been told no heavy lifting until the Drs give the all clear.

    Clare, So glad your first day back at work went so well.

    Dibnlib, Best wishes to your friend for tomorrow's marathon.

  • OH has now sponsored a friend for the Inverness ETAPE. A 66 mile bike ride Inv and round Loch Ness and back. She is doing it for MS which she was diagnosed with a couple of years ago. There is an article about her in the Inv Courier and also in The Daily Record.

  • not long back from his walk and eating his supper he has gone to his favourite resting place half way up the stairs with his muzzle through the ratings so he doesn't miss anything. This is a new habit and really funny to look at.

  • Didn’t take anti-inflammatories today; very pleased with myself – and not hurting too much.  Coffee morning was good, and we had a good long chat with another couple (they live very near, but we only meet at events) so was standing rather a long time.  We had already been sitting down for coffee after looking at the various stalls, and had actually been on our way out!  We came home and made our soup and then spent time on a quiz which we had bought and will send in for marking.  Finally we went into the garden and I trimmed the edges while OH strimmed round the fence posts etc, so not a very busy day.

    Linda – I hope you have had a lovely day with the Grandsons; I am sure they enjoyed the cake – haven’t made a marble cake for years!.

    Dibnlib – good to see a post from you; sorry the rain came when you wanted to hang washing – we managed to dry the duvet cover today without a repeat of the decoration by the birds!  I can imagine Benson peeping through the stairs; they like to make sure they know what is going on!

    Brenda – good idea to get a gardener in so that your OH doesn’t take risks with his eyes.  Has he had a result yet from the mouth biopsy?

    I hope that Heather is having a good family time and that all goes smoothly at the christening, and that Margo has been strong enough for a meal out.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Dibnlib, Love the thought of Benson with his nose through the stair rails. He will be able to keep check on which floor you are on, at least.

    OG,  OH's biopsy result could be anytime from two to six weeks after the biopsy was taken. Eye check up on Monday.

    Watching the Shakespeare concert from Stratford upon Avon, but not quite sure it is what I expected. 

  • Hello all

    What a great day, christening was lovely, double christening with Arabella's cousin.Four hymns that everyone knew (!), lovely weather and a super buffet in Worfield village hall. Now at son's home with a few friends. Tomorrow is eldest daughter's birthday, we will have a day out somewhere. Then home on Monday.

  • Glesni has laid her 3rd egg.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good evening everyone. I am just catching up on last week.

    Thank you for all the info about the Canaries, Lindy. Very interesting. We obviously missed  quite a lot.

    If we went again, Fuerteventura looks the sort of place we would like, as well.

    Loved the fishes.  

    Glad you also had good experience with medical treatment.

  • So pleased everything was so enjoyable at the Christening, Heather. Have a great time tomorrow.

    Hi Rosy.