Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 March 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Has somebody let Margo know the wonderful news?  I don't know if she'll have the camera up.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare Bailey said:

    Has somebody let Margo know the wonderful news?  I don't know if she'll have the camera up.

    Good thinking.....

  • MaryGK said:

    Yippee a friend texted me to say EJ home OMG those captures of our girl are such a sight for teary eyes.  Can't wait to get home to see her on screen, to say I am ecstatic is an understatement. 

    Sorry wrong thread

    I would have said it was the right thread!  It's fair to say we're all celebrating her return, even if this is technically for non-osprey chat.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Great to see EJ back safe and sound - I wonder what dramas we will have this year.

    On a different note I just wanted to let you all know about Havergate Island - well worth a visit if you are in the suffolk area - you do have to book for the boat trip.

    Havergate Island Hare Trip Saturday 19th.

    Havergate Island Hare Trip Saturday 19th. I posted the below on their page.

    Well at last I have got to Havergate island and have seen the Hares. A big THANK YOU to all the guides and volunteers for all their help and information. As a bonus we also saw a great numbers of fantastic birds including a Spoonbill and a Marsh Harrier. I will definitely be returning to Havergate and recommend it to all.

  • Fantastic, Harelady!  I'm delighted you enjoyed it.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Now to catch up on posts – if I can keep my eyes off the Bird!

    A cloudy day forecast, but dry; it is actually quite thin white cloud, and the sun has come through a couple of times, so gardening will go ahead when OH has finished a few messages in town.  J is not at work – and has no voice at all; he will need to make his own dinner this evening as we two will be eating out at our National Trust Group AGM with supper.

    Linda – lunch and family catch-up sounds good.  Sorry about Bonnie’s behaviour when you were away; hope you can find a solution to her apparent insecurity – it does seem strange, since she sees your S-i-L quite often.  Sorry she found her way onto your bed, but your S-i-L might have had to give in on that one to avoid further other problems. 

    Wendy – how lucky you are to hear the Ospreys around; I am sure you will soon see one, or more, on your walks.

    Brenda – I too am not looking forward to the Easter weather, it sounds much too wet for me – not that I intend to wear an Easter bonnet!  I seem to remember you having lock trouble before, with your front door; pleased the locksmith came up with the diagnosis and solution, albeit expensive. 

    Heather – I hope Brother’s phone call was not too depressing.

    AQ – sorry the girls did not synchronise their day better, and that you had the added burdens of the puppy and your Daughter being ill yet again; I hope Monday passed more smoothly.

    Annette – lots of travelling going on in your family; you were wise to visit sooner and avoid the large-scale birthday party.  I was sorry your GD separated from the rather promising boyfriend and then had a bad shared house experience, but pleased that she has found a nice house with room for the menagerie.  I wonder whether the little white rabbit is destined to live there or back with your Daughter.  I am sure you will enjoy being back on your Whale shift today.

    Clare – thanks for link to the boat story – I see it has found its way onto Facebook too.

    Have emailed Margo re EJ.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Unknown said:
    Now to catch up on posts – if I can keep my eyes off the Bird!

    I can't!!

    Unknown said:
    Have emailed Margo re EJ.

    She's aware.  She's posted on the new Daily Update.  Thanks for that.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • LINDY - Could Bonnie's behaviours be something to do with her breeding, not just her breed?

    Lindybird said:

    Dogs are usually rewarding as long as you're prepared to put in the time on training and lots of walks. We've had dogs and puppies before, but this one really is something else.

    Yesterday I popped into the garden to fill the bird feeders, to hear the steady thundering crashing sound as she hurled herself bodily at the fence on the far side of the garden, trying to get out. She kept it up for five minutes before she gave up. In a way, I felt strangely glad that my sis in law found her "challenging" as I don't want our friends and relatives to think that it's just us, doing things wrongly.

  • OG, We did have a lock problem a couple of years ago. We then needed a new lock barrel, which meant all new keys. Sorry "J" is still ill.

    Just had a lovely long call from son and his wife. 35c there today. Even Penny came to the screen and gave a yap, when I called her.

    I had an upset stomach yesterday and although I feel better today, I am not going to play bowls.