Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 March 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Heather B said:
    By any chance did you see CLARE's picture of EJ yesterday, on the Daily Update with the link to 'Someday my Prince will come'. I hope that I wasn't the only one to sit at my computer and chuckle.

    Glad you liked it!  I shall have to think of other appropriate songs to link to captures through the season.  EJ is such an expressive bird!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • The rain didn't arrive here until late afternoon. We were trapped in the house this morning, as the builders office, tea room and storage container were put on the site today. Three massive lorries, with cranes were needed. We were forewarned, but didn't think it was going to take over three hours. We were all very patient though.

    Margo, The sun didn't arrive here, after our conversation yesterday. Pleased to hear that you were able to book a table for Monday. Enjoy tomorrow, when the sun is supposed to shine. I noticed the roads were getting busy when I went to Waitrose, late afternoon. I even saw a few caravans being towed towards the coast, in spite of the terrible weather forecast. I see we both have a warning for gales on Saturday, together with the rain.

    Linda, Sorry about your lost post. Hope you managed to do all your Easter shopping.

    Our son and his wife are spending the weekend in Bali. I am jealous LOL  

  • CLARE - it was great. And the pic you chose, with EJ looking into the distance!!!

  • BRENDA- not surprised you are jealous. The weather here today was very gusty. Strong Southwest winds. I wish that we had a member in the Western Isles. We would have probably heard that they couldn't stand up straight.

    I know that I have missed some replies that I wanted to make. Bear with me, tomorrow is another day.

  • OG:  It was frustrating earlier - I didn't post a huge long post, as I had already had a problem with putting on a "like", and had had to sign in again. But of course now I have to remember what I had been planning to say......

  • LINDY - for whatever reason, I had to sign in today both on my PC and the Kindle. Weird.

  • Diane - hope the storms you expected wern't too bad, and you keep your power.

    OG - The room only has wallpaper on three walls, & the 4th wall has two large glazed doors leading out into the conservatory which has just plaster, which we've painted a soft yellow. This has some grooves and marks on it which it's hard to conceal. Some years ago we treated the ceiling with this product, as it had marks on it from previous building alterations, and the finish is rather like the spiky top of an iced Christmas cake! But on the wall/s I fancy a different effect, with rough stripes....oh, heck, that sounds weird written down....  Anyway, we're going to try out a small section on this bare wall. The wallpaper on the rest is only one sheet thick, so should be easy to remove.

    Margo -  Very sensible, not going on the roads at such a busy time. We are off to visit on Saturday, when we hope to have missed the exodus of Thurs/Friday. Normally we don't travel on Bank Holidays, but have to see Amber soon as not seen her since Christmas. Hope you enjoy your steak, which I can imagine already, yum!

  • Good evening; just been ordering cheese online as I had a special Easter offer – we buy and freeze.  No trouble posting here – and not had to sign in recently.

    Brenda – rain here was only in the morning and paths all dried in the afternoon – even some bright patches towards sunset!  Tomorrow should be pleasant, but OH is off to Homebase for a drill bit (for long screws for the towel rail) in the morning, and we shall be going to church in the evening (ecumnical service for Good Friday).  Builders’ set-up sounds very professional for just a few houses – hope their building skills match up to their tea arrangements!  There have been quite a number of caravans along the A75 this week, with sites all along the coast from here to Stranraer.  The heat of Bali wouldn’t suit me, but I hope your Son and DiL enjoy it.

    Linda – I hope the wall experiment goes well and you will be able to continue the job – is that for after your family time away, or starting before you go?  Have a great weekend with the Grandchildren, and safe travel, and I hope Bonnie will settle in kennels.

    Very tired this evening, and didn’t like my dinner after cooking it;  I don’t like having to do meals at this time of year – much prefer winter or summer when the weather is more definite.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I had a hectic morning. Before I left, I checked my handbag and found some vouchers - disappointing to see that one with a discount of five pounds was out of date, grr. Then, on the journey I got held up for over 20 minutes at a junction, but was behind a large truck so couldn't see what was going on. I wondered if there had been a bump, but when we finally moved it was a team of workmen doing maintenance to street lights which had caused huge queues.

    When I reached the shopping centre, the car parking seemed OK, but inside it was very busy. There was a Sale on! I bought myself some new vests (!) and looked for a b'day present for my OH. The shop was filling up.....I bought a few things, including some photo frames for our children instead of Easter eggs, then went into the fray in the Food Hall. People were in there filling up huge trolleys with grub and milling around. I grabbed a chocolate dinosaur for Tomasz, and some small eggs for the little ones. After a while, I gave up and queued to get out. Then I went back to the Mens  Dept. and bought a jacket for my OH, on impulse! - it wasn't what I'd planned, but I took it home & he tried it on and liked it - phew! (It's his birthday on Tuesday next but never mind).

    Got home after a couple of mad hours of shop & travel, felt very tired. Did some ironing this afternoon. Missions accomplished, though!

  • OG - Hope you're not doing too much, making yourself tired.  We don't know when we're going to find the time to get the redecorating done! Should get back home next Monday, then probably off again, to Wales the following Thursday!