Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 March 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • AQ: Ouch. I hope the pain will ebb very soon and you will heal very quickly.

    Brenda: I've been meaning to say that I hope your OH's eye pressure has been relieved by the procedure and all is going as predicted. Best to him, and I hope you're feeling better now.

    Heather: I hope you can get your kitchen -- just the way you want it.

    Lindy: I hope a solution can be found for your Bonnie dilemma.

    Harelady: Congrats on seeing the hares! I would love to see them! Sounds like a very nice day for you.

    OG: I hope J is feeling much improved and that you won't catch his illness. Eagle-Eye has certainly been doing a lot of work on your lawn. I noticed with horror yesterday that I'm going to have to mow soon.

    Annette: Glad you saw a few whales. Hope you're feeling better.

    All: Happy Full Moon tomorrow. There's a subtle penumbral lunar eclipse visible in the U.S. -- especially California -- tomorrow. Info here. The Slooh Observatory will livestream a special show on the Full Moon tonight.

    Have a good day, all.  

  • Good Morning, All. Had a night completely flaked out after getting very tired yesterday, we are both stressed over our doggie problem but feel better for having talked to the (young) Vet about it. She described the breed as "Mad Spaniels" and indicated that it's not uncommmon for them to be hyper about their inbred 'duties' of guarding us and chasing perceived intruders - in our case, every cat, pigeon, butterfly, bee, etc.

    She gave us the name of a training school and also a personal trainer, who turned out to be the one my OH had already seen.......

    Bonnie is a purebred Springer, we have her pedigree from the Kennel Club, and we saw her mother when we went to choose a pup: she seemed normal.


    Oh dear, AQ!  Just what you don't need. I do hope that as it doesn't appear to be broken, it will heal soon. But it will be a darned nuisance, I'm sure :-( {HUGS}

  • OG:  Hope that J will soon recover, and as Diane says, that you both stay free of catching it. I see you're already busy in the garden & greenhouse. My OH has been popping down to the allotment every day to start on the digging and planting.

    Diane: Thanks for the links. Ill try to pop in to see, but very busy here and now, of course also have one eye on the LG nest all day, too! You don't say how you are yourself: I hope you're feeling better now.

    Annette: Great that you got to see some whales whilst on your shift.

  • Heather & Wendy - never been in your position, but can see the difficulties of being a 2nd wife- Heather, you have been very patient and did a very difficult thing by not insisting on moving to a new house after your marriage. This would also make it harder for your stepchildren not to see you as an interloper. Good Luck with the new kitchen plans.

    Wendy:  Great that your daughter got the job!

    Brenda: Hope you're feeling better after your upset. I should have thought that it was not uncommon for your OH to find it a while for his eye to settle down after such a procedure - hope he can find it improving soon.

  • Heather: I hope your close friends in Brussels are okay. I've just seen the breaking news of the massive explosions and the evacuation of the airport.

  • It's all very muddled news: the drama is not over yet.  The BBC helpfully announced which UK flights had recently taken off safely from there.

  • Now that I think about it, I believe I'm wrong about Heather's friends location. I think they're in Denmark. Sorry, Heather. I was just trying to be supportive.

    Yes, Lindy, I think they are trying to figure out what's happened. Must be chaos there.

  • More bad news still arriving.....these are sad times for the world.

  • DIANE - It isn't me who has close friends in Brussels, sorry. Strangely though we do know someone who works at the NATO headquarters there, she is or was, haven't had news of her for a while, a Danish military doctor.

    On the BBC news website it said that security in Brussels had been upgraded to highest level. Strange, if that is so. I would have thought that it would already been at that level due to recent events ( arresting a suspect linked to Paris bombing and saying that there appeared to be a lot more of them in Belgium).

    PS DIANE just read your latest post- and thank you for thinking of me. Yes, it is Denmark you were thinking of.
  • Quick post - have just emailed my Cousin in Brussels - praying.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!