What do gardeners, baseball fans and osprey watchers all have in common? “ In the Spring a young man’s (OSPREY’s) fancy gently turns to thoughts of love”, and especially in the spring, “Hope springs eternal in the human breast.”
As gardeners planting seeds and wee plants, we can envision that perfect colorful garden that for me anyway never quite materializes. As a baseball fan I can envision my Cincinnati Red’s as World Champions come fall, or at least playing in the Playoffs.
As Osprey lovers, now is when we wait and HOPE and wait some more, while we envision first EJ’s return, then Oden and some spectacular sky dances. Then the mating, then three beautiful eggs and then (Oh, joy) three perfect little bobbleheads. Best not to think too much further ahead, lest we get into the time of parting and tears. But that is for later.
Now is the time of HOPE.!!
From Facebook
Now to read some other threads and find out when she returned, and to check the cam and see for myself.
Snippit from Carnyx cam.
She's still here, sitting on her perch, contentedly looking about, with fish clutched securely in claw. No doubt about who this is - Her white band is in plain sight, with "EJ" pointed clearly to the front.
EJ is seated in her usual lookout spot as I capture this snippit, but now she has gone, leaving an empty nest for the moment. Earlier she was digging at the cup.
Good evening June you have some lovely captures of EJ. Ispecially like the last one where she is sitting on the edge of her nest looking out over her territory.
Waiting for Odin? I hope it isn.t too long a wait. Too much can happen. Odin's main rival is gone, but what about last summers trouble-makers.
Anyway EJ is bck early to stake out her claim.
lets hope the bad boy Fenrir doesnt cause trouble this year! I really would like him to have a nest of his own as im rather fond of him. Hes a fighter and i think a survivor just unwelcome at the palace!
Its really the end of an era with Blue XD gone and will miss him :(
Good evening all. Grewat news that 5N also back at Rutland! Lokk forward to seeing who arrives tomorrow! Always looking on my phone (now that I have discovered how to use TWITTER!)
So,Willow, you can bring us news from Twitter and I'll bring some from Facebook. Of course I will be watching the LG cam as much as possible, as well as peeking in at Manton Bay, LOTL and Dyfi.