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     From Facebook


    Now to read some other threads and find out when she returned, and to check the cam and see for myself. 

  •     Snippit from Carnyx cam.

    She's still here, sitting on her perch, contentedly looking about, with fish clutched securely in claw.  No doubt about who this is - Her white band is in plain sight, with "EJ" pointed clearly to the front.

  • EJ is seated in her usual lookout spot as I capture this snippit, but now she has gone, leaving an empty nest for the moment.  Earlier she was digging at the cup.

  • Good evening June you have some lovely captures of EJ. Ispecially like the last one where she is sitting on the edge of her nest looking out over her territory.

  • Waiting for Odin?  I hope it isn.t too long a wait.  Too much can happen.  Odin's main rival is gone, but what about last summers trouble-makers.

    Anyway EJ is bck early to stake out her claim.

  • lets hope the bad boy Fenrir doesnt cause trouble this year! I really would like him to have a nest of his own as im rather fond of him. Hes a fighter and i think a survivor just unwelcome at the palace!

  • Its really the end of an era with Blue XD gone and will miss him :(

  • Good evening all. Grewat news that 5N also back at Rutland! Lokk forward to seeing who arrives tomorrow! Always looking on my phone (now that I have discovered how to use TWITTER!)

  • So,Willow, you can bring us news from Twitter and I'll bring some from Facebook.  Of course I will be watching the LG cam as much as possible, as well as peeking in at Manton Bay, LOTL and Dyfi.  

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