What do gardeners, baseball fans and osprey watchers all have in common? “ In the Spring a young man’s (OSPREY’s) fancy gently turns to thoughts of love”, and especially in the spring, “Hope springs eternal in the human breast.”
As gardeners planting seeds and wee plants, we can envision that perfect colorful garden that for me anyway never quite materializes. As a baseball fan I can envision my Cincinnati Red’s as World Champions come fall, or at least playing in the Playoffs.
As Osprey lovers, now is when we wait and HOPE and wait some more, while we envision first EJ’s return, then Oden and some spectacular sky dances. Then the mating, then three beautiful eggs and then (Oh, joy) three perfect little bobbleheads. Best not to think too much further ahead, lest we get into the time of parting and tears. But that is for later.
Now is the time of HOPE.!!
Oh Willow, I am so sorry to hear about your duck--very sad. I agree with Keith--hope another love turns up for the drake.
Kind regards, Ann
Thankyou Keith and Gardenbirder. The drake now seems to be "hanging out" with 2 other drakes now. If its the same one!
Live cam this minute from Cliff Cam #3 at Sumburgh Head, Shetland.
From Facebook
Willow you will be happy to know that the Dyfi cam is up and running as am I.
My own snippit from Dyfi osprey cam just this minute. http://www.dyfiospreyproject.com/streamhttp://www.dyfiospreyproject.com/stream
The above link may or may not take you to the cam, but the Dyfi osprey cam is out there, up and running.
This is what I get when I Google Loch Garten Osprey cam. Last year's link did not work for me.
Good evening all. June thank you for the pics of the Northern lights so wonderful to see and would love to one day! So excited that the Dyfi cam is up and running!
Im just hoping they arrive home safely and now take nothing for granted now specially after the death of our dear BlueXD. Wont be long now before 30(05) will leave her beach paradise for her other home, safe journey to them all :)
Hi Willow, I'm checking "my" four cams in preeration for the upcoming season. My link from 2015 for Rutland brings me to this information: