Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 February 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Annette: This is the way that you encourage moles and gophers to leave your property. LOL LOL

Everyone have a wonderful week.

  • Good Morning Everyone. A much calmer, drier morning.

    Clare, Typos can be very funny, but I do wonder about the people, who are paid to check for such mistakes. As Annette says, the TV can be horrendous, with elementary mistakes. Must double check before I post on here LOL

    Annette,  Looks like a straight fight between Clinton and Trump,  now. 

    I have to shop for neighbours, who return from Australia tomorrow morning. Must remember to higher their CH temperature, as they are definitely going to notice the the difference in the weather temperatures. 

  • Good morning, all.  No frost, but no sun either, although I think it might break through later for several hours before evening rain.  Cleaning day for OH, and I shall bake something – gingerbread, I think.  J went out to a meeting last evening, and we watched some recorded programmes – Robson Green in Northumberland (series 3) and a Landward (BBC Scotland) left over from December.  J will also be out at his church small-group this evening.

    Brenda – weather sounds rough down there; glad you were in the car when the hailstones were bad!  Sorry your OH has to add a visit to the dental hospital to his other medical woes!  I guess his eye ops will take priority over all other appointments.  Thanks for heads up on Jen’s long and lovely blog; it makes the Osprey season seem even closer.

    Clare – LoL – not surprised you won’t be applying to that company!

    Annette – the many phonecalls days are a nightmare, especially when you need to do things in a certain order and the first one isn’t available!  Enjoy the cool days!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • ANNETTE    My cousin has been ill since her early 20s. She had a colostomy at 29 and a hysterectomy at 32. She has ALD (Adreno Luko Dystrophy) and she was continually in hosp for tests. The illness took years to diagnose as it is very rare in the UK, though I believe more common in the US.  She continued to deteriorate and some years ago after collapsing she was hospitalised again and was there for over a year. Horrifically she got bed sores which although all sorts of methods were tried ( a pyramid in her back and also maggots!!!!)  her heels were also affected and nothing worked. Gangrene set in and her leg was amputated. Along the way she was diagnosed with diabetes (no rhyme nor reason, she certainly wasn't overweight. This 2nd amputation is indeed because of the diabetes compromising the veins in her lower leg. The last year has been particularly harrowing for them. She has been in and out of hosp again, including a stay in a Madrid hosp when they were on holiday. We feel for her so much and of course her OH who has also spent a lot of time visiting her.

  • DIBNLIB- so sorry to hear about your cousin, a lifetime of disability but she sounds so brave and so supported by her OH. I hope that you will not miss Benson too much next week! Safe journey.

    CLARE- the typo may have been the newspaper's fault?

    OG- enjoy your lunch tomorrow!

    Always good to get an update from you, LYNETTE!

    Hope everyone is as OK as can be. Nothing exciting happening here. Made soup, did some washing, vacuuming and dusting. You can tell how boring it all is, I was dusting inside a cabinet and rearranging some things! Why, I don't know.

    I booked our flights home from Denmark, yesterday. I may have mentioned before that our friends arrive here in May, stay a few days and then we will travel back on DFDS ferry with them from Newcastle to Amsterdam. Then we'll drive with them up to Denmark. Weather and wind permitting we will do some sailing with them before flying home a few days later./p>

  • BRENDA- Sorry that your OH has another thing to contend with but you obviously have an observant dentist even if she thinks it is her fault!

    You are a good neighbour. They will certainly feel the difference in temperatures.

  • BRENDA     sorry to hear your OH has more to contend with.

  • BRENDA    I remember many years ago when a friend and I flew back from Singapore. The flight originated in Oz in sweltering temperatures and landed at LHR in a temp of plus 3. Those from Oz were horrified, my friend and I were mightily relieved to get home to something more tolerable.

  • Heather – nothing exciting here, either, unless you count baking (gingerbread passed the sampling test), ironing and a shopping list to send OH to Tesco tomorrow!  Not sure whether you had mentioned the Danes’ visit and your European trip back with them; pleased you got your return flight booked.  All sounds very adventurous!

    Dibnlib – no experience of temperature extremes for me – I stay put in the UK!

    Got really painful back ache today – been trying some isometric exercises – no difference yet, so sitting up very straight to make it bearable – may resort to an ant-inflammatory before bed tonight.  I think it’s still a leftover from whatever attacked me early in the week.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG- hope that you manage to get some sleep and that the pain eases off.

    It isn't really adventurous, their boat isn't a small sailboat,it has two sleeping cabins plus the usual galley and living area. The worst part for me is the big step up on to the bow when boarding. OH is much more confident than me in that respect.
  • Nothing exciting here either. Washed the bedding today, after shopping this morning. A very quick vacuum this afternoon.

    OG, I do hope your back pain eases and that you will enjoy your lunch tomorrow.

    Heather, I like the sound of your boating holiday. I would enjoy it, but my OH prefers to stay on dry land.

    Dibnlib, I think my neighbours will be moaning about how cold it will be when they arrive. They will be bringing the step sister of one of them, back here for a holiday. She has never been to the UK before.

    Our daughter will be visiting again tomorrow, ( with Ruby of course )