Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 February 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Annette: This is the way that you encourage moles and gophers to leave your property. LOL LOL

Everyone have a wonderful week.

  • Brenda I so will..

    So many lovely memories for the 3 of us..

    Not always done together but that's life ...

  • Ditto from me, Wendy!

    Good to see an update from you, MARGO. I hope that you and your OH have a lovely weekend xx

    OG- Glad that you are feeling better today.

    It has been very wet here today but no snow. I decided to clear and clean our larder fridge. Boring but necessary.

  • Heather I have done 2 days of boring but unnecessary ...

    Pleased no snow at airport .

    Margo more hugs :-)

  • Good evening!  Passed two days on the edge of normality with numerous appointments for the two of us!  Feeling better now. And of course have nothing planned for tomorrow – so will endeavour to stay well for lunch at OTB on Friday – just a decision, not passing by on a journey!  Pleased with yesterday’s haircut (his too) and a good chat with my GP.  Blood test this morning – and, unusually for me, discovered a nasty bleed after, but controlled it with normal first aid – then check-up by new dentist this afternoon.  I have to have a very old filling replaced and OH needs yet another repair to his denture – first time for this one, which was new only last year when he kept breaking the previous one!  J’s day was frustrating as a main participant failed to turn up for the meeting for which he went to work on his day off!  Saw snowflakes this morning, after a wet night, but in the main a reasonable and milder day with just slight showers – still wet underfoot.  Three days without catching a mouse – but we saw one under the bird feeders this morning – maybe they have returned to summer quarters under the deck, so we shall have to put traps outside now.

    Annette – sorry you have mislaid the comfortable jacket – I hope you locate it soon.  I had a little chuckle at your “Hope the pool empties out for your next swim” comment to Lynette – got a picture of her trying to swim in a pool with no water!  BTW, I hope your forecast rain really happens at the weekend!

    Lynette – it just hit me today that now it is March I can get the propagators out and start sowing earliest seeds under glass!  I’d be lost without a garden.

    Margo – I hadn’t realised it would take so long to get that bone marrow result!  And it must have been terrible to think you might have to wait until April – I am glad it is only two weeks now.  Pleased you and OH have plans for your weekend, with breakfast on Friday and steak dinner on Saturday!

    Brenda – I do hope the other Oak Tree with the TPO will survive all the disturbance nearby.

    Dibnlib – do you know whether Rita is still down south or back at her home now, and whether she had her surgery?  So sorry to read about your cousin needing a second amputation; I hope she has safely come through the op.  Safe journeys for you two next week, visiting the various family members.

    Wendy – good to read that you and Daisy got a good walk today before the blizzard – hope roads and runway will be clear tomorrow.  Have fun!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • WENDY   enjoy your hols

    OG   hope you are feeling better. Don't know where Rita is at the mo. She may have gone back to relatives after the surgery.

    Cousins lovely husband said he would be in touch after the op. If we can see her on our journey North, we will try, but don't want to intrude. She only got a sitting prothesis after the first amputation as she was told she wasn't strong enough to walk, so I expect it will be the same this time round.

  • We have had very heavy hailstones, sleet and rain with gusty winds. I sat in the car for 20mins. waiting for one hail shower to finish. it all stopped about 2pm. More forecast for tonight.

    Dibnlib, So sorry to hear about your cousin. That really must have been devastating news for her. I hope her operation is successful and hope that she will be able to cope, in time.

    OG, OH went to have a filling replaced and the dentist noticed that he had a mark on his cheek, inside his mouth. She says that she is 99% sure that it is her fault, as when she is using the amalgam, it can mark the skin. The Health Dept now insist that any marks in the mouth have to be followed up by an appointment at the hospital, so he now waits for an appointment !!
    How annoying for 'J'.  

  • There is a new LG Blog, tonight.

  • In my ongoing search for a job I've just spotted an advert for a 'Crediot Controller'.  Honestly.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Evening all:

    OG: Glad you're doing better; enjoy lunch on Friday.  Didn't realize I was making things even more challenging for Lynette! :-)   Stay tuned for our weather forecast; it looks promising.

    Margo: I too was surprised it's taking so long to get those test results.  Even two weeks is a long time. Do enjoy your weekend with your OH. Hugs to you both.

    dibnlib: That's going to be hard on your cousin and her OH.  Is she diabetic perhaps?

    Clare: Am I surprised at the spelling? Unfortunately no - I'm the one who's always e-mailing our local television station about typos. Are you going to apply for that job?  :-)

    Haven't done much today - puttered a bit; made lots of phone calls about one thing and another. I found that if I want to get a head start on that kind of thing, I make a list the night before and include the phone numbers so I don't get waylaid finding them which often results in no call.  Lovely and cool and apparently going to get cooler. :-))

    EDIT: Diane: Just saw an item that yesterday,  following Trump's success, Google received an average 500% increase in requests for info about moving to Canada.  Did you hear Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me last week when Peter Segal said that if Trump were President, we'd have a huge wall along the U.S. southern border to keep out the Mexicans and another one along our northern border with Canada to keep out Americans.

  • Unknown said:
    Clare: Am I surprised at the spelling? Unfortunately no - I'm the one who's always e-mailing our local television station about typos. Are you going to apply for that job?  :-)

    No.  If they're that sloppy in advertising themselves heaven only knows what they run themselves like.  Plus the hours aren't what I'm looking for.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.