Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 February 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

The Full Moon is Monday!

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Had a swim this morning. Did a few bits and bobs, then we went to our usual eating place to meet a friend and have lunch.  We had our evening meal, and as usual I went upstairs to change. I came down and only then remembered there was something on at church that I had said I would attend. I really couldn't be bothered to get dressed again so OH has gone unaccompanied!!!

    I know there have been inquiries after Rita. She did send me a PM today. It was nice to hear from her.

  • Heather – pleased your OH managed to find a pruning job to do and could append time outside.  He is very sensible to listen to his smaller appetite as he gets older, so long as he doesn’t get underweight, and I am sure you would notice that.

    Dibnlib – sorry you forgot you were going out – probably best not to rush to get ready, and I am sure you filled the time with your jigsaw!  Glad you had heard from Rita – please tell her we are all asking after her.

    Probably won’t appear tomorrow morning – got to get dinner partly made before going to early afternoon rheumatology clinic.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Dear All

    Jusr a short post to let you know the news from consultant is not particularly good. I had to go back this afternoon for a bone marrow test as she thinks that there may be "blasts" of faulty blood cells and that is why my HB dropped so quickly.. Consultant did the test as she wanted to get it done sooner rather than later, once again I cannot fault the care I am receiving. If what she thinks is correct the chemo would stop as it woukd not be doing anything. Still looking into the dug  trial but she thinks there could be a restriction because of my age. The only option then would be blood and platelet transfusions. Outlook looks a bit bleak at the moment. She will be contacting me when she has rhe results.

    We are both worried as you can guess but still trying to be positive.

    Margo x

  • OG, I don't think the builder knew about the asbestos until the men were stripping ceilings in the house. We did wonder why there has been no work on the site for about ten days.
    Looks as if you are happy with your new clothes, if you are putting them away.
    I hope all goes well at the rheumatology clinic tomorrow.

    Heather, There can't be anything wrong with your OH's diet, if you are preparing his meals and he still seems to be quite active.

    Dibnlib, I don't think I would have wanted to go and change clothes again, when I thought I was settled for the evening. Pleased that you have heard from Rita. I hope all is ok with her. 

    Which one of you is buying the latest Aston Martin ( family car ) £150,000  ?

  • Margo, I wasn't sure that you would feel able to post tonight. Hope you manage to have a good sleep tonight and try not to keep thinking. X

  • Margo - sorry to hear of your not so good news, but yes, try and stay positive. It's always difficult to know what to say in these circumstances but my thoughts and prayers are with you both at this time.

    Annette - glad to hear you got home safely.

    Been cold and sunny down here but no signs of any snow yet but there again we may still get some by the end of the week.

    Just to cheer everyone up , took this just a few mins ago at Dunedin - very windy there.

    one proud mum to be

  • HeatherB - he has to enjoy his life and chocs are my main downfall. If I have any in the house (Christmas Presents) I have to try and get them eaten up to take temptation away. Still wading through them!!!

    Actually, even at my young age! I have cut down my portions and often find that they give you too much when you're out eating at a pub or restaurant and I have to leave some.

    Dibnib - glad you managed your swim. I'm off again to do one tomorrow and hopefully up to speed this time.

  • Margo – Oh dear. Sending you {{{LOTS OF HUGS}}}


    Heather – I read that researchers have found regular chocolate eating (of any variety) assists our cognitive powers – better memory, concentration & problem-solving. Excuse me while I dash out to buy supplies LOL.


    My plan to ignore dog didn’t last yesterday. With Dau unwell & dog not yet housetrained, I had no choice. My afternoon was spent starting chores or play and being interrupted. The highlight was sitting outside with twins. I gave them a small bucket each and they set off collecting leaves from the lawn, while Miss4 was busy with some computer game and Dau rested. This afternoon my OH is helping, arriving in time that Dau can leave twins with him while she collects Miss4 from Kindy. The dog is a Tenterfield terrier.

  • Good morning everyone

    MARGO- I shut down before you posted last night so have only just seen your news. Sending hugs xx

    Back later.

  • Good Morning Everyone. Another frosty morning, but becoming rather cloudy at the moment.

    AQ, I think it will be impossible for you to ignore the pup. I see the breed is known as a family dog and is quite popular. Sorry to see that your daughter is unwell again.

    As you know, daughter will be visiting tomorrow, but I had forgotten, until I got a phone call to remind me, that I have an appointment with the hairdresser at 9.15am, so her Dad will have to entertain her for a couple of hours, or more. I will have to think about what I can prepare for lunch, as we can't eat out, around here, with the dog. 

    I would love to be on board the Flying Scotsman this morning, travelling from Kings Cross to York.