Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 February 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

The Full Moon is Monday!

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Hope this will be fully implemented!


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I certainly hope so, OG. I would like to see it spread across all of the UK.

  • Deleted ..... sorry posted in wrong thread!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Just heard from Linda.

    " Arrived here OK, but very tired after a good journey yesterday. Had a good meal out, then went to bed early !  Sunshine today and met some friends. "

  • Happy to hear that LINDY has arrived safely, BRENDA.

    Another quiet day here. Youngest son in law has heard today that his job (oil industry) is at risk. Long faces all round :-(

  • I am so sorry, Heather. The oil industry is going through a bad patch at the moment, but I hope he doesn't lose his job.

  • OG I don't think I am holding my breath re change in raptor law.

    Chilly day icy walk and a white out before dusk which is now coming later and later.

    Margo thinking of you and OH.

    Heather that is sad especially for the youngsters in the industry. There was an article in the Northern Scot about it affecting the Moray economy.

  • Yes, things are dire. Big cheese (aka the Axe Man) from Norway over here this week. I hope that they don't take too long to decide who goes and who stays.

    Back tomorrow.

  • Hi, all.  Had my normal rheumatology check this afternoon, with the specialist nurse, who talked more about the cancer experience, and its possible effect on my joints etc.  She is allowing me to reduce my weekly methotrexate, but I am allowed to self-medicate and put it back up to the present level if I am not coping in about six weeks.  She also said she thought I might say “no thank you” to physio for my hip, rather than add in more appointments – and I did say “no thank you!”  Maybe when I am not visiting two hospitals and am having less check-ups I will give it another try.  We had a hot chocolate and cake at The Range’s coffee shop and bought the mirror, which OH has put on the bedroom wall this evening.  I also bought some Christmas card toppers because they were half price.

    Margo – I was on my way to bed when you made your brave post last evening!  I was sorry the blood results were so disappointing, and that you had to undergo a bone marrow test.  Do let us know the verdict about whether the chemo is not working on the bad cells in your blood.  I hope it won’t be too long before you know either way, and meanwhile we are thinking of you and your OH.

    Brenda – only problem with new clothes (mostly tops) is that I need some different coloured scarves to wear with some of them!  Sorry the hair appointment clashes with your Daughter’s visit; I hope the time you do have with her will be quality time.  Thanks for letting us know of Linda’s safe arrival.

    Lynette – hoping the swim went well today!

    AQ – unfortunately, I think it is only a small square of chocolate each day which is helpful, otherwise the disadvantages outweigh the benefits!  Sorry puppy chores were needed, but leaf gathering with the twins sounds good.  Pleased to see the breed of dog is supposed to be okay for family homes.

    Heather – our Grandson in oil has been feeling insecure in his job ever since he started – and he has just committed to house ownership, but he is better off than your SiL, in that his wife finished her GP training this summer, and I guess her job is virtually guaranteed!

    Wendy – still cold here – real February weather with frosty mornings but mostly sunny days.

    Tired this evening after going out this afternoon, but will have an easy day tomorrow – apart from ironing!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG - glad to hear your appointment went well and that you were able to discuss what happens next. As you say, visiting two hospitals at present is enough to contend with.

    Swim went well, back up to speed!!  OH saw specialist on Monday re removal of skin cancer and was told 6-8weeks. He had his appointment through today and it will be on March 31st -5wks and 3 days hence at one of our local hospitals and not the General in Northampton.  It turns out it will be the Easter hols so dau can do the ferrying for us. Worked out a treat providing of course we are not hit by the threatened J.Doctors strike!