Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 February 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

The Full Moon is Monday!

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Looking at the other side of the coin. I do hope the puppy doesn't suffer as there is so much else going on and it may not get the attention it needs and deserves. Hope I haven't offended anyone by this comment.

  • LINDY   Best wishes for a great holiday.

    We had a lovely walk at Nairn Beach today. It wasn't nearly as cold as we thought it would be. Lunch at Brodie was good. We thought we would both have salad, but in the end I had roast pork and OH chicken in some sauce. We shared a very naughty meringue. We had to have a browse and of course I ended up buying 2 tops and a scarf and OH a shirt. We walked Benson again before heading home.  I am pretty sure I have at least 2 tops to go in our charity bag.

  • DIBNLIB, you speak as a devoted dog owner and I don't think anyone would be offended. I hadn't thought about the welfare of the puppy, more shame me :-(

  • Oh you lovely people. No one has overstepped the mark, I appreciate and thank you for your support, thoughts, suggestions re nanny duty + dog. I am refusing to do anything with the dog, apart from Stop licking my leg.” “Go away”!!! I reckon I am there to help/play with twins & Miss4. I already rest between chores and take a nap when twins nap. Dau has noticed I never offer to clean bathroom and reluctant to vacuum. She has been doing more herself and often when I arrive the washing is already started, beds changed or whatever. Mostly she needs a referee while she is preparing the evening meal. G-dau has been too busy for nanny duty with extra uni subject over summer “holidays”. (It was brilliant how much she helped last year.) T’other g-m was too unreliable, arriving late or chatting on phone instead of helping, so is not required. My OH reduced to a 4-6 pm shift once a week. Myself reduced to a day & half. I had hopes of further reduction. Til this week - Dau has phlaringitis, her OH stayed home 2 days and today I have an afternoon shift. I am waiting to hear how yesterday went – Miss4 to Kindy while s-i-l took twins to PlayGroup. I bet the other mums fussed over him!

  • LOL AQ!   It sounds as if you are all getting into a routine, anyway.  I agree about the Mums at Playgroup, I bet they loved seeing a Dad with twins! Hope it all works out for you all.

    Well, I must sign off:  I have backache now after bending over suitcases (and shoes!) all day, and my OH has just hoovered downstairs whilst I crammed the last things in.  I hav'nt told him that I have packed two china mugs to take, as there are always some chipped ones where we are going, and when you go to buy replacements, they are often the heavy earthenware ones.  We will leave them there. Also included are a packet of Danish Bacon, lots of cup a soups for lunches, and some herbs etc. for cookery.

    Off to do my nails so that I look respectable in the morning.  A friend is dropping us off at the airport, which is not far away for us. In the morning, my OH insists on making some egg sandwiches for the journey, LOL, as he prefers them to airline food.....

    Everyone take care, especially those not feeling too good, and of course dear Margo.

  • Spent my morning on the phone to my sister, my sister-in-law and then a friend. Not the way I planned my day at all. OH went bowling this afternoon so I then started the HW and the washing. Still have upstairs to start yet. I should have got more done, but I was fascinated, watching the men removing asbestos from the doomed bungalow. They were wearing white suits and face masks.They would appear so often with yellow bags, which were sealed and put in a special vehicle. When they had finished, the men then went into a shower vehicle and their white suits were also put in a yellow bag. I could view all this from the safety of our front bedroom window. LOL

    Heather, You must find your OH's stash of chocolates :-))

    OG, Your OH always seems to find a further job to do. He does sound a very busy man. I did laugh at your remark. - quote -" I did go out to inspect - and also made him some hot chocolate!"

    AQ,  Just tell your daughter that she definitely can't have any more children. I think you need to arrange a holiday for yourself and your OH.  

    Margo, Hope your blood results, tomorrow, will be fine.  

  • Hello AQ - never mind the chores, just R&R whilst you can and get over that cough etc.

    Lovely to hear from you Margo and glad that Billie is keeping you company despite muddy feet and a mind of their own where they will sit. Found one of our cats trying to sleep on top of the bread bin which had my work overall on its top.  She seems to like sleeping on the kitchen worktop at present.

  • Just to let you know - Pinella and Stirling have a second egg. Pic taken just a few mins ago

  • OG,HeatherB, and Wendy - I too remember how generous my mum was after we have been up or down to visit, she always packed me off with some parkin and Lancashire cheese.

    Annette - glad the visit to your grand-daughter was enjoyable if not a bit tiring watching Ms.D. but glad to hear she is enjoying her new job.

  • HeatherB - putting me to shame but if I try and give OH half portions he will moan - he likes his veg, pot, and meat. I can take virtually anything, same as dau, so sometimes he'll have his meat and veg etc and we'll have a pasta or rice dish.  Making soup for the weekend to go before Sunday roast.

    Went for usual swim today but felt tired for some reason, hopefully will get up to scratch on Thursday.   OH saw specialist on Monday and he has to have a minor op to take away the tumour (basel cell). They said he would be called up in 6-8weeks, hopefully before we go away but have informed them when we are away.  Now the J. Doctors are talking about 2 X 48hr strikes again right about the time he could be called up. We'll just have to wait and see.

    Been chilly but sunny and not had the promised frost yet but that could still come as it is forecast for a bitterly cold Easterly wind coming in.

    Don't know where you are off to Lindy but have a great break.

    AQ - well at least you are trying to rest when the twins do and not offering to do some housework. Good for you about the dog.  Take care.