Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), January 3, 2016


Last week's Chat thread is HERE.

Saturday evening was perihelion, the time when Earth reaches its closest point to the Sun for this year. Hello, Sun!

I hope everyone has a wonderful first full week of 2016!

Earth and sun via ISS Expedition 13 / NASA
NASA government photo: Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • I forgot to mention that Limpy and I visited Minsmere yesterday - if you click on my large friend you should find a few of my snaps:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • RITA - I hope that something will come up for you. I get the feeling that this move is one that you will be doing somewhat reluctantly.

    Our Danish friend's parents had a similar arrangement in their bungalow. There was a door that led to a separate bedroom wing. My one storey was badly designed as I soon found out but the big selling point was that the kitchen and living rooms opened out onto a large and very private back garden. The house sold very quickly in 1998 to a couple with just one child so I guess the fact that you had to pass three of the bedrooms before getting to the rest of the house didn't matter too much to them! The garden was the reason I held onto the house for so long. I still miss it after all these years.

  • Lots of one-story houses here - well, it's a big country.  I also like the convenience of having everything on one floor (no lugging vacuum cleaners up and down stairs) and it's much easier to "age in place" (the favored option) in a one-story house. If you have mobility problems in a two-story house, stairs can be a real problem (you can also fall down them!)  We have three (four if you convert my OH's office) bedrooms - with a hall door separating them from the living room, etc.

    Diane: Was that an ISS shot of the sun/earth?

    Clare: Saw a large flock of Great Egrets parked waterside on a small inlet en route home yesterday.  White is hard to miss!

    Rita: What are your priorities in terms of a bungalow?  A garden? Privacy? A view ($$$$s!)  I get the feeling you have no neighbors on top of you in your current home.

  • Good Afternoon.  Been 'resting' since our friends Ieft: we had them around for coffee/tea/sherry and nibbles this morning. Apparently, the lost dice were found the next day! - so no harm done!  Of course, although we had a brief sandwich today after they left, the sherry I had made me sleepy this afternoon. But I watched the recording of the London fireworks again, plus the charming cartoon of  "The Snowman & The Snowdog" which is just so well done.

    Been raining all day here today, so expect to hear later that the residents north of us have had yet another day of flood conditions :-(

    Rita - it must be hard to make a decision about what you want, and where. Good Luck in your search. I am a believer in Fate finding you a way. Things don't always turn out quite how you think they might, but often in retrospect, turn out to be for the best.

    Annette - loved your fountain pics, thank you.  Off to look now at Clares pics!!

  • Well done on your lovely 'in flight' photographs, Clare.

  • Can't comment on the Minsmere thread, Clare, but I certainly did enjoy your captures - I too, love to see swans in flight. One flew over, alone, to the south of our garden the other day and I had no time to fetch the camera but stood transfixed, until it flew out of sight.

    Thanks for posting them, and giving us a link.

  • Hope you are feeling awakened, LINDY!!

    We are apprehensive about Sheana's funeral and our part afterwards, which is the catering.  Her religious affiliation was with The Order of the Cross. They are all either vegetarian or vegan and have a very different interpretation of the New Testament than I am used to. The finger buffet held here will be vegan mainly but with some vegetarian options. None of the members eat meat or animal derivatives.Tomorrow I will visit the health food shop and buy vegan alternative to butter and hopefully some other items. I just want to get it right, for Sheana's sake.

  • Oooooh, Heather, what a job you have given yourself. You have the upset of a friend's funeral, to be followed by providing a vegan buffet. I know you will get it right though. I will be thinking of you. X
  • Heather: Try not to worry. Most vegans/vegetarians are just grateful when someone makes the effort to accommodate their diet. I don't think they will expect a gourmet extravaganza.

    Also, in those situations, I think most people are concentrating on their grief. If not, their attention is on visiting with people they don't see often. If someone's focus is on judging the food, then that says more about his/her character than your food, in my opinion.  I'm sure Sheana appreciates all of your efforts. You are a good friend. I hope you're feeling better.

  • prior to this we have owned 3 bungalows and for us they win over 2 storeys. Another advantage is if you have more bedrooms than you actually need, it is easier to make them a dining room or study etc. 

    LINDY   A few years ago I took a friend to see "The Sowman" as a ballet. Friends husband is MD of a local hauliers and she wants for nothing. The  ballet was wonderful and afterwards she told me it was her best pressie ever. Just goes to prove you don't have to spend a fortune. This year i am afraid it is just a Dunoon mug with boxing hares and the words "Boxers" (she has 2)and I will take her to Tiso for lunch.

    HEATHER When is the funeral and many are you catering for?  What a sterling effort you are making, so much more than the average neighbour....which you obviously aren't.  I am sure everything will go wonderfully well.