Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), January 3, 2016

  • What happened to my paragraph separators? This site is crazy.

  • Unknown said:
    Thanks for more lovely photos! I know you've told me before, but what kind of camera are you using?

    I'm using a Canon 7D - Limpy bought it for me a year ago and I'm getting better with it lately.  I was particularly pleased with my in flight shots!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning --  it's pouring down here, again :-(

  • Good Morning Everyone. Rain overnight. Dry now but rain due to return this afternoon.

    I have been trying to renew my lottery tickets but the site seems to be having trouble. Keeps telling me to try again later as something is going wrong !!! I guess everyone is trying to buy a ticket this morning because of the £60million prize. Just my luck that my tickets ran out this week.

    Annette, Sorry that you needed a cortisone injection. They can be painful, but usually good at easing the pain of the injury. 

    Lynette, It must have been lovely to see all the vintage cars. Pity it was in memory of the gentleman, though, but I am sure he would have been pleased. 

    AQ, Sounds like good fun, painting the house bricks with water. I guess they must have been drying quickly in your temperatures. 

  • Margo is not feeling good. Friday's blood test confirmed that HB level had dropped again. Transfusion is booked for Tuesday.

  • Thanks for news of dear Margo, Brenda, even if it's not too good. Thinking of you every day, Margo.

  • Good morning from Inverness, cold and dreary today.

    ANNETTE- I have known Sheana for almost twenty years, she was 27 years older than me. My OH and the neighbour on the other side started cutting her grass for her when they were doing their own and doing what you generally do to support elderly neighbours, a few years before that. The garden jobs gradually increased and when I retired from full time work at the young age of 54,(!) I enjoyed helping out as I had more spare time. Sheana and I worked together in her garden for years with me doing the heavy jobs. The relationship was not always easy, she was a feisty outspoken lady. As time went on I found myself doing more, shopping for her sometimes etc etc. The lady on the other side used to make soup and simple veggie dishes. Now, that lady is 81 and in poor health and a neighbour across the street is doing the same for her.

    Sheana used to drive me mad at times as regular posters on here will remember and I did have to be careful to ration my time with her - always at least one daily visit . I resisted visiting at the same time each day because I didn't want her to start getting upset if I was late or didn't arrive. She needed some managing in that respect....

    I never did house cleaning or personal care, as she got older she paid carers and a cleaner. We became good friends and enjoyed many a laugh together even though I used to grumble sometimes about her sometimes bizarre and untimely requests.Certain items from certain shops by a certain time because she had read on the flyer from the shop that the offer would stop soon etc etc. Never mind that she already had thirty tins of Campbell's mushroom soup :-))

    Towards the end of her life at her own home she got increasingly unwell with congestive heart disease and at her request I started looking after her banking and paperwork etc. She then asked me if I would have Power of Attorney for her. I decided not to,as she had living relatives albeit not in the Highlands. So we asked her nephew to take it on. He agreed and most of the rest of the story since then regular readers here will know about.

    Sorry for the epistle but in a way,writing it has made my mind a bit tidier. That is the only way that I can put it!!!

  • BRENDA Just seen your post after doing mine. Love to MARGO and will be thinking of her, as always x

  • Blimey!  Before I forget I must mention that our friendly neighbourhood sparrowhawk has just flown across our garden, slowly enough for me to see what it was!  No wonder the local wood pigeons have been visibly on edge.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I've been at it again.....at Felixstowe Ferry this time.  Just click on the gull with its little companion:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.