• Well she has finally laid her first egg.

    Pinella around 1800 FLorida Time examining her first egg at Dunedin.

  • I posted this on Osprey Chat for those interested in Blue 24.

    I guess the mystery as to whether Blue 24 laid an egg last year (Friends of the Ospreys vs DOP) may have been solved.

    Many Thanks to Welsh Osprey for sharing this information.

    Friends of the Ospreys, Have finally been able to start work for the... coming season, after all the recent rain, went to the river Dyfi, to refurb three of the nests, we started here, on the nest that blue 24 users, the nest was in a reasonable condition, and not much to do, while we were removing the grass from the nest,we discovered the remains of an egg, from the previous years, as you can see, the bigger piece of shell hasn't been in direct sunlight, and still has markings. The bits of shell where hidden in the vegetation, and carefully removed.

  • Good evening all. Interesting information about Blue 24 and the remains of an egg. I wonder what happened there. She very much wants Monty and his nest I think but Glesni is more than a match! I so very much hope for a successful season this year for Blue 24, she so deserves it! Safe journey home beautiful girl :)

  • Keith, Just because the egg remains were found in a nest which Blue 24 used, does that necessarily mean that she laid it?  Might it have been another female or another female in a previous year, or do the Welsh Osprey people refurbish every nest every year?  Are all their nests observed closely throughout Osprey season, or might another un-observed-by-Welsh-Osprey-people female have begun to nest there, laid an egg, and then been chased off by Blue 24?  Any thoughts?

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Gardenbirder - I used the words "May have been solved"

    Yes there are possibilities that it may have been another female or another female in another year but also I do not disbelieve or discredit Friends of the Ospreys as some have when they reported last season - Blue 24, an Osprey on one of the nests in mid Wales, Managed to lay eggs but was unsuccessful, she mated with a bird from another nest nearby but could only manage 6 days of incubation , She then had to leave the nest to feed herself, the male bird that she mated with had his own nest, with eggs that was expecting to hatch any day.

  • Thanks, Keith, I'd forgotten about that report, and I cannot recall if I ever read that passage or simply saw that someone mentioned it in a thread.  I have no reason to doubt anyone so I apologise for any offence--I'm just full of questions!  You know, it is the habit of that constant 'sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth may be known'.  I'm sitting here in balmy Surrey, following all of this from a distance!  The closest I get to direct observation is seeing a few Ospreys after Birdfair at Rutland Water, and also, last year we were lucky to see a 2013 Rutland offspring in Hampshire (1J, if I remember rightly), on his way south for the second time (and the Rutland people saw him again in Africa in January--hurrah!)  Hoping that we have a chance to go to the Dyfi estuary for the first time sometime this year or next.  Back to Blue 24--it would be lovely to know which male Blue 24 is thought to have mated with.  Her old flame Dai Dot? Or?  When are you likely to see that UK Osprey down on the island of Bioko?

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Good evening all. Look forward to seeing what White 14 will do this year he spends his winters on Bioko island. Last year he crossed the English channel over the cliffs of Dover, not too far from me! He did an amazing world tour last year.

    Speculation always interesting these ospreys like to keep their cards close to their chest :) Sometimes we will never know and always surprise us. I do hope she has a good season this year.

  • Evening Willow.  Thanks--that is the one--White 14.  Like you I wonder what White 14 will get up to this year--another European tour or straight back to the UK?  Hope it is straight back to the UK and hope White 14 has a nest this time.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Last week we were returning from the vets and was lucky enough to see a barn owl sitting on a road sign caught him in my headlights! In this area I have seen a barn owl a few times! A great place for birds this patch also hear corn buntings. Im always passing this patch on my way to work must visit on foot with my binoculars,  soon!