Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 December 2015


Last week's Chat thread is here.

I am celebrating the return of the light! The Winter Solstice is Monday night/Tuesday morning. The exact time is:

U.K.: 22 December at 4:48 a.m.
Eastern U.S.: 21 December at 11:48 p.m.
California: 21 December at 8:48 p.m.

Happy Summer Solstice to AQ in Adelaide, Australia (22 December at 3:19 p.m.), although I know you are already in the midst of a sweltering hot summer.

I hope you all have a wonderful week and holidays full of joy and peace!

Geese at sunrise
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Lurker Alert!! I Just wanted to wish you all and Happy CHristmas and a Great New Year. I keep up daily with your postings and you are all a great bunch of people. I am in a new house for the first time in 35 years having moved from Surrey to Suffolk - back to the sea at last!

  • Hey!  Great to hear from you, Harelady!  All Lurkers welcome here! (That goes for others of you, too)

    Good Luck to you and enjoy your new abode - it must be scary moving a long distance but you will enjoy it, I'm sure :-)


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!


    Enjoy yourself and have a wonderful day.

  • Glad to read that you are all enjoying the Christmas holiday. We had such a peaceful day that we were both awake during the night, even though we felt tired. We watched the Downton Finale, but I won't say anything about it, as I presume some of you won't have seen it yet.

    Even more devastation for the people in the flooded areas of Cumbria, Lancashire and the North East. It is so hard to see their misery.

    AQ, So sorry to see the tv news pictures, of the latest fires in Victoria. Poor people lost their homes.

    Harelady, I hope you will be very happy in your new home in Suffolk. So good to hear from you.

    Back later. Neighbour just arrived.

    A dry and cloudy day here.

  • Been out to visit relatives, including sis-in-law, who has had a busy Christmas with her various offspring.  Had a mince pie with her and then smelt cooking: she panicked, but the ham she was baking had only caught slightly on the top where the honey glaze got too hot. Tried a small piece of it and it was  w o n d e r f u l !!

    Was in such a rush first thing, forgot completely to wish dear Margo a Very Happy Birthday Today  - hope you enjoy your sisters visit.

  • Meant to say the other day, to Annette, that our young relative is thoroughly enjoying his time in Brazil.  He has been there for several months already.  He is involved in corporate hospitality.  He began years ago by helping in Chalets in various parts of Europe as he enjoys skiing and that way he could combine work with pleasure.

    Then in 2012 he was invited by a friend to help with the hospitality part of the London 2012 Olympics.  He had a most wonderful time doing that, and met many sports stars in the process.  Since then he has helped in various other sporting events, including the Commonwealth Games.  Now he is staying in Rio until after the Olympics next year.  His parents have flown out for about 12 days to visit him for Christmas, and of course are enjoying the weather there as it is summertime.

  • Very quick look in to wish MARGO a WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY evening!  :-)

    Must get laundry started - things are so dire in the laundry basket we risk being buried under an avalanche of dirty socks and similar items!

    Will catch up later.


    Hope you're having a wonderful day!