Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 December 2015


Last week's Chat thread is here.

I am celebrating the return of the light! The Winter Solstice is Monday night/Tuesday morning. The exact time is:

U.K.: 22 December at 4:48 a.m.
Eastern U.S.: 21 December at 11:48 p.m.
California: 21 December at 8:48 p.m.

Happy Summer Solstice to AQ in Adelaide, Australia (22 December at 3:19 p.m.), although I know you are already in the midst of a sweltering hot summer.

I hope you all have a wonderful week and holidays full of joy and peace!

Geese at sunrise
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • It's rained here all day, except for when it's drizzled, even though it was not supposed to. Went for a walk in our wellies and dog got properly muddy!

    Really enjoyed our Christmas lunch, and been watching TV and eating chocolate since!

  • The rain here was light and not heavy as they forecast, but stayed dark all afternoon. I cooked too much for the two of us, so there is plenty left and we have been stretched out on the sofas. We haven't been as energetic as Linda, as we didn't go for a walk :-))) Just had a long phone call from daughter, who was on night duty last night. She will be getting her Hungarian Vizsla pup on the 1st January. She is very excited. Not a breed I know too well, but I guess I will have to learn. LOL

  • Had a pleasant day - and dry this morning so a good outing to church - local URC for convenience.  Dinner turned out well - my choice of roast pork this year, with plenty of veg and garnishes - excellent.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I hope you all had a glorious Christmas! I wish everyone a great Boxing Day!

  • Have had a wonderful day. Never thought I would make it but now looking forward to next year. So many presents from my wonderful OH including some diamond earrings. Coped well with the dinner which we both enjoyed.

    Sister vising for a couple of hours tomorrow morning with her OH and my niece and her partner.

    Hope you all enjoyed the day as much as we did.

    Love Margo x

  • That's great, Margo.  Raised a glass to you both at lunchtime, when we had wine with our Christmas Dinner - we had a lovely meal, which I think was one of the best Christmas dinners we've ever had. 

    Talked to little Tomasz on the Skype this afternoon, he was fizzing, as you say!!

  • Margo: Really wonderful to hear about your lovely Christmas!

    Quiet and relaxing day here interrupted only by calls from family here and there (UK).  

    Best to everyone. :-)

  • Unknown said:

    I hope you all had a glorious Christmas! I wish everyone a great Boxing Day!

    Glorious, indeed, Diane!!   Hope you did, too.  Take it that the tornadoes have ceased now, hope that it's calmed down.

  • Evening all:  Saw that troops were moved into Cumbria to help with even more floods.  Also saw snippets of the Queen's Christmas message on various news programs here.

    AQ: Also saw coverage of more awful fires along the Victoria coast today - homes destroyed, whole towns evacuated. :-((  

    Brilliantly clear almost-full moon tonight - brighter than all the Christmas lights in the neighborhood.

    No Boxing Day for the U.S.; hope those who do continue to enjoy the holiday.

  • Thanks, Annette, and Good Morning to Everyone.  Went to bed very late after an evening of nibbles, phone calls, and TV.  Our grandchildren have all enjoyed themselves and been deluged with gifts.  We ourselves had several funny/comical books, including one showing destructive dogs amidst their chaotic homes, LOL!!  

    Very warm here for the time of year. Awoke feeling very hot in the middle of the night.

    Just seen mention of the fires in Australia, on our News.  How awful they are.