Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 December 2015


Last week's Chat thread is here.

I am celebrating the return of the light! The Winter Solstice is Monday night/Tuesday morning. The exact time is:

U.K.: 22 December at 4:48 a.m.
Eastern U.S.: 21 December at 11:48 p.m.
California: 21 December at 8:48 p.m.

Happy Summer Solstice to AQ in Adelaide, Australia (22 December at 3:19 p.m.), although I know you are already in the midst of a sweltering hot summer.

I hope you all have a wonderful week and holidays full of joy and peace!

Geese at sunrise
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Just seen that Diane has posted on FB that she is unable to get on this Site. That was a few hours ago so hope it's sorted soon, Diane.

  • Hello Everyone.   sorry I have not been on here lately, I have been having an awful time for the last week or so.  I went into hospital as an emergency at  2.30am, (first time ever In an ambulance and first time ever in A&E), was finally admitted to a ward at 5am and then spent more or less a week in hospital, having tests, colonoscopy etc, and finally five days at home to wait for biopsy results.    I could hardly eat or sleep for worry but had to dash around finishing Christmas shopping and posting off parcels and cards etc.  I went to hospital this Monday to see the consultant and get the results.  My eldest Son flew up to be with me, I told him I would be alright but he wanted to be there.   Luckily the biopsy results showed no sign of cancer, a huge relief to us but I still have to have a major bowel operation in January.    I was going to be on my own for Christmas but my son wanted me down with the family  and so here I am after driving down all yesterday in driving rain, terrible conditions on the roads,   But it is lovely to be down here again with everyone and all the lovely Christmas decorations, I had not had the heart to put any up at home.    I had to change my insurance at the last moment so that my son could drive the car down and I have never packed up the house so quickly before, I just hope I have left it all alright, I usually spend ages checking everything over, but we left at 7.45am while it was still very dark, as we had such a long journey.       It has all been very stressful and I feel really exhausted, just want to rest and enjoy Christmas.   It was a surprise as I was feeling so fit and had completely recovered from my knee operation in the summer, back to doing everything normally again.

    I have been keeping up with all the news and am sorry that I have not been able to send replies.    I do hope that everyone has a Happy Christmas with their families or wherever they are going to be!

  • Oh!  RITA!     You poor thing:  what an awful tale..... you must have been so worried and stressed by all this, I know I would have been.

    Glad to read that you're now safely at your son's house for Christmas, I'm sure they would want to take care of you but of course its always so difficult when there are long distances involved.   I feel for you with that long journey when the roads are so bad in wintertime. Hope you can try to relax now and rest.  It must have been a huge relief to find that it was not cancerous, but sorry to hear that you now have a major op to contend with in January.

    Happy Christmas to you with your family.  (And thank you for finding the time to think of us at such a time for yourself)

  • Rushing about here:  my OH collected our turkey this morning and I went around the supermarket for last bits of fresh produce:  I was saved from myself by overhearing a woman say to her son "I nearly forgot to get the bacon!"    Well, so had I, it wasn't even on my list even though we like to put bacon over the turkey breast when roasting it. Rushed back along the aisles thinking "You just saved my bacon, LOL!!"

  • Taken at home, this time last year:  

    Just wanted to Wish You All a Very Happy Christmas, with All You Would Wish For Yourself, and a Peaceful New Year.

  • Looks like the site is okay now after being down last night. I'll be back later. Thunderstorms and heavy winds here today. Weirdly warm!

    Everyone have a good day!

  • RITA   so sorry to hear your news. Glad your son came up and hope you have a wonderful Christmas with him and his family.

    Enjoyed my swim which I have just read I shouldn't have done with the eye problem. Went to Tesco after and bumped into people who moved away to the Chester area some time ago and are up heare to spend the holiday with their duaghter. I avoided getting wet on the walk home and am now waiting for the rain to stop before an afternoon walk with Benson.

  • Rita,     Sorry to read about your very traumatic time. Well done to your son to insist on being with you for your test results. I hope you have a happy and uneventful Christmas with the family. I always check things about six times before I leave the house, especially when it is dark, but I have never yet left found anything I had forgotten. I am sure your house will be fine.

    Lindybird, Glad your bacon was saved!  

    dibnlib,  Just as well you enjoyed your swim before you realised you shouldn't have.  The advantages probably outweighed the disadvantages.

    Also went shopping this morning. There was hardly anyone around in the high street  before 11 am.  Then everyone appeared.

    On my way to the shops, I saw two herons flying, and a cormorant on a boat. The two cygnets were chasing each other, skimming on the water.

  • Rita so sorry to read your news. Pleased to see you are with your family now. Happy Christmas to,you and wish you well for your operation in the new year.

  • Morning all:  

    Brenda/OG:Thanks for the notes re Lynette and Terry. I'd have thought Lynette would have mentioned her musical life recently.  I do remember Terry - and perhaps that's why I think she was the one I was thinking of because she hasn't posted on here for yonks and I seem to remember her talking about music quite a bit. Perhaps one of them will set me straight!  :-)   Is your son coming your way for Christmas?  (I forgot.)

    Lynette:  Is it you who's leading a musical double life?  :-)  We haven't gone to Windows 10 yet - but how do you like it?

    Lindybird: Limpy "liked" my photo of the Cooper's Hawk so we know he's "out there" and I'm assuming Clare is busy.  Wow! Christmas in Brazil; now that's different.   Diane e-mailed me last night that the sight was down, which it was. I'd been on it just 30 minutes prior so seems like it wasn't too long.

    dibnlib: Won't the conjunctivitis be bothered by the pool water? Ah! I see you read the instructions.  :-) Hope it clears up quickly.

    Rita: How awful! But what a champ your son is to rush  up there. Glad it's something an op can fix but doesn't sound like much fun. Have a lovely Christmas with the family - and I suspect you'll be hearing more about moving closer to them....

    I'm off out now to pick up a few items before the crowds appear.