Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 December 2015


Last week's Chat thread is here.

I am celebrating the return of the light! The Winter Solstice is Monday night/Tuesday morning. The exact time is:

U.K.: 22 December at 4:48 a.m.
Eastern U.S.: 21 December at 11:48 p.m.
California: 21 December at 8:48 p.m.

Happy Summer Solstice to AQ in Adelaide, Australia (22 December at 3:19 p.m.), although I know you are already in the midst of a sweltering hot summer.

I hope you all have a wonderful week and holidays full of joy and peace!

Geese at sunrise
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Margo and I enjoyed a lovely long chat today. Such good news for her. She will be posting again.

    Annette, Lynette used to post and show photographs of her playing her instrument and she also sang in a choir. I remember photographs of her playing in a shopping precinct.
    It is horrendous to see the flooding, once again in Cumbria.
    It was fantastic to see the tv pictures of that rocket return safely back to earth.

    Rosy, I admire you trying to learn Welsh. It is very complicated.

  • Annette, forgot to say, that must have been a lovely concert. I love listening to choirs.

  • This failed to post earlier-

    ANNETTE - it was Terry.  She took part in a flash mob - I think Newcastle - some years back - probably flute.  She also plays trombone, and has a two year old dog to look after!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Lindy - meant to say yesterday "your little imps are growing fast and what lovely pics."

    I'm on Windows 10 and Microsoft Edge with it - every so often I seem to lose all my files and items I've saved, so annoying. Will have to try and get them back.

    Oh Lindybird - see that Margo should have her test results today. Do hope they are a little better than last time. Thinking of you Margo.

    Still waiting to hear if friends lump in her stomach is cancer or benign.   Texted her earlier and she has still not learnt the results - she was told she would be told today.  So frustrating for her.

  • Just seen your post now, Margo and that is so encouraging and so pleased you will be able to go to the Joe Brown concert.

    Have a really nice Christmas Margo. with love.

    Annette - I understand that Welsh is one of the oldest speaking gaelic languages.

  • Good Morning. Wednesday already!!   Trying not to panic! 

    I was so thrilled to read your news yesterday, Margo - you can enjoy your festivities now, plus look forward to your Joe Brown Concert which I know is a highlight for you.  Hope you had a good afternoon with the family yesterday.

    Annette - I was thinking about Clare & Limpy a couple of days ago, but didn't mention as my posts have been so rushed lately. Hope you and Helen are OK, and have a Happy Christmas, Clare & Limpy xx

  • Sorry to hear about your friends, Wendy and Lynette.  So hard when a cancer returns.

    Brenda -  I was fascinated to see about the rocket which returned the "right way up!"  There was no mention of this prior to this happening, but apparently people have been working on it for ages.

    We had friends round for coffee and shortbread yesterday, plus I spent almost an hour on the phone to sis in law, as we have been too busy to meet up even though she only lives in the next village.  She has four little granddaughters, so has been to an awful lot of choral events, concerts & the like.

    Other relatives of my OH have left for Brazil for Christmas, as their son is over there as part of the team preparing for the Olympics in 2016 - he is having the most wonderful time in that exciting country.

  • LINDY   What an interesting job to be doing. I hope OHs relatives have a great time with their son.

    a break in the rain so OH has taken Benson out though it will be a pavement walk as it is still pitch black.

    Dr s appt yesterday and it appears I have viral conjunctivitus which only time will help.

    Off for a swim later. OH will drop me off on the way to work.

  • Good Morning Everyone. A lovely dry morning after an awful day of rain and strong winds yesterday. Much cooler though. A busy day with the HW and changing our bedding today.

    Son has arrived in the UK. I only know because I noticed he has changed to his UK phone number.

    Dibnlib, Sorry you have viral conjunctivitis. Not a nice condition to deal with.