Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 December 2015


Last week's Chat Thread is here.

I hope everyone is enjoying the season.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Hi!  Busy day at home, apart from haircut – got it a bit shorter so it won’t go too wild if next appointment is delayed.  I think I have missed a few days again, but not really sure where I was up to!

    Annette – pleased you had some rain; pity it wasn’t a bit more.  Sorry the furry pair are not co-operating with treatment, one objecting to food, and the other being difficult (I hope the stern words have restored his normal sweet attitude!)  Pleased you have the yoga to restore you!

    Dibnlib – pleased you made it to Brodie; your friend’s retirement plan sounds very sensible.  Liked the Doggie Dinner picture!  And all that lovely food on your days out – well!  Enjoy the church meal too!

    Brenda – thanks for relaying Margo’s message; sorry her day was so tiring.

    Linda – I hope you found OH’s present to wrap, and haven’t ended up giving him one of the children’s “books to grow into”!

    AQ – sorry about that heat – again!  Good luck with the shopping.

    Diane – weird about the LA news – and NY deciding similar message was not a threat!

    Well, need to proof-read a letter OH has been working on, re getting the bathroom finalised!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG: Yes, that story evolved strangely. It's difficult to know who to listen to.

    Annette: I'm sorry you're having difficulty with the animals. I hope that your stern lecture to wee Peanut has improved his attitude.

  • Hello all

    My internet connection is very dodgy today so I will just say a thank you for your news and messages re Sheana. Hope that this reaches you all. Let us see !

  • Hope your connection improves, Heather.

  • Hello Everyone. A busy day here.

    Daughter made a three way 'WhatsApp call' today, to ourselves and son & his wife. She has become engaged. She hasn't got a ring yet, but of course, she had to tell us the news. Too soon to have made plans yet. She was so happy.

    After that call, son then rang to discuss Christmas presents. Result being that I will be ordering presents for him and have them delivered to daughter's house. I still have to buy presents for the family, from myself and OH.

    I will try and catch up tomorrow.    

  • Congratulations to your daughter, Brenda. What happy news :-)  I expect that you will all have to discuss plans re dates, etc Nice decisions, though, about a family event!

    In bed now, and very tired.....every day seems full. Must get on with decorations tomorrow, as only a couple of things up & some cards on display - lots of very white cards this year, so not very jolly, apart from the robins! 


  • Brenda: Congrats to your daughter!

    Very busy day started early with window cleaners, then lots of tidy up and additional cleaning/sorting out until dinnertime, when I  popped some chicken in the oven for dinner. Right after that, OH got a call from our bank saying they'd spotted "suspicious activity" on the accounts. We decided to call the fraud number we already had rather than start dealing with an incoming calls - even though caller ID showed the bank's name - and found out they'd frozen the accounts. Just last week, OH noticed unusual debit/credit activity in one of the accounts, but in tiny amounts - he checks the account every morning - at which point he called the bank and had them stop and transactions with that party.   We're not sure if it was that or something else that resulted in this evening's call.  Anyway, two and a half hours after the first call - and 40 minutes after the chicken was due out of the oven -, we finally completed  all the steps necessary to unfreeze the account, though we'll still need new account numbers, etc..  Apparently, online fraudsters often start out doing tiny transactions in an account, which tend not to attract attention, as a preliminary to raiding the entire account.  Nice to know our bank was on the job.   (Chicken not what I'd hope for!)  :-)

    Peanut's attitude is better today - back to squeaking and taking his antibiotics without a fight.

    Totally wiped out tonight, so off to bed early.  Have a good Wednesday folks.  :-)

  • Good morning.  So pleased for BRENDA's news - so the visit to the "out-laws" (soon to be "in-laws") becomes even more significant!  Glad that you have something good happening soon, after a difficult couple of years.

    ANNETTE - sorry about banking problems - it's not just the money, it's the whole process and inconvenience of changing numbers, passwords and security questions etc.  Pleased the stern words helped and wee fellow has improved his attitude!

    Another home day, until GP appt this afternoon - she wants to check my throat.  OH will be making ice cream, so I have to make meringues with the egg whites!  He bought his ingredients Monday, then "discovered" a hidden tub in the garage freezer, so is going ahead with the new stuff.  Hope we are allowed the new batch over Christmas, I hate it when it goes hard (not a big fan of ice cream anyway).

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Annette -  Sorry you had your dinner and your evening spoiled. Good job you were alert & realised something was going on. There seems to be more and more of this sort of thing.  Hope all remains well, now.

    Good Morning, Everyone.  Very dark here in the mornings, at the moment, so I'm looking forward to the turn around about Christmastime, when the days get lighter. Very warm for this time of year, though - saving on the heating!

    OH and I had nothing on TV last night so watched a recording of a film - "Quartet".  It was excellent, about a retirement home for musicians and singers, and had a cast full of famous names. Very well done, if rather disconcerting to see the matriarch from 'Downton' actually swearing!! :-D

  • Good Morning, OG -  you posted whilst I was writing, as I paused to watch the coverage of Our Astronaut on this morning's News.

    I'll eat any surplus ice cream!  Love the stuff. Hope your throat is OK.

    Must go & wash my hair, a good impression of Stan Laurel going on here!