Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 November 2015


Last week's Chat thread is HERE.

Happy birthday to Rita and to Heather!

I'm so glad to hear that OG is recovering nicely.

Sending good energy to Margo for this week.

Everyone have a great week!

  • What a lovely upbeat Happy New Week Diane.  Thank you.

  • "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Good start to the week, Diane. Thank you.

    I echo your sentiments.

  • Limpy: Thank you for the Veteran's Day (Remembrance Day in the UK) reminder - and big hugs to you especially.

  • Hello, all, on a really wet and windy Sunday afternoon.

    Wendy – couldn’t have endured that snoring much longer, but I knew quite surely it was only for the one night. The funniest thing was the old lady who said she had such a wonderful night sleep – I knew she had been taken to the loo three times and snored the rest of the time; the big lady definitely seemed to have undiagnosed sleep apnoea, and the third one was a smoker who escaped from time to time supposedly to get a phone signal, but really to smoke outside in the no-smoking hospital grounds (she returned smelling of smoke, so we all knew!) No problem with anaesthetic – apart from having to have ultrasound to find somewhere to put a line in my arm! Leaves are falling here too – apart from the Willow and half the Birch which are still green!

    Heather –I hope you had a great time with the family and a wonderful curry! Seeing the Sausages discussion, is anyone cutting out or cutting down on processed meats since the WHO pronouncement? Sorry, but I have lost my angel’s wings – I didn’t have a chance to freeze meals in advance with such short notice of surgery! OH and J can both cook, so I knew we wouldn’t starve, but I am particular about timings and mess in the kitchen, and I can sympathise with your daughter finding it difficult having her OH organising things (or un-organising!).

    Annette – I received a nice card in the post from Dibnlib yesterday, so they are around – having come back from enjoying their trip to Barcelona. Surprised your Daughter was driving to AZ – I hope her back held out for the journey! Pleased you eventually remembered the dog when you decamped her to your house on her way! I also have my herbs and spices in alphabetical order in the spice drawer next to the hob – I know some people arrange them according to regions of cuisine, but that way you would need duplicates, as some things like coriander and chilli belong on all the continents! Showered and changed dressings and all looks well. Still all sharing the one shower because of all interruptions to bathroom schedule, but having second loo and w/basin available is a great help, so boys have moved their toothbrushes etc out of my way! May get the radiators done this Thursday – replacing them in both rooms – if plumber is released from a job they are doing in Edinburgh. Can’t grumble, cos most delays were our fault for funerals and my op. Still snuffling but feeling better because I stopped the painkillers!

    Rosy – always liked the sound of Avignon, so I hope you will learn to do photos!

    George – good to see your post. Consultant date sounds like good news being so far ahead, but it does seem a very long time since you first saw him and he ordered the scans – unfair that you are having to wait so long.

    Diane – thanks for starting the week for us. I am echoing the birthday wishes for Rita and Heather and thoughts and prayers for Margo.

    Limpy and Clare – was Helen on church parade today? Our younger GDaughter was carrying the flag for Guides Senior Section as her grown-up sister was away on a training – walking in the Cheviot Hills in all this wind and rain, supposedly learning about risk assessment!

    I did help with prep and timing, but OH is now putting the finishing touches to this evening’s dinner. We shall be watching Strictly results after, having enjoyed most of the show last night.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello all

    OG - We will not alter our usual diet which does include for OH at lunchtime,a bacon roll once a week and a baguette with ham and salad once a week. We eat red meat maybe three times a week, alternate with fish and chicken and one veggie meal each week. Mostly I ignore these reports. I'm sure the Italians and French (and Danes!) won't stop eating their saucissons and salami:-)) I heard on the radio this morning that we should be using butter and lard for cooking instead of vegetable oils. What next?

    I hope that RITA enjoyed her birthday meal. We had a lovely time, came back here after the meal and I was surprised by a birthday cake made by eldest daughter, plus prosecco and birthday gifts.

    Take care all - and thank you DIANE for starting the week.

    We all watched the Remembrance Service and wreath laying at the Cenotaph, this morning. I was very pleased to see that youngest daughter and husband ensured that Mia and Isla observed the silence. They were in the middle of their breakfast/brunch and knives and forks were laid down. I felt proud of them.

  • And hello to you too, chirpy Diane!

    Happy Birthday Rita.

    Heather - Having extra birthday party without aging is a great idea.

    OG - Don’t recover too fast. Let the “boys” wait on you a little longer.

    Lots & lots of {{{HUGS}}} for Margo.

    Hands off my bacon, sausages, etc. Once a week we have eggs & bacon. Do you remember when eggs were a no-no? And now they say we should eat more. Everything in moderation I say. (Except chocolate <grin>)

    A pleasant surprise yesterday. As I was to pick up a lady at 10ish, I went to different church, earlier, where I met a lady I hadn’t seen for 8-10 years – I didn’t know she had moved suburbs. She asked me to phone. My pick-up was one of the 90+ year old ladies from our bus trips. She can’t drive since she broke her wrist recently. It was only a 20 min detour for me on our way to lunch given by the leader of our bus trips. He & wife invite the regulars to his house for an end-of-year gathering. So great to see everyone together as we don’t all do the same trips. Lots of discussion about the trips next year, especially the “big” ones – southern NSW and NZ South Is. Nanny duty today. Looking forward to a visit to Muratti’s with Coffee-Friend tomorrow.

  • HEATHER - your frequency of various foods sounds about the same as ours at present, and our portions are apparently lower size than average.  We use butter for some things, and an olive spread for others.

    AQ - you seem very chirpy too today (meaning tomorrow for us)- I guess it is the prospect of reduced Nanny Days!  Sounds like you enjoyed a great Sunday, with meeting the old acquaintance, and then the gathering of bus-trippers.  Are you intending to do the NZ South Island trip next year?  Or are you due a biggie to Europe?  I hope your Monday is an easy one with happy Granddaughters and Daughter!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good morning.  Wild weather overnight - no damage found so far.  Having a "quiet" indoor Monday - no workmen and no appointments.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Unknown said:
    Limpy and Clare – was Helen on church parade today? Our younger GDaughter was carrying the flag for Guides Senior Section as her grown-up sister was away on a training – walking in the Cheviot Hills in all this wind and rain, supposedly learning about risk assessment!

    She wasn't - she stopped doing the Sea Cadets some time ago.  It's a sad fact that the further you get through high school the more time is spent on homework and coursework, as opposed to hobbies.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.