Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 October 2015


Last week's Chat thread is here.

I had a funny bird experience a week or so ago. I put it on my Facebook page, and I thought some of you who like corvids might enjoy it.


I heard something drumming outdoors on the sill under my kitchen window. I assumed it was one of the woodpeckers again. Both the Red-Bellied and the Hairy woodpeckers have persisted in pecking there this year. (Some delicious larvae must be under that wood.) I said, "Stop that!" The bird quit briefly, and then started again. I shouted, "Now, quit that. You know you can't do that!" A head popped up at the bottom of the window!

A huge Blue Jay stared at me. He was sitting on a small branch that rests against the wall of my house. He was so cute! I told him he had to stop damaging the window. He climbed up the branch and looked in at me, cocking his head. He didn't screech. He just put his face as close as possible to the glass. He looked so comical that I was laughing. I stood still, but I talked to him for several moments. At one point, he started warbling like he was trying to imitate me. (Blue Jays are corvids and are great mimics. They're known for imitating hawks, so they can clear the vicinity of other birds and have all the food.)

This jay's head crest was down, so he wasn't the least bit distressed -- just curious, I guess. He walked up the branch and looked back at me once more before he finally flew.

Blue Jays differ in appearance. They can vary a lot in their facial characteristics and coloring. This was the biggest one I've ever seen, and he had an odd look with a larger face and eyes than the other jays on my patch.

He could be a subspecies from somewhere else. He may have been a migrating bird or possibly an east coast bird who flew here to get away from Hurricane Joaquin, which was threatening at that time. I even wondered whether some Green Jays from Texas have found their way here and are interbreeding with the blues. I don't know whether that's ever been documented or is even possible.

I smiled all day thinking about the little fella. I hope he has a good winter with lots of food available.


Everyone have a great week!!! Monday night is the New Moon (the dark moon).

  • Heather B said:

    ANNETTE- Yes,grandson Callum is the boy who was very upset when his parents parted. He remains fond of his father but I can see that he is protective of his mother.

    All sounds only natural to me.  Lets hope that at the end of the day, when he is grown up, he can still have a good relationship with both of his parents.   I know several people who have 'taken sides' in this sort of situation, and it does not help them to come to terms with what's happened.

  • A friend has very kindly let me know that she had noticed that Rita had "liked" a post from Lmac on the 15.10.2015 on 'The hunt for Breagha' thread.

    So good to know that she is still reading, but possibly just wanting to ' lurk ' at the moment.

    Best Wishes from us ALL, Rita.

  • Margo -  I hope that you enjoyed Strictly half as much as I did!  What a cracking series its turning out to be this year.  There are several couples who could win it, and all of the contestants are very entertaining.  A real treat for a weekend.  Glad you enjoyed your steak!  Nice that you liked the poem. I just plonk the words down as they come out of my head (Annette:  I made a cup of tea and let it stand as it was too hot - when I finished, it was still warm - about ten minutes, I think!  But then, if I went back to it and spent half an hour I would probably come up with something better as it doesn't always scan properly LOL!)

    Well, several more people have dropped out from tomorrow's lunch, including sis-in-law who I think now needs to lie down in a darkened room whilst her cousin is out to lunch with .........  just us, I think!  Cousin has chattered on constantly and treated sis-in-law to detailed analysis of every funeral and birth she has ever attended.......    We are asking where she would like to go and sight see before we go to lunch, then we are off to a favourite pub for a Carvery Dinner.  She flies home to Canada on Tuesday......  whew!

  • Thanks for news of Rita, Brenda.  Its worrying when someone drops out without explanation (not that you need to explain, Rita,  oh, gosh, there I go, now I made it worse.....  blame the Rose I just drank with my chicken dinner!)

    EDIT:  Annette:   I am not in a tizz over things, but I am not always very techie with the pc.   I kept Margo's pic of Billie but I don't know why it comes out wrong, LOL!!   I asked for some advice today from the PC repair shop where I left my tablet, I went in to pay the bill for their efforts and spoke to the two staff available.  They both look about fifteen years old, to my aged eyes.  They discussed which are the best tablets to go for and of course praised the most expensive.  However, I have a cheaper one in mind which they didnt seem to think was too rubbishy.

  • DIBNLIB - you are doing so well!  I hope the performance was really enjoyable.

    ANNETTE - in the case of Gd's Masters in Health Psychology, she studied at University College, London - her first degree was at York Uni.  Pleased that AZ dust storm was further south than Prescott.

    BJANE - thanks for the thoughts and prayers.  How are you enjoying retirement?

    BRENDA - thanks for finding news that Rita is still around.  I hope the knee recovery is going to plan, RITA, and also that you will post on here again soon.

    MARGO and LINDA - we really enjoyed Strictly tonight - excellent competition this year.

    LINDA - seems you have found an excellent plan for Sunday lunch with your OH's relative - fill her mouth with carvery and she may stop talking!

    Well, that was Saturday, and we are feeling pleased with ourselves at what we have achieved today!  Hope to do more gardening tomorrow - maybe OH will mow!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Margo,     What a lovely story about Billie.Thank you for telling me about her. How lovely that she chose you. Some things are meant to be.

    She is obviously one determined cat, having already survived the eye injury.

    I am so glad that she is such good company for you. She has certainly found the right home.

    I love Lindy's photo of Billie. I hadn't realised that it was upside down. I just thought it was just a cat being a cat. Then I noticed the chair! The carpet is a bit of a clue as well. Anyway, she is lovely.

    We had a tortie once. She was sixteen when we got her from Cat's Protection.

    Apparently, she had once lived on a boat, and had woken the owners when there was a fire, so was considered something of a hero. We had her when they couldn't keep her any more. She lived with us for two good years.

  • Unknown said:

    LINDA - seems you have found an excellent plan for Sunday lunch with your OH's relative - fill her mouth with carvery and she may stop talking!

    LOL OG. I think a double helping of sticky toffee pudding may help for 'afters' too.

    Linda, Try and enjoy the meal. It is a pity that there will be no other family or friends present. 

  • OG  Well done to your granddaughter for joining the County Youth Orchestra. I know that is quite an achievement, and a commitment.

    Lindy,  I love the poem. Very apt.

  • A good story of your tortie, Rosy.  You gave her a nice last few years.

    We have been watching the film "Invictus" which I saw some years ago in the cinema.  It was on TV a few days ago, and so I said to my OH that he must watch it.  It's the one about Nelson Mandela inspiring the S.A.  Rugby team, & thus hoping to bring his country together after all the upheaval.  Needless to say, as its well acted and produced, and it's about sport, my OH enjoyed it.

    My Friend, who shares my visits to the cinema, will be hoping to resume our trips there soon.  She is at present on holiday (again) but when she returns she is having her knee "done" so will be needing me to be one of those who help drive her around, for a while.

    We hope to tire my OH's cousin out tomorrow:  she enjoys her food and so will like to go somewhere where you can help yourself to the food, I'm sure.  Sticky Pudding might do the trick, LOL!!    We certainly tired her when we took her out last Wednesday - she fell asleep when we finally stopped for a cup of tea!  She is older than either of us but seems to have the energy to keep on talking...... 

  • Hey, I found an older pic of Billie - thanks to my Eldest Son, who managed to keep all my old photos from my old PC and put them on here....

    Its called "Billie Resting!"