Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 October 2015


Last week's Chat thread is here.

I had a funny bird experience a week or so ago. I put it on my Facebook page, and I thought some of you who like corvids might enjoy it.


I heard something drumming outdoors on the sill under my kitchen window. I assumed it was one of the woodpeckers again. Both the Red-Bellied and the Hairy woodpeckers have persisted in pecking there this year. (Some delicious larvae must be under that wood.) I said, "Stop that!" The bird quit briefly, and then started again. I shouted, "Now, quit that. You know you can't do that!" A head popped up at the bottom of the window!

A huge Blue Jay stared at me. He was sitting on a small branch that rests against the wall of my house. He was so cute! I told him he had to stop damaging the window. He climbed up the branch and looked in at me, cocking his head. He didn't screech. He just put his face as close as possible to the glass. He looked so comical that I was laughing. I stood still, but I talked to him for several moments. At one point, he started warbling like he was trying to imitate me. (Blue Jays are corvids and are great mimics. They're known for imitating hawks, so they can clear the vicinity of other birds and have all the food.)

This jay's head crest was down, so he wasn't the least bit distressed -- just curious, I guess. He walked up the branch and looked back at me once more before he finally flew.

Blue Jays differ in appearance. They can vary a lot in their facial characteristics and coloring. This was the biggest one I've ever seen, and he had an odd look with a larger face and eyes than the other jays on my patch.

He could be a subspecies from somewhere else. He may have been a migrating bird or possibly an east coast bird who flew here to get away from Hurricane Joaquin, which was threatening at that time. I even wondered whether some Green Jays from Texas have found their way here and are interbreeding with the blues. I don't know whether that's ever been documented or is even possible.

I smiled all day thinking about the little fella. I hope he has a good winter with lots of food available.


Everyone have a great week!!! Monday night is the New Moon (the dark moon).

  • Oh Diane you beat me to it!!  :-)

    It's only 87 here now and I'm heading to Costco and other places for some basics.

  • Good Morning Everyone. The mornings are certainly getting cooler.

    Thank you Diane for starting the week. A pity you didn't take a photograph of your blue jay, but then, you could have frightened it away. A lovely story to read.

    Annette, Thank goodness we all have air conditioning in cars these days. The thought of having to drive home with food in the car, without a/c, in 87 degrees, could be worrying. Your fuel consumption must rise greatly, though. I guess AQ is used to coping with very high temperatures as well. Even in this country in the summer, I try to park the car in any available shade, while I shop, so the car is not too hot when I return with the shopping. I know my mother used to shop every day for the fresh produce, but there were more local shopping areas then. 

    Our daughter was told last night that she would have to remain at her present hospital for a three months notice, before she starts her new job, as they have a shortage of staff of her ranking. She is disappointed, but as she said, she is not surprised. 

  • Diane, What a beautiful bird that Blue Jay is. Interesting theories about where he may have come from, but a lovely experience for you.

    I love the way you talk to birds. I do that too. I also talk to plants. (the local madwoman)

    Annette, Those temperatures don't bear thinking about for me. I have problems with the British summer

    Brenda,  How disappointing for your daughter. Unfortunately, that is the way it goes. I can imagine how keen she is to start the new job. She has certainly earned it.

  • http://www.rspb.org.uk/community/placestovisit/lochgartenospreys/f/915.aspx 

    Rosy, I meant to ask you if you had this link, which is to the summary page to all the osprey nests and various pages of info etc.  

  • Latest from South Wales Hunt Sabs in Dorset cull zone

    "We found this grim array of corvids hung on a pen in the heart of the Dorset zone. Goes to show the mentality of the people we are up against."

    Facebook link

  • Hello all and Thank you to DIANE.

    I'm just popping in briefly to say Congratulations to BRENDA'S daughter on her promotion to Consultant. As you say, BRENDA and ROSY, such hard work and dedication required. Also hoping that all will go well for your husband, BRENDA.

    Thanks to all for your pics and posts, I will be back properly on Wednesday. meantime, just having a breather before the crowd descend. The great thing is that two of my daughters will be here early - they will assist me in the kitchen. I'm not really all that organised, BRENDA! OG is my guru, she makes lists. My lists are all in my head and I often forget items :-((  Where I gain is that, unlike OG, I have a choice of several supermarkets nearby so can always send someone out on a mission!

    I'm lucky to be sble to type this with two hands. I sliced my right index finger instead of lettuce last evening. Lots of reassuringly red blood (OH said it must be all the red wine that I have been drinking)and impressive first aid administered by the Danes. (I can deal and have dealt with lots of other peoples' blood but I don't much like looking at my own if it is a trauma).

    Take care all -

  • Reporter gets angry and tells the REAL news here

  • Brenda: Congratulations to your daughter. Becoming a Consultant and in her preferred hospital is a stunning achievement. I know that she has worked incredibly hard to secure such a position. I'm sure you're very, very proud, as you should be!

    I'm glad your husband's graft is progressing well and the eye drops are working. That's good news! I hope the cyst disappears on its own. I know they often do. I'm sending good energy!

    Heather: Take care of your sliced finger and keep it clean. I hope you enjoy your day with all your guests.

    Annette: Your daughter is very impressive to be able to work full time and carry a full load of classes. Hope you enjoy your time with her today.

    Alan: Bowie is a very cute little fella.

    OG: I'm sending good energy to you. I know you're overwhelmed with all of the difficult events in your life right now. We'll chat on FB when everything is resolved.

    Hi to Lynette, George, Rosy, dibnlib, AQ, Wendy, Clare, Limpy, and everyone!

    Margo: Thinking of you!

  • Thank you Diane and Heather. We are very proud of our daughter and also thankful that she has a career that she always wanted to do, from when she was a little girl.

    Heather, Sounds as if you have really cut your finger quite badly. I am glad your friends were there to help you. We won't mention the pink lettuce :-)))

    OG, I hope you have the strength to get through this week. My thoughts and prayers are for you ALL.

  • Afternoon all: 90F here again today. 'Nuff said.   Granddaughter just called from the road; she and Ms. are almost home by now. She was thinking about leaving here tonight or around lunchtime, but I told her the southbound traffic out of Santa Barbara would be a nightmare once visitors and folks going back to LA from farther north started heading home after a weekend away. So they got on the road at 9:30 a.m. and cleared LA in good time. I just checked the traffic and speeds through SB are now at 12mph. and around 26 at all the predictable places through LA. 

    Diane: Loved the story of the Blue Jay! We have one (they're not  as colorful as yours) that's been hanging out lately - I suspect it's the water in the fountain that's the big draw. I didn't know they were corvids - not surprised given that they seem very self-assured!  By the way, that's my granddaughter who's working too hard right now. 

    Brenda: Our new vehicle has an "Eco" button that allegedly keeps the vehicle operating more efficiently - I've been using it regularly around town. It does tamp down the a/c a bit too, but that's okay.Too bad your daughter has to hang about for three months; I assume her new employer is okay with that.  Good that your OH's eye is doing well.

    Heather: I went off to the store after Gdd left this morning and overlooked three items for tonight's dinner, which will now be a replay of Friday's. Have a lovely time with everyone. So - was that Balsamic Vinaigrete on the salad? :-) .

    Alan: I gather that TV reporter isn't for real (but oh how I wish...)  :-)

    Best thoughts for OG and, of course, Margo.  When does Lindybird get back into town?

    Have a good Monday all.