Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 September 2015


The equinox is Wednesday, 23 September. Info HERE.

Last week's chat thread is HERE.

The nights are starting to turn cool in Indiana, and the leaves are just hinting at turning colors.

Everyone have a great week!

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  • Badgers were slaughtered last night, many were saved.

    North Wales Hunt Sabs saw evidence of pixie action

    "Thanks to the pixies for sending us this pic...
    I don't want to give the cullers any tips... 
    But surely they're not going to catch any badgers with that massive hole in the middle of their trap?"

  • Good Morning Everyone.
    OG, An exciting day for 'J'. I guess he has already picked it up.
    Heather, Get working on your OH for a new kitchen LOL. I am sure you will enjoy having the new blinds though. They will certainly give a new look to your kitchen.
    Sorry about Sheana. I just hope that you don't get a message that she can't find Fluffy.
    Linda, Hope you are feeling better this morning. I have never worn Spanx. My SiL wears them and she has had two hernia operations. I honestly believe that they make your muscles become weaker. I am probably wrong:-))
    Love your darling grandson's photograph.

    The sun is shining so I am going to take a chance and hang out the washing. The breeze is quite cold though.

  • BRENDA - after a glass or two of wine, my OH talks expansively (and expensively) about a new kitchen. The next morning his amnesia kicks in....  I'll have to feed him with wine at lunchtime so that I can phone a kitchen shop in the afternoon!

    I'm a plonker. I thought today was Thursday. It is tomorrow that the chap is coming with his tape measure and sample book. If there wasn't a large desk diary here, I would be living in a complete and utter fog.

    I had thought that Sheana might think that Fluffy had been stolen. I said to her yesterday that I will bring him to see her each time I visit, but she'll not remember that. I'll still take him, though!

  • I have had a text from Linda. She is waiting for the engineers to sort out their internet connection

    She is still not feeling too good. 

  • Linda's problem is with Cable so they have no TV either.

    LOL Heather, You will have to record his kitchen conversation and play it back to him, after you have spoken to the kitchen shop. You have made me laugh. Your house sounds like a really happy home. 

  • All I can say, BRENDA, is that we don't take ourselves too seriously! My mother used to (endlessly) repeat a poem to me when I was a child. It started with 'Life is real, life is earnest and the grave is not it's goal. Dust thou art to dust returnest' etc etc etc. If that didn't make me determined to see the happier side of life, nothing did.

    PS I have looked it up, it is a bit of a dirge, by Longfellow. The bit I quoted was the second verse but it is all very Victorian. My father was born in 1891 and mother in 1908 so I shouldn't really be too surprised.
  • Victorian it may be, Heather, but very true. I will look it up.

  • You know, BRENDA, looking at it properly, I can see it as a mantra for life as things were thought of at that time. It is just that all I heard as a child was the one verse, and it did seem very depressing. The prayers that I had to repeat every night were all about God making me be a good girl (was I so very naughty?). And I had to pray for all that were fighting for us on land sea and air. I wasn't born until 1945 but had to say that every single night until I was maybe ten years old.

  • Sorry, I am monopolising the thread but just have to tell you, last night, OH looked out of the window and saw that next door's daughter had parked her car right across our front gates. He marched over to their house at 10.30pm and asked her to move it, which she did. He explained that if there was a family emergency during the night we would have to be able to leave our house! This morning we got a letter from our MP (as did everyone in our street, apparently) saying that lots of people had been complaining about traffic volume and not being able to park outside their own house, plus problems in getting in and out of their own drive. A happy coincidence, methinks!

  • I never had to say prayers like that, Heather. We always went to church together and Dad or Mum would say the Our Father with us, when we went to bed, and then we would say our own private prayers, if we chose. My parents were involved with the church youth clubs and raised the money for a new church hall, but we were never involved. Maybe that is why I have chosen to still practise my religion, even though I have had doubts and plenty of questions, at various stages of my life. I have never felt forced though.