Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 September 2015


The equinox is Wednesday, 23 September. Info HERE.

Last week's chat thread is HERE.

The nights are starting to turn cool in Indiana, and the leaves are just hinting at turning colors.

Everyone have a great week!

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  • Got to shop at Morrisons in Dumfries today, so have decided to enjoy a lunch at Loch Arthur first - need a few of their organics too, so not really an extravagant extra few miles!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Sorry OG, that was a mistake, which I shouldn't have made about EE's sister-in-law. I did know. Thanks for putting me right :-))

    We are going out for lunch. We can look at the rain from a different window then, LOL 

  • Hope you have enjoyed your lunch, Brenda.

    I rang the Hotel, and they promised to look into it, but as we haven't heard anything from them since I am not too hopeful, now. Rinsed out my Wedding outfit & special undies (can recommend Spanx!!) and they are on the line.  The sun has come out now. Bonnie has been busy and ate some of my dining room wallpaper, followed by a new chewing toy which I bought for when she is bored -- she has destroyed it in under fifteen minutes, even though its described on the packet as being virtually indestructible......

    Texted both my sons:  the Groom says that a few people had been unwell, but they are OK.  Youngest says they are all alright except for little Matthew who has a snuffle.

    My OH had a cup of soup for lunch but still feels very nauseous - he has not been as violently ill as I was but is feeling grim.  Meanwhile, we are cheering as the team have arrived since the sun came out, to finish off the rendering on the house next door.  They are banging around but at least its progress!!

  • One of the outstanding buildings we saw in Cardiff was the Wales Millenium Centre which I was not sure of the name....  It is described as an arts centre, concert hall and opera house.  If you Google Wales Millenium Centre you will find lots of info and some good photos of the amazing building itself.

    I have just edited my over 95 photos taken last weekend, down to less than 80.  Here is a picture which my d.in.law has put on Facebook of little Matthew, enjoying the park nearby to the hotel:

  • Good afternoon all just a quick look in to say thanks to you all again.

    Lindy sorry you and OH are not feeling too great, nothing worse than feeling nauseous. Hope you both feel better tomorrow. Pleased to hear wedding was a happy occasion enjoyed by all. What a georgeous photo of young Matthew, smiling as usual.

    geoge thinking of you and hope you enjoyed your weekend.

    Annette sounds as though you are in need of some "me" time.

    OG after your very busy schedule through the summer can see why you are looking forward to spending some time at home.

    diane lovely oic of sunflower.

    Brenda the weather is starting to get on my nerves as well. Dry this morning but hefty showers of hail and rain this afternoon.

    Heather thinks your friend's approach to housework is the best idea.

    OH home until next Tuesday so it will nice to spend some time with him.

    Take care off and have a good evening.

  • Good to hear from you, Margo - glad that your OH is going to be home for a few days.

  • Was a fine day here.  Were running too late for lunch at Loch Arthur, so only went to supermarket and had a very good sandwich in their café!

    LINDA - sorry satnav has not turned up yet.  Glad Sons and families are okay.  Comparing your experience with that of your OH, sounds like "Better out than in"!  I hope he will be better soon.  Lovey pic of Matthew: different from Tomasz, but equally attractive!

    MARGO - enjoy your week with OH at home.

    Big day for J tomorrow - going to collect his new car (with help from us, of course!)

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hi all.

    OG and Brenda - well done for cleaning ovens, I'm afraid I leave it to clean itself!!!!

    OG - sorry to learn of EE's sister-in-laws passing. Hope J enjoys his new car.

    Lindybird - nice to read that the wedding went well although you seemed to have suffered a little.

    Margo - so good to see you dropping in. Take care.

    Well, managed to get into the swing of things again at the gym. Got up to my goal of 18 lengths, mind you the water was bliss to swim in - lovely and warm.

    After a reasonable day yesterday, today started off pretty wet but by middle of the afternoon it had started to clear away and we were left with some sunshine and showers. Tomorrow looks more promising for the first day of the Autumn Equinox.

  • Evening all: Relatively quiet day here; hoping for more of the same tomorrow.

    Lindybird: As OG says, "Better out than in."  Is your OH doing better? Any sign of your Satnav?  Sounds like maybe not such a loss due to its age (a good excuse to buy a new one). Hope you get your tablet organized.  Had to Google Spanx; I think I'd rather stick with loose clothing.  :-)   Matthew looks like a sweetie!

    Heather: Yes, indeed, it was the 1972 truck that I managed to put the first dent in. :-((   Our official rainy season runs from December through March, but it can start earlier (please, please!!)  My grocery shopping schedule is out the window.  We have two stores where we buy most staples. We used to buy some other items at the supermarket round the corner, but that was taken over by a more upmarket company back in February which managed to upset everyone by raising prices and telling us how lucky we were to have it in the neighborhood!   It doesn't carry the brands we liked so now we're going to markets farther afield. Not only that, I've been shopping for my daughter for the last couple of weeks and I feel like I'm popping into markets all over the county for this or that and still forgetting stuff.  I announced I was going to make something the other night and then realized I was missing three ingredients out of nine!   Eeek.  OH zoomed off to market to save the day.

    Margo:  Enjou your time with your OH.

    OG: What car did J ending up buying?  I bet he's excited.

    Lynette: Congrats on getting back up to speed  at the pool.

    Pope Francis has arrived here. I'll be interested to hear what he has to say when he addresses Congress on Thursday.

    Have a good Wednesday everyone.

  • Good morning everyone

    I intended to post here last evening but my get up and go had got up and gone by 9pm - a couple of bad nights catching up on me but happy result. Both OH and I had a good sleep. I try not to disturb him when I'm not sleeping but inevitably do that very thing.

    OG- J will be a happy man today! So generous of you to help him buy the new car. Sorry that you missed your lunch at Loch Arthur. I googled it so now know that you are supporting a very special business.

    ANNETTE - I'm even more sorry about the dent now that I realise that your truck is so elderly and has been so well loved:-(  Let us hope that you get some rain this winter. OH and I certainly didn't see any on our two winter visits to Rancho Mirage. We thought that it was very warm but then we would, wouldn't we?

    LYNETTE - a self cleaning oven?!! Sounds good to me. I seem to recall having such a thing, years ago but you still had to clean the shelves.

    MARGO- Good to see your post. Enjoy your week with your OH. Perhaps you will get out of the house for a drive/lunch?

    We've got someone coming this morning to measure for the new kitchen blinds. How, how and thrice how I wish that he was coming to measure up for a new kitchen.

    I saw Sheana yesterday. She was in bed in her nightie. First time ever when I've visited. She had forgotten that her nephew had been with her, recently. I was asked by her to take Fluffy home with me and look after him. He is a toy dog that she has had since she was a child. She tapped him on his nose and told him to behave himself. All quite sad,I thought.

    LINDY- I bet you couldn't wait to get the Spanx off! As long as they did the job,though :-)))