Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 September 2015


The equinox is Wednesday, 23 September. Info HERE.

Last week's chat thread is HERE.

The nights are starting to turn cool in Indiana, and the leaves are just hinting at turning colors.

Everyone have a great week!

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  • Evening all:  

    Lindybird: Welcome home and lovely that all went so well - except for the night in the loo!  Maybe something dietary combined with all the excitement?   Ah, but now I've read more it seems like Something was indeed Going Around. Hope the bride and groom weren't affected. Looking forward to hearing how long you lasted in those high heels!

    Heather: You must have created quite a stir in OH's neighborhood in the early days. :-)

    OG:  Good that your trip north can go ahead as scheduled.

    Started off the day by bashing our lovely old truck against the fence post while I was moving it into the driveway.  (I was moving it because today is street-sweeping day but - again!! - they didn't show up! It's a new city contractor and OH is going to call and complain tomorrow. They're supposed to sweep the leaves regularly because if they don't, the leaves, etc., will clog the drains during the rainy season.)   Anyway, the fence post was unscathed, but the truck has a definite dent in it - if only it was the other way around. I was utterly exasperated with myself, even though OH was philosophical.   Then I went off to daughter's to find her cell phone was acting up (again), so tootled off to the phone store to get her another basic flip phone, where I had to fend off an enthusiastic salesman eager to sell a smart phone, which wasn't the plan. Then they couldn't get the photos off her old phone and onto my iPhone (or her new phone for that matter).  Two hours later - grrrrr! - I got back to her place.  She was very sweet and sent me off home toute suite with orders to do nothing until Thursday when I take her back to the docs, hopefully to have the stitches out.  She does a have good male friend who helps out, but he works at a ranch during the day so can't do those kinds of errands.   Did manage to make it to my lovely yoga class, so that was a valuable hour of "me" time.

    Sorry to whine. Off to bed soon; may meet friend for breakfast/lunch tomorrow, but otherwise plan to hide behind my book. 

  • Good Morning. We have had very heavy rain since the early hours.

    Linda, Very pleased to hear that all went well at your son's wedding, but sorry to read that you are both now unwell. I hope you are improving this morning, but these bugs often take, at least a few days.

    What a day , Annette. You must feel exhausted. Sorry about the dent in your truck. 

    OG, Pleased that you don't have to cancel your trip north. Possibly better for EE if he takes the train to attend his sister's funeral. After the drive and the funeral, he will be 'drained ' and therefore, possibly won't feel like driving home. X

  • Good Morning, All.  Damp and drizzly here.  Trying to motivate myself to do stuff but still not feeling 100% even though I had a good night's sleep.  My OH is moping around, feeling queasy and unsure of what to eat or not.

    OG & EE:  Sorry to hear of your sister's death, Eagle Eye.  I hope it was not sudden nor unexpected.  I've not had time nor actually inclination to read back too far.  Hope the problem of attending the funeral can be resolved.

    Annette:  Don't get me started again on Devices and their foibles!!  Not surprised to hear that you've had problems with your dau's phone. Sorry you've had such hassle, and then to bash your truck, too.  Bah!  Good that you were able to get to Yoga class, which I'm sure did you lots of good.

    I now have to ring up the Hotel we stayed in (where the wedding actually took place, too) as we can't find our Satnav now:  I strongly suspect we have left it in a drawer, and as it was in a black leather case, in a dark piece of furniture, in a dark room (more of that later.....), it's not surprising that we have lost it.  Also have to get up the energy to go back to the local PC Specialists with my tablet, which is still inert as it won't charge up.

    EDIT:   We are now worrying that in fact many of the guests may have/ or had the bug, and that our Son & New Wife will have gone on their honeymoon with it - they were staying at the hotel until Monday lunchtime, then going home to collect cases and get a flight abroad today.  We will no doubt hear about it all later.

  • Good morning all -

    ANNETTE - I take it that the dented truck is the one that you are planning on selling? What a pesky thing to have happened, especially when the street cleaners didn't arrive anyway. You mentioned the rainy season - when will that be, I wonder?

    LINDA - I hope that you and your OH are feeling better this morning.

    OG - Things seem to be falling into place regarding the funeral and your planned trip. Look forward to hearing from you.

    I thought that I had bought all our food supplies at the weekend but not so, must do a top up shop. Living so close to the shops makes me a bit complacent and lazy about writing shopping lists.

  • LINDY - our posts crossed. I'm so sorry to hear about your Satnav, I hope it is at the hotel and that an honest person found it.

    My phone needed a new battery and maybe the same applies to your tablet computer. I assume that the lad in the shop had the sense to attempt a charge while you were there, using one of their own chargers? I'm using my PC right now but would be lost without Junior.

    Good to read that you are feeling better x Have just looked back again and see that you suspect a bug affecting hotel guests. I hope that your son and his wife will be OK.
  • Good Morning, Heather.   Hope you can get what you need without too much bother.  We live not too far from shops, so I don't worry as much as I used to years ago, when I lived a good 25 minute walk from any, with no car.

    First Instalment of Wedding Story:

    We had an excellent journey down south, and arrived as planned in Cardiff for lunchtime.  We then parked in a multi storey ("hang the expense!!" said my normally mean spouse!!)  Someone directed us kindly towards the frontage, and we found lots of shops and restaurants, where we chose an old pub which had converted to a restaurant, for our grub. OH had Minute Steak & Chips, and I had Paprika Chicken on a Corn Fritter with veg.  Afterwards we enjoyed Hot Mini Doughnuts and Hot Brownies, respectively.  All very good.    It rained hard whilst we had lunch but then stopped in time for our adventures:   Off around the Bay of Cardiff, where there are many modern buildings including the Welsh National Assembly Building, the Concert Hall and others.  I took lots of photos so hope to be able to share those later.

    There are also some interesting Art Installations and we saw a huge Drone going around the Bay, looking at things from above. In the distance we could see the now famous Millenium Stadium, where that weekend, there was going to be the World Cup Rugby game held.  We then set off through the green Welsh Countryside to find our hotel, which was without problem as the happy couple had described it well.  A lovely old Country House, with view through the trees of a big green valley.  We were allotted a room in the Gatehouse, so went off to unpack. After making a nice cup of tea and freshening up, we went back to the main building where we found some of our relatives arrived, and had a nice evening eating & drinking. Went to bed not too late so as not to be too tired for the Big Day ahead.  That night I awoke with agonising cramp in my legs, which caused me to gasp and well, perspire somewhat - next morning, my hair looked like um, hard to describe!!

  • Heather:   Yes, they tried to charge it up but pronounced that it was the Port which was bent out of shape and I need a new one installed, by soldering one onto the board, if  possible:  need to see the Man Who Knows About This today, as he was on holiday last week.  Laughed as of course the youngster described my Tablet as "old" even though I've had it less than three years!!

    The SatNav is old, though, and very out of date:  I keep meaning to pay for an upgrade.  If it is lost I shall lobby my OH for a new one as its very useful when going anywhere unfamiliar.

  • BRENDA and LINDA - death was OH's Sister-in-Law - his Brother's wife. They never had a Sister - and both married spouses with no siblings.  She was 80 a few weeks ago, just before moving into a care home - older than Brother who himself is older than us!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • LINDA - hope the "bug" has not affected the couple on their second honeymoon, or their wee girl, and that you and others will soon recover.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • ANNETTE - pleased to see that you are taking some "me-time" this week.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!