Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 September 2015


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Anyone can watch the partial solar eclipse here
U.K.: tomorrow morning at 5:30 a.m.
Eastern U.S.: tonight at 12:30 a.m.
California: tonight at 9:30 p.m.

  • Hallo all: Just back from day at daughter's and visit to doc who isn't taking stitches out for another 10 days - and that's not a guarantee!   Eeeek.  He did give her a more comfortable boot to wear, but still wants her to keep off it.  I see more trips to and fro in my future.

    Lindybird: It rained here today - well, what passes for rain in California, but enough to send painters scampering off.  Bits and bobs of detail work to finish off still.  House-number hunting turned out to be a full-time job. I found some nice plain ones at the store round the corner, but then OH pointed out they have to be mounted on a plaque. Well, the plaque was entirely too grand for our house/neighborhood, so I returned them.  The other options lacked enough #2s, so they were out. I then went downtown Santa Barbara to a nice home improvement store/hardware shop, but had Really Ugly ones. OH finally found something we don't completely hate at Home Depot.  Re those creams that make your eyes look younger (I'd have to spread them all over my entire face!)  :-)  Good luck with the pc port.

    Brenda: Thanks so much for passing on the news from Margo.  Interesting about that hightech cat flap. We were actually thinking about getting one but I suspected our cat would run away if the thing flew open suddenly in front of her.  At least you won't have to wander the fields calling its name now they're home.  Um - I'll pass on Luwak "coffee" thank you very much!

    Diane: I'm not sure how accurate that map is.  Here's a link to the CalFire site, which is where I usually go.  My area is still free of fires, thank heaven. http://www.fire.ca.gov/ 

    Off to sort out dinner.....

  • Thanks, Annette, for the link! Sorry you have more trips to and fro daughter's house in your immediate future. :-(

  • Good Morning, All.  A bit dull & damp here today, and strong winds & rain predicted for tomorrow all over UK as a hurricane spends its last breath on us after crossing The Pond from our US neighbours.

    Annette:  Sorry to hear that your daughter has got to put up with the boot for longer, she must be fed up with it already. More journeying for you, too :-(  We found the same problem with house numbers, when I started looking: a lot of them need mounting on something.

    Yesterday afternoon we went to nearby town to visit the kind friend who is taking Bonnie in whilst we are away at the weekend. Bonnie loved her house & garden, and promptly christened the lawn, and ate a huge amount of dog treats!  The friend is hoping to get a puppy herself soon, but wants a Border Collie.  I shall have to sit down today and write out a feeding list and a few do's & don'ts for Bonnie.  The friend had a lot of pretty ornaments on her low windowsills, so I hinted that they would have to go, temporarily.

  • Good Morning ALL. We kept being woken up in the early hours overnight. The gales were very strong and were driving the heavy rain against our bedroom windows. Very noisy. Still heavy rain now, although they say it will clear later before it all returns tonight and tomorrow.

    Diane / Annette, Thank you for the fire links. It is painful to see so much destruction. It is ironic that this morning's news showed the flooding in Utah.

    Annette, Life must be very difficult and painful for your daughter. It is so good that you are able to ferry her around, but it must be tiring for you.
    Just when you could have done without rain, it arrives and stops your painters from working. LOL
    The cat flap doesn't snap open quickly, but does make a sound, which the cat doesn't like. I will keep checking if it has got used to it. Neighbour changed to this cat flap because another cat kept coming into their house, through the old flap.

    I popped into Waitrose and was choosing some fruit, when a little girl was trying to pass in front of me. Her father told her to wait. I turned to look at dad and it was Lee Mead with his daughter. I have seen him there before, but not so close LOL

  • Good morning all

    So far, its a lovely if coolish day, here.

    BRENDA - Thank you for the news of MARGO. I know that she spends a lot of time sleeping because then she is not constantly thinking about things. She is never far from my thoughts.

    The mongoose coffee - I have heard of it but have absolutely no inclination to try it!

    LINDY - What a pain having to wait a week for your tablet computer to be looked at. Is it still in warranty? Yes, maybe the words Bonnie and pretty ornaments shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence!

    I hope that AQ's nanny day wasn't too traumatic, especially after her weekend away.

    ANNETTE -  I heard an interview with an official who said that there were 1000 fire fighters working. He said that these were the worst fires in 30 years.

    I see that you and June from our sister blog Gabfest have been chatting a bit. While I second your invitation to June and appreciate hers to us, I seem to remember, a few years ago, reading the posting criteria for Gabfest. There was, by and large, to be no mention of health, doctors appointments or other personal issues. That might be difficult for us Weekly Chatters, since we do share quite a lot of our life events with each other! Long may that continue -

    I hope that not too many of us are spider lovers. My trusty long handled mop and I have been very busy outside, this morning. I even (shame of shames) found a web inside, in the top corner of one of the kitchen windows. You have to believe me when I say that it wasn't there yesterday.

    Thinking about OG and EE. Hope that they get reasonable weather for their trip and that OG's mammogram went off OK. I used to hate them but this last time I wasn't at all uncomfortable. I complimented the radiographer but she said that the reason I had no discomfort nowadays was because I was - ahem - older. Or my bosoms were.

    Have a good day, everyone

  • Today is the actual Battle of Britain Anniversary. 40 hurricanes and spitfire will take off from Goodwood and then break off into groups to fly over the relevant aerodromes. They take off at 12.00BST.

    They could fly over our house. Here's hoping.

  • BRENDA - I would give anything to see them in the flesh.

  • I saw that Prince Harry is to be in one of the planes, Brenda.  Give him a wave, from me!

    Just watched Annettes clip of the poor man driving out of Middleton in the fires:  really scary.

    The drizzle stopped here, so I put out some of my laundry and fingers crossed, the breeze might just dry it enough.

  • Not sure, now if Prince Harry is actually IN one of the planes:  he might just be an observer.  My dear old Father, who would have been 100 this year if he were still with us, was in the R.A.F. and he would have been so pleased that they are not forgotten (he was not a fighter pilot, he was a trainee bomber pilot but was withdrawn from service as he was needed much more in the factories as he was a Mechanical Engineer).

  • My Dad did fly both spitfires and hurricanes during the war.

    The take off has been delayed until 2pm because of the bad weather.

    Prince Harry is supposed to be in one of the planes, Linda. A veteran of 100yrs will be in the leading plane.