• Unknown said:

    The IFs and BUTs were only based on there being chicks on the nest in 2016 and if tracked may be followed home if one survived in 2018.

    Ifs and Buts - Well first who is going to be King and Queen on the LG nest next season

    I see you spelled out some of the ifs ands and buts that I only alluded to.  Yes , first of all, who will return to the nest ?, then who will maintain control?.  Then the biggest IF of all.  Something I (and maybe all of us) used to take  for granted, but now I can no longer:  Will there   be chicks for the 2016 season.???  Oh, I do hope and pray that there will be!!!!    

    Then all the ifs ands or buts of the many varied daily dangers of the life of an osprey between first migration  south and the return north 2 or 3 years later.

  • Now if I were the proverbial sailor I would be cussing a blue streak.  I just spent a considerable amount of time writing a paragraph and the computer just took it away.  I'll never be able to rewrite it.

    I'm sure we've lost a few people for various computer reasons.

  • Good evening all. Just seen the news of Breaghs demise, hadsomany hopes for him returning next year but sadly yet again not to be :( Im sure too though that at least one or two of LG chicks are still alive. Maybe Garten June :) We will never know of Druies fortune and in my opinion better not to know and just hope some day someone willspot their ring. A bit like looking for a needle in a haystack!

  • I am relieved that LG are nolonger tracking their young ospreys, and just feel so sad about Breagh and shocked even though this is what we expected in the back of our minds.

  •  This morning I set my alarm for 03.30inthe morning to photograph (or try to!) the red super moon and out of many only got one  poor one! All the others are much worse!!

  • Good posts, Willow.  I agree with every word.

    Unfortunately I cannot ever see the moon rise here at my house.  It is well up into the sky before it comes into view above the treetops.  In addition when I looked last night, I saw the moon through a thick mist cover. Any special view was completely ruined.

  • Willow: That's a much better than the puny one I managed to get on my iPhone!

  • Hi folks ... Great capture Willow, see you have stars in your pic!!

    Would you consider adding it to our ' Moon' thread to join the others for a collective record?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Good afternoon all. Wendy I will post this pic to the moon thread. It was the only one that came out among many as i kept bumping and knocking the camera and tripod! At 3.30 I behave like a drunk :(

    June the moon is quite high when it rises as there are trees in the way but always a joy to see it shine through the branches. I can see it set as theres nothing really in the way. it was a very starry night as the moon was very dark. Unlucky with the mist though June

  • Does anybody know what happened to Green J as she was not spotted.