WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 12, 2015

Hallo all:

OG: Love the photo of the two ducks (not sure which kind). But which of you got down on the ground to get that shot?  The details on the drake are really striking.

Heather: I remember Circassian Circles - but only the name!  What a wonderful time you had, sounds like so much fun.

Rita: Congratulations on your knee.  Good for you.  Seems like a lots of folks on here will be happy to cheer you along in rehab.  :-)  Do you have one of those walkers? (I think they call them Zimmer frames over there).

I'll be up at 6 a.m. to watch Federer/Djokovich game.

Here's to a good week for everyone and hope Margo is doing okay.

  • {{{HUGS}}} to Margo. I hope you enjoy your week with your OH.

    Yesterday’s nanny duty was even easier than Monday. I managed a ½ hour snooze before reading a trillion books to a wriggling Miss3. How am I to see the words with arms and hair flicking over the page LOL. The washing machine is calling, we have a fine sunny day, expecting 13 C, overnight it was down to 5.

  • Evening all:  

    AQ: I like what I'm reading! You managed a nap during nanny duty!  Yay.

    Heather: I just finished Dead Wake.  A real page turner but, of course, so sad, especially as it appears it could have been prevented, which raises other questions you'll read about.  Re OG's comment about the Tullie Museum and its unique collection, turns out the conning tower of the submarine that sank the Lusitania is in a small museum in Thorsminde, Denmark, and a piece of wood from a lifeboat, bearing the vessel's name, is in the Hoover Institution at Stanford University near San Francisco (they just had an exhibition of items from the ship). Makes you wonder what all our local museums have lurking in their inventories.

    Brenda: Ugh. Don't like the sound of that developer. I remember when he took out those trees.  Oak trees are protected here too. Re TS, the LA Times reports that either the city never delivered or that he or his "people" never received/accepted the legal documents advising him that he was breaking the law; also that he supposedly paid for the water he took.  I have no idea.  Yes, rain would be good. There's a nasty fire burning in the Cajon Pass (pronounced Cahone with the stress on "hone")- the highway between LA and Las Vegas. Amazing video of trucks and cars burning on the freeway. The one  thing we don't want is dry lightning....

    Have a good Saturday everyone.

  • Good Morning, All. Sunny here, hooray! Our Youngest & family are enjoying their stay in Wales - its been mostly dry there and they wouldn't want to be hot, anyway, with a baby. Annette - Just saw the cars blazing on the highway, on our Breakfast News, what a terrible thing to happen.
  • A noisy night, after a big downpour during the evening, but no damage; still breezy with sunshine.

    CLARE - maybe all gulls stick their tongues out when they squawk;  they probably use the muscles at the "root" of the tongue to vocalise!

    BRENDA - I guess it would have been better for you if the bungalows had been your side, and the houses the other, but I suppose the oak tree would have caused extra complications with the larger floor-plan of a bungalow. I hope the tree will survive after all this, I remember you were concerned about it when all this started with the felling of the other trees.

    AQ - my! two good Nanny-days in one week, life is looking up!

    ANNETTE - I love finding "big" stories featuring in small museums, but then I get cross because the various parts are not gathered together in one place - can't make my mind up which I would prefer!  I love serendipity, but also like order!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Just lost a post because my screen froze, and although I found it again, I managed to delete it myself by being careless!! AQ - Great that you got to have a more serene day, your daughter must be very tired now herself, and so grateful for your help. Brenda - you have had such a headache with this new development next door, and now you'll have all the actual building to put up with ......{HUGS} to you! OG - see that you got some of the promised rain, we seem to keep missing it. Yesterday they had a downpour only two miles from us!
  • Hi Everyone. The sun is shining here, too, so the washing machine is busy.

    AQ, Another easy nanny day. Fantastic. You will be asked to stay the night, so that the parents can have a full night's sleep :-))

    OG, I noticed there has been flooding in Perth and they are still not playing golf today because of the gales. We are promised some rain tomorrow.

    Thanks for the hugs, Linda. We have no idea when the building will start. In fact, the developer hasn't  actually bought the property yet, until his plans are approved.  We have had all our neighbours here this morning, to update them on the latest situation. 

    Annette, As Linda says above, we were shown the fire on the Cajon Pass on TV news. Looks very bad.

    Just watching the Murray doubles match as I continue with HW. Gardening next. 

  • A busy day. Went food shopping, took my OH as he badly needs new sunglasses, so next port of call was Boots, where I bought some myself the other day - they are reducing their prices for a short time. He tried on lots, and finally settled on a pair which he felt wouldn't damage his wallet too much! Went to visit an elderly, former neighbour of ours who is now over 90 but still managing at home with the help of her sons, calling in etc. Then off to Aldi, where we bought bargain wines and meat. I love their custard creams, too! Afternoon spent putting up a hammock (self standing, we don't have enough trees!) which I bought in a rash moment years ago. It's taking up room but I never put it up as its easy to get into, but hard to get out of, LOL!! So I needed to take a pic of it so I can advertise it for sale!
  • Hi all

    ANNETTE- I'm looking forward to reading the book. Just finished A Dangerous Place, about to start a novel set in France, WW2.

    BRENDA- no gardening here today, windy and cool and we took a day off. I went to see Sheana this afternoon. Not much change.

    AQ- Dare we think that things are settling down on the nanny front? Fingers crossed!

  • Bonnie has 'helped' today by stealing the weekend newspaper as soon as we got home, and running around the garden with it....she tore the entire cover off the Saturday colour supplement but thankfully the rest of it is still readable. When we sat down in garden chairs to try on our new sunglasses, she stole the case for mine and we had to fool her into going indoors to retrieve it. Then she 'helped' during the hammock construction by chewing up & discarding large chunks of plastic flowerpots she'd found....... The bits now litter the lawn, which my OH mowed only yesterday and looked quite tidy before she started!
  • LINDY- We crossed posts!

    We went to Lidl today after visiting Sheana. I like to vary my shopping venues and some of the deli items in the German shops are very good quality and much cheaper.