Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 5 July 2015


Last week's Chat thread is here.

I hope everyone is safe from the bad weather in the U.K.

Margo: Sorry it was so frightful for you.

Clare: Congratulations on your new opportunity at Minsmere. Enjoy!

Brenda: Sorry you lost your match with the men folks. :-) I'm sure your new roses are lovely.

Lindy: I hope you enjoy your time in Wales.

Annette: So glad you all had such a nice day at the beach.

Heather: I hope things are improving for your family in France.

AQ: I've enjoyed looking at your photos. I like the Koroit Library, the Cape Nelson Lighthouse, and the Portland Tram; also, I want to live in the little Kalangadoo Church with the green roof! Very lovely. 

You might be interested in seeing this old Catholic church near me: see here and here. Built in 1886, it stands in the rustic, restored 19th century Billie Creek Village in Parke County. Also, here's the historic old Log Church, built in 1871, in what is now Turkey Run State Park/Forest near me.

Hello to everyone. I hope this post makes sense. My neighbors are blasting off huge fireworks. They terrify me. I hope they don't set the woods on fire. Poor, poor wildlife. I hate July 4th.

  • There you are OG, a job well done.  I am working on my OH's old desktop which is on Windows XP but work on Google Chrome as XP is now unsupported.  What a fantastic picture.  See you've been practising further down the page and hey presto some lovely pics appearing.

    See weather is a bit windy up North and at Dyfi.

  • Hello all

    Got back from Aberdeenshire about lunch time.

    The wedding day went very well, the service conducted by the minister who knows the family, he returned specially from his new charge and the current minister was fine with the arrangement. The wedding meal was very traditional, scotch broth followed by roast rib of beef and a trio of puddings. Before that, when we arrived, canapes and wine or soft drinks.

    The wedding dance didn't finish until 1am, started with the Grand March and Circassian Circle (don't ask, I can't describe it!) and many Scottish dances followed. The Gay Gordons,dashing white sergeant, strip the willow, Canadian barn dance. Plus many more. Lots of foot stamping, clapping, twirling and birling etc Most of the men were wearing the kilt. At the end, Auld Lang Syne followed by singing 'For they are jolly good fellows'when the bride, groom, bride's parents are hoisted aloft by strong young men and carried around the dance floor. Three cheers then for the band, the hotel staff, whatever!

    The bride's father, OHs nephew,is pipe major in the local pipe band, so at 1030 pm, the whole pipe band marched in and gave a performance. All very stirring stuff, but oh my, we were very tired by the end of the evening!!!

    I can see why the colour scheme of a wedding should be shared,LINDY and OG. Think about the wedding pictures, imagine the bridesmaids dresses and the two mothers dresses clashing horribly LOL.

    I'd better go and start dinner soon. We have both been gardening since we returned at 1pm

  • Pleased it went well, HEATHER.  Very brave of you staying right through to the end!  And gardening after travelling home - you obviously both have more stamina than us!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Wow. That's really pretty, OG.

    Glad you enjoyed the wedding, Heather. Sounds wonderful. You have more stamina than I do.

  • What I will say is that OH has gone to bed! He has crashed :-)

  • Hello Everybody - I have a new knee!!!!!!!  And am so glad that it is done now. I would not say that the last four days have been the best of my life but I am now back at my Son and D-in-L 's house.  The trouble has been that I have suffered from nausea ever since the operation and was not able to eat or drink anything the whole time I was in hospital.  I was put on goodness knows how many anti-sick drips, tablets, injections but nothing worked.   I believe it is the morphine that causes it, I had a patch on for three days and lots of liquid doses so i think it will take time yet to work right through. However, I have eaten a bit today.  My oldest two grandchildren are back home for the weekend to see me which is very nice and so there have been six people fussing over me! Tomorrow, the two youngest are playing the steel pans in a steel band music festival all day.   I shall be endeavouring to walk down to the end of the garden and around and start exercises in earnest.

  • Good to see a post from you, RITA, and congrats on getting the knee.  Could have been anaesthetic which made you nauseous, rather than the morphine.  I was lucky with mine in that respect, having a spinal anaesthetic and then a morphine pump so I could keep it to a minimum.  My only allergic reaction was when I was moved into a shared room where another patient had Lilies among her flowers - really set me off wheezing!  Pleased to know the family are looking after you well!

    (Iris at Castle Kennedy, Galloway May 2015)


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Heather, sounds as though you had a fantastic time.   Love the dances mentioned. Use to do most of them many years back when I went to Scottish country dance classes with a friend back home.

    Rita, glad to see that you are now home. I remember well having morphine initially for the pain but it made me nauseous too so I said that I didn't want it anymore.  Take it steady and keep up with the physio, you'll soon be walking a marathon,  lol. Seriously, it will soon feel a lot better. Had mine 2 years ago and although still numb on one side its a whole lot better.

    OG - another lovely picture. I had a spinal too and morphine pump but it still made me queasy so asked them to stop it. We're all different which makes for an interesting world.  lol.