WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JUNE 21, 2015

Good grief! Another week!  

In case you missed it, Heather is now grandma to a little girl (as yet unnamed); Rita and tortoises have arrived safely at daughter's but tortoises got up to mischief; Diane is finishing up her freelance assignment, AQ's car floor mats have disintegrated, and OG has been doing the ironing.  I've been out in the garden - how unusual. Anyway, it's all happening!

Have a good Monday all - it's the longest Monday of the year, so make the most of it..

  • Friend and I decided to start our search for hat, shoes & handbag in M&S, as their shoes are often very comfortable but also can be glamorous when called for. We thought we would be celebrating if we came out of the shop with just one of those items, but we astounded ourselves by leaving less than an hour later, with all three!!!! Plus, the shoes were Sale price!!!! Bought black, strappy shoes, a cute delicate black double bow on a headband, and a satin bag. Of course, it helps if you bear in mind that you can take things back to M&S if you change your mind, but I adore the fascinator and doubt if I'll see better shoes anywhere.
  • We then went to John Lewis where we celebrated by going for a sandwich lunch - tuna mayonnaise in my case. Then Friend attacked their Sale items & came away with three blouses and a sweater. I resisted anything: I loved a jacket but it was leather and cost nearly 200 pounds even in the sale!!
  • LINDA - that sounds a very successful day!  BTW - I haven't written that email yet - probably tomorrow or over the weekend, as I need to make an attempt and write down the stages as they happen!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • ANNETTE- I've been reading and trying to understand the principles of 'Obamacare' I think I understand what it hopes to achieve, affordable and/or accessible health insurance for all, regardless of income. What I don't comprehend is what the opposition think should happen.

  • It's puzzled me in the past as to why this idea seems unpopular with some, although I've heard some of our NHS's failings held up as examples of why not to have a change in the USA. (Such as long waiting lists, and no option to opt out of the system etc.)
  • No probs, OG - write when you have time. But I am not techy, just someone who tinkers with things until they make sense to me! So can't promise I'll be of any help! A pic to cheer us -
  • Lindybird: I thought they were rhododendrons.  Re the fountain, every now and then I add drops of an anti-algae liquid that I get at an aquarium shop that is safe for critters.  Of course, it doesn't do much for feathers or wayward leaves...   Good old M&S!

    OG: Eton Mess?  Had to Google it.  Then there's Gooseberry Fool; not to mention those Butteries.....  Interesting comments about the saltiness of the latter in relation to Aberdeen.   Re the fountain again, we have very hard water here; they do make water softener machines that filter out stuff, but there's a downside to those too (though I can't remember what it is).  It doesn't get too bad as long as you stay on top of it, which I didn't in this case. Lesson learned.  Re health care, there is - at least in California - a MediCal program (the Calif version of Medicaid, the federal program) that covers the poorest uninsured, but you have to have very low income levels before you can qualify for that. Obamacare (officially the Affordable Care Act) subsidies those who are earning too much to be eligible for that program but can't or have a terrible time paying the insane, ridiculous, price-gouging, shameful premiums charged by the insurance companies - if you get my drift.  :-)  The great thing about the ruling was that it was 6-3 with conservative Chief Justice Roberts on the side of the angels.  That's odd about not being able to post photos; wonder what the issue is.

    Heather: The opposition to Obamacare thinks that all poor sick people should just go away and stop being a drain on the national budget. They would probably deport them if they could (and Lord knows they're trying in many cases).

    Brenda: Wow. 19th floors up and then you still have to walk the dog!   Hope they don't forget the pooper-scooper on the way out the door.  Ha! Had to smile at the thought of Rita getting pulled over and charged with transporting endangered species for illicit purposes - can you see the headlines? Woman Caught Smuggling Tortoises.  Any post from Margo is a good post. :-)

    Successful day here for the most part.

    Take care all.

  • Good Morning Everyone. A warm and humid night here. There is sunshine at the moment but it is forecast to get cloudy and more humid.

    Loved your last night pic, Linda. So pleased you completed your wedding outfit. 

    Need to have my shower now.

  • Good Morning, All. Humid here, too. We sat in the garden yesterday when I got home, in spite of the noise from next door where the workmen are banging around & shouting. I tell myself that every day they're here is a day nearer to the house finally being finished. Today I'm going to try on all of my wedding outfit together & decide if it all works. I love the shoes but worry that I may be struggling by the evening not to fall over in them! I may buy another more comfortable pair to wear to dance in........ As the whole lot cost me nothing like I expected, it would not be extravagant. My Friend gave the advice that I should wear heels around the house for a while to get used to them, as these days I spend most of my life in comfy flats.
  • I survived tooth torture this morn. I shouldn't complain too much as I haven't had a hole for last few years. Next on the agenda is to get car repaired next week. Nanny duty on Wed was the best ever. Both girls synchronised am & pm naps and were so cuddly when they woke. Of course the long naps were caused by a horrendous sleepless night before and Dau was like a zombie. I tried to let Dau nap too but Miss3 was being a pest. Has someone been meddling with the time & calendar again? How come it is the weekend again already so soon?