WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JUNE 21, 2015

Good grief! Another week!  

In case you missed it, Heather is now grandma to a little girl (as yet unnamed); Rita and tortoises have arrived safely at daughter's but tortoises got up to mischief; Diane is finishing up her freelance assignment, AQ's car floor mats have disintegrated, and OG has been doing the ironing.  I've been out in the garden - how unusual. Anyway, it's all happening!

Have a good Monday all - it's the longest Monday of the year, so make the most of it..

  • Very quiet on here this week....   hope everyone is either enjoying their visits to family, or resting, or getting out and about!  

    More pictures:  We went for a day out at Llanberis, which started with a walk in the Country Park next to the lake and the lagoons which feed it. Very much recommended (& all on the flat, for those who find slopes difficult).

    The view across the lake:

    The lagoons:

    All very peaceful, on a Tuesday in June - expect there would be a lot more people in the school holidays. We met a lot of dogs and their owners, though, and all wanted to chat, which meant that it took us an hour to walk the path and back.

  • At the far end of our walk, we would have had to cross a main road, so we turned back ( we had gone far enough, anyway) but I snapped these Welsh Coos sitting peaceably in a field, untroubled by the fairly heavy traffic!

    I also noticed wild plants growing beside us, on the way:

    We returned to the car and then moved it to a new location and walked some more, around the head of the lake near to the famous railway station, which climbs to the top of Snowdon mountain. In search of refreshment, we found the Welsh Slate Museum, which is free to enter but we were too tired!  Its an imposing building and next to it were some former workers cottages (not visible here) which had been moved brick by brick, to the new location from higher up the mountain. We stayed and had a nice cuppa sitting outside with Bonnie. We will come back another time, now we know where it is, plus of course my OH loves anything that is Free!! LOL!!

  • Hi all

    Back at home, flight landed 1030hrs. A quick check of the fridge followed by a supermarket shop, lunch and then first load in the washing machine. The house is in a much better state than I thought it would be! Well, I've only been away for four days. Now chilling out, been up since 0530.

    Baby Bella had a good night. I just heard that Barbara was in the kitchen this morning, Sam supposed to be getting ready for school. Arabella in her crib. Barbara heard 'Don't worry, Mummy', ran upstairs to find Sam holding the baby in his arms, quite the thing. Oh dear.

  • PS LINDY- butteries are a bit like a flat croissant. We are a butter eating household, not too much but always the real thing. HOWEVER,butteries take it to another level!  

  • To my Midwestern eyes: Butteries are halfway between an American Indian flatbread or fry bread and a traditional Indiana baking powder biscuit. :-)

    Looks good!

  • They all sound pretty good to me, Diane!!!  Yum!

  • Just Googled butteries.....Oh my!  The calories!! But they do look good......

  • We've been enjoying Welsh Cakes which are like a flat unrisen scone with dried fruit in it, cooked on a griddle. You have them hot, with butter, for the best taste.  I sometimes buy them but have also cooked them at home in a heavy frypan.

  • They are a bit like croissants with an Aberdeenshire accent.