Just noticed it is Monday. It is my honor to start the new thread. Though I have not had much to contribute this season, I am nevertheless moved by the circumstances and events in the last week, not the least of which is the return of our dear ODIN.
Yesterday began with most of us resigning ourselves to OC (Orange Chest) being the new dominant male of the nest, especially after he kicked 2 eggs out of the nest, and destroyed the third in the nest cup. However, though EJ eventually accepted fish from him, she nevertheless refused to mate with him, shrugging him off time after time. Today OC brought a good sized brown trout to the nest, but promptly took off, after which a brief view of the chasing "intruder" was seen on the nest. This chasing "intruder" looked like ODIN, first mentioned by scylla, and commented upon similarly by other posters such as Moffer and Lindybird among others. Here is scylla's video of the fish and its disappearance followed by an osprey looking very much like Odin.
He did not return until late at night, caught by this video by BirdieNumNum, to our delight. We dearly hope to see him return victorious in the daylight.
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
Darn camera. My sound continues but the picture keeps freezing.
EJ was calling, sounding stressed to me, but no picture to go with it :(
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
I'm going to stick my neck out here, and say that I don't think the most recent male bird is Odin, although I wish he were.
Why? Firstly, because I don't think the head markings look quite right, although with the appalling image quality it's impossible to be sure.
The main reason is that, over the past 4 seasons when I've watched this nest very closely, one of the things that has struck me about Odin in that he is a SMALL bird - considerably smaller than EJ, and frequently looking a lot thinner, especially at the end of the season, after going on all his marathon fishing trips.
The other male birds we've seen since Odin left the nest all, to me, look much bulkier, including round the leg area.
Am I imagining things? quite possibly - time will tell.
There is a strange situation at Dunrovin where a new male wants to have a little fun while the female Harriet is holding on to incubating eggs which are almost certainly dud.
Tiger Signature
So very sad. EJ turns her empty shell :(
Makes me want to cry, every time :(((
I feel gutted every time I see EJ turn that empty shell.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
With all this carry on, on the nest, I don't think that we'll get more eggs this year. After such a wonderful start to the year it's tragic. I believe that it's not only LG that have had problems either. We need more nest platforms.
Night cam on @ 21.56
moffer said: With all this carry on, on the nest, I don't think that we'll get more eggs this year. After such a wonderful start to the year it's tragic. I believe that it's only LG that have had problems either. We need more nest platforms. Night cam on @ 21.56
With all this carry on, on the nest, I don't think that we'll get more eggs this year. After such a wonderful start to the year it's tragic. I believe that it's only LG that have had problems either. We need more nest platforms.
I do not think so. We need more translocations.
Moffer. I've got serious doubts about there being a second clutch. Mainly becuase the first clutch was destroyed while quite deep in he incubation period. This would most likely explain why EJ is still acting as if she has eggs underneath her.
Yes Tiger. Send some this way please. We have Chew and Blagdon lakes and lots of smaller lakes. Somerset Levels would be good too.
I would hate to see her even try to start having eggs again. She is eighteen. I don't know what she is thinking as she still appears to be 'incubating' that shell.