Daily Update ~ Loch Garten Nest ~ Monday, 11 May 2015

Just noticed it is Monday. It is my honor to start the new thread. Though I have not had much to contribute this season, I am nevertheless moved by the circumstances and events in the last week, not the least of which is the return of our dear ODIN.

Yesterday began with most of us resigning ourselves to OC (Orange Chest) being the new dominant male of the nest, especially after he kicked 2 eggs out of the nest, and destroyed the third in the nest cup. However, though EJ eventually accepted fish from him, she nevertheless refused to mate with him, shrugging him off time after time. Today OC brought a good sized brown trout to the nest, but promptly took off, after which a brief view of the chasing "intruder" was seen on the nest. This chasing "intruder" looked like ODIN, first mentioned by scylla, and commented upon similarly by other posters such as Moffer and Lindybird among others. Here is scylla's video of the fish and its disappearance followed by an osprey looking very much like Odin.

He did not return until late at night, caught by this video by BirdieNumNum, to our delight. We dearly hope to see him return victorious in the daylight.

Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Thanks for starting the new thread, CC. After recent events, Sunday was one of the most amazing days I've seen in my time watching Ospreys. I feel like a total dunderheid for presuming Odin's demise. Seeing him back was delightful. EJ looks shattered just now. She's been through a helluva lot.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • What an amazing turn of events. Thanks everyone for continuing the updates, observations, pics and vids. Hugely appreciated.

  • Thanks for starting today's thread CC!

    Today starts with a note of hope, and let's hope it continues to grow as the new day dawns. The battle for this nest may not yet be over, but knowing that Odin is back by EJ's side to defend it, is much better news than any of us yesterday thought possible. Let's hope they are both able to get some decent rest first too...

    Chocoholix shiny new 2018 Interactive Osprey & Chick Chart! (with clickable links!)

  • Thanks for the new thread CC.I'm so happy to see that Odins returned, I'm sure EJ is happy to see him again. Sleep well EJ.

  • Hi Paul, Emma, Choco and twinkle! Nice to have company at this time... :)

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Let's hope that this new day brings good things for EJ and Odin!  They are a remarkable and admirable "couple".

  • I've just caught up from where I left off yesterday afternoon/evening - I always do that rather than look at the latest posts to see current status, so that I can experience what went on with my fellow bloggers as the events unfolded, but in a later time-zone ;-)

    Talking of time-zones, towards the end I thought "Wouldn't it be lovely if CC would start the new DU?"... and she did!  Thank you, CC :-*

    Course, I had to break off to extract the video of Odin landing on EJ's back and staying on the nest for 2 minutes... only to find a few posts on that BIRDIE had posted it - this is getting to be a habit and I won't learn to look first ;-D  Thank you, Birdie :-*

    A tense and exciting day is ahead of us.  All strength to Odin the Intrepid!

  • Forgot to say - how nice to see that RUSTY was inspired come out of the woodwork (you know what I mean) and that DAISY RAY is back.

    I'm going to get a coffee.

  • All  will have gone to  bed now; just you up SCYLLA ... unless someone proves me wrong. Waking, I just had to do as I said I would and come look for positive posts. LYNETTE and CC had what I was looking for  :) unmistakeable Odin shape of head and BIRDIE's video again ..  just so Odin.

    But your video yesterday (now) SCYLLA - when Odin turned his dear head my heart leapt. There was our confimrmation so  I did a fast capture from your video to examine. Yes indeed, our precious boy is back.

  • Going back to  bed happy now. Hope you manage a capture of our boy SCYLLA .... especially if he has a fish with him..