WEEKLY CHAT (non osprey) SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2015

Hallo all!  Thanks for cute photos of various critters. Lots of work in the garden on this side of the pond; don't understand how a simple job can turn into a three-hour pain in the derriere! :-)

Lindybird: Will be interesting to see how things develop following the UK election. Is that Bonnie's "official" old shoe? :-)  Good idea to stash her toys in it.

Margo: Not happy to read that you've had a rough time with one more dose to go. Grrrr. Wish I could wish it away!

LizLFW: Not happy news from LG; what a development. Makes me somewhat relieved that I haven't been watching the nest as closely as in the past. :-(

Brenda: How are those next-door plans evolving? Re the osprey, that's the first time I've seen one at that location- a real thrill. Re the brainless thugs; makes me wonder what it would take to make them appreciate the sacrifices made on their (ungrateful) behalfs (behalves??)

dibnlib: I've been missing the gym again, what with dogs to walk, etc., etc., My whole fitness schedule seems to have gone out the window.....  :-((

Diane: So glad you're busy with freelance project.

AQ: Have you done the laundry yet? How was the trip?

Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • Brenda - I noticed that LizLFW mentioned Rita the other day, and I had already missed Rita, but kept forgetting to mention it. I do hope its just that Rita is busy at present. That builder and his plans sound typical: they often submit quite outrageous plans and hope to get away with it, but are happy to keep resubmitting until they can get something approaching what they want. I hope that the end of it all doesn't spoil things for you too much.
  • Less than an hour ago I noticed Rita among the users showing as signed in so fingers crossed she's OK.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • We've been in the garden, weeding, pruning & plant feeding. Bonnie has "helped" by stealing my gardening gloves, running around with weeds from the weed bucket, trying to take the lid off the plant food, eating sticks in the middle of the lawn, eating snails, and digging a hole to Australia in one of the flowerbeds....... Just now she's flat out on the sofa, worn out with her exertions! (This is the dog who was not going to be allowed on the furniture, LOL!!)
  • That's good to hear, Clare - thanks.

  • More pics of Bonnie:  She has a favourite plant in the garden, an ornamental grass which she seems to think is a cushion to bounce upon and to rest on...........

    She loves it so much I just let her sit on it!!   At least she's not destroying anything else when she's on there!

         -   -  -  -    note the piece of broken flowerpot she has stolen from my stash of bits & bobs.....

  • Morning all:  Slept like a log, but still woke up feeling like one - heavy and lethargic. Will do a nice egg and muffin with some yogurt and honey in a bit to get things moving.  Plan to take dog on long (slow) putter at Mesa Park this morning; he gets excited by the sight of squirrels darting in and out of the groundcover on the cliffs and I can see whales from there!  What they call a win-win situation.

    Clare: Does anyone have any idea what happened to Odin?  I've been lurking on the Daily Update but not posting and probably missed any reasonable speculation....   Lucky you. UK elections only go one for a few months; here we have years of disgusting posturing with untold (and I'm not kidding!) millions of dollars spent on even more fundraising!  It really is immoral. In the meantime, we aren't educating our kids or taking care of our roads, bridges.

    Lindybird: Two "official" old shoes? Wonder how long they'll last!  Too bad Bonnie wasn't here when I needed holes dug in the garden - I had to pay someone to do it.  King likes sprawling on my Serbian bellflowers, but he weighs a ton and flattened a couple, so I shooed him off and have had to put obstacles in his way. Did pull down some old carpeting from the garage shelves for him to sprawl on - looks just charming on the patio, but oh well.  :-)

    AQ: Ease back into the routine and don't worry about us.  How old are the twins now? (I can guess: not old enough!). :-)

    dibnlib:  Hope your manager makes some accommodation. If he's smart, he'll realize that with your colleagues so "unavailable" on Sundays, he can't afford to lose you. Still, managers are not uiniversally known for being smart.  Did the "happy" staff stay on and stay unhappy, or just quit?  Wonder what changed...   I nearly left a job when a new, smart-mouthed and very cynical manager came in, but our Human Resources folks told me, confidentially, he was upsetting everyone and to hang in. He was fired two years later, but they were bumpy years for the rest of us (mostly me coz I share Clare's tendency to be somewhat forthright!)  :-)

    Brenda: Suspect builders are a bit like budget folks - they ask for twice as much as they need and then when it's whittled down by half, they still get what they wanted in the first place. Definitely need a yoga session - or three or four. Things will be back to normal in a week: Daughter/dog/guinea pig home and houseguest done and dusted.

    OK, off to sort out breakfast.....

  • Lindybird said:


    LOL!  There's something about her expression which suggests 'you ain't seen nothing yet!'.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Unknown said:
    Clare: Does anyone have any idea what happened to Odin?  I've been lurking on the Daily Update but not posting and probably missed any reasonable speculation....   Lucky you. UK elections only go one for a few months; here we have years of disgusting posturing with untold (and I'm not kidding!) millions of dollars spent on even more fundraising!  It really is immoral. In the meantime, we aren't educating our kids or taking care of our roads, bridges.

    Nobody knows what has happened to Odin.......it's heartbreaking.

    I totally agree with you that it is sickening having so much money spent on political campaigning.  There are far more important things........ospreys, for instance!

    Unknown said:
    dibnlib:  Hope your manager makes some accommodation. If he's smart, he'll realize that with your colleagues so "unavailable" on Sundays, he can't afford to lose you. Still, managers are not uiniversally known for being smart.  Did the "happy" staff stay on and stay unhappy, or just quit?  Wonder what changed...   I nearly left a job when a new, smart-mouthed and very cynical manager came in, but our Human Resources folks told me, confidentially, he was upsetting everyone and to hang in. He was fired two years later, but they were bumpy years for the rest of us (mostly me coz I share Clare's tendency to be somewhat forthright!)  :-)

    They took two years to get rid of him?  Oh, well, at least they did fire him in the end........so many awful staff just stay put while everyone better moves on.  It's ridiculous - I might be forthright but at least I don't relentlessly bitch behind people's backs.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • LOL Clare!   I do wonder what she's thinking, sometimes.....