WEEKLY CHAT (non osprey) SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2015

Hallo all!  Thanks for cute photos of various critters. Lots of work in the garden on this side of the pond; don't understand how a simple job can turn into a three-hour pain in the derriere! :-)

Lindybird: Will be interesting to see how things develop following the UK election. Is that Bonnie's "official" old shoe? :-)  Good idea to stash her toys in it.

Margo: Not happy to read that you've had a rough time with one more dose to go. Grrrr. Wish I could wish it away!

LizLFW: Not happy news from LG; what a development. Makes me somewhat relieved that I haven't been watching the nest as closely as in the past. :-(

Brenda: How are those next-door plans evolving? Re the osprey, that's the first time I've seen one at that location- a real thrill. Re the brainless thugs; makes me wonder what it would take to make them appreciate the sacrifices made on their (ungrateful) behalfs (behalves??)

dibnlib: I've been missing the gym again, what with dogs to walk, etc., etc., My whole fitness schedule seems to have gone out the window.....  :-((

Diane: So glad you're busy with freelance project.

AQ: Have you done the laundry yet? How was the trip?

Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • Good morning, Annette, and thank you for starting the week off.  I'm hoping for a better week for EJ - though I think she's just had possibly one of the worst weeks of her life so a better one is (hopefully) inevitable.

    I'm also hoping that the result of the General Election can now remain history as I'm sick to death of politics.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning: Sunday again, already! Where do the days go? Thanks to Annette for starting us off again. I wouldn't worry too much about missing the gym, if you are spending your days rushing around plus doing the gardening! Clare - I echo your wishes for our dear EJ. Things can only get better. Rita - Where are you? Do hope all is well with you.
  • Good morning, Lindy - it's very good to see your cheerful presence, as always!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • ps - Yes, that's Bonnie's official "Old Shoe" and of course, we have an identical spare one stashed away! ;-)
  • And yours, Clare! Let's all hold hands and hope for a better Osprey week this week!
  • I washed today, finishing last of holiday clothes & usual household stuff. Of course it began spitting with rain and after I hung (cramped) all in garage, out came the sun. Final result however almost all dry. Yesterday I made minestrone soup, thick enough for a knife & fork <grin> as I have nanny duty tomorrow and soup is easy for OH to have ready when I get home for tea. I am still feeling tired – I have had a ‘nearly’ sore throat & snuffly head for past 2 weeks. It comes & goes and doesn’t develop properly into full blown cold. Sometime I shall relate the trip saga – I am still deleting dud photos and wondering where I was when I snapped something-or-other. Off to see if I can still remember how to scramble eggs for tea LOL.

  • LINDY   Back to work today but won't find out about Sunday working till Thurs at the earliest. the only thing I do know is that the manager has not taken kindly to my letter as I mentioned unfair treatment. things do not sound good and as I do not like the thought of working in an atmosphere I may well just throw the towel in. It is a shame but as another member of staff said the happy staff seems to have changed over the last few months

  • What a shame, dibnlib - I left one of my happiest jobs because of a management change and the whole atmosphere was different. Do hope it works out ok for you. AQ - sounds as if your busy life is taking its toll on you - be kind to yourself. Glad you enjoyed the trip
  • Lindybird said:
    I left one of my happiest jobs because of a management change and the whole atmosphere was different.

    I've done that before.  It's amazing the difference one person can make.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hi Everyone. A cloudy morning when we went to church, but the sun is trying to shine now.

    Thanks Annette, for starting the week. The new plans have now been reduced to four houses, instead of five, with a new layout. We have asked for more information as the plan, which shows measurements hasn't been included, quite deliberately, we think. Devious builder. The Planning Dept must have more detail though.
    You may not be going to the gym but by the sounds of it, you are having plenty of exercise. You may need a yoga session, though.

    Dibnlib, You can't continue to work in an unhappy atmosphere. Do you think you could survive, until you find another job ? I am so sorry that this is happening as you did seem to be enjoying your job.

    AQ, Back to the routine and Nanny duties. I must say that you sound so organised, though. Even preparing the soup in advance. Hope you can get rid of that 'nearly' sore throat and stuffily head.

    Linda, I would like to join your appeal to Rita. I do hope she is just busy and hasn't had time to post.