Well not unexpectedly the season came to an end on Saturday morning when the intruding male broke the final egg.
As EJ is still in brooding mode she is still spending a lot of time on the nest brooding non existent eggs.
It now remains to be seen what will happen next. A variety of things could happen but as always with ospreys they will usually surprise us.
I guess the only way to find out is to keep watching.
Tiger Signature
Rusty2 its a stunning evening...
Like many, I have been "lurking" for some time. But that doesn't mean I am any the less glad than the frequent posters to know of Odin's survival. I am truly pleased and hope that he and EJ will re-unite and are able to defend what I think of as "their" nest.
Hi all again, I also feel the need to return from lurking (if that is the term for just reading the blog). Certainly the events of recent days has stirred me to action and pleased to see Odin back. Was the intruder known as OC because of his rings? Or otherwise. Also, is EJ trying to rearrange the furniture so as to reach th abandoned egg at the edge of the nest (or just my vivid imagination?). Keep up the great work everyone.
Bluejay said: And to think this thread started like this "Well not unexpectedly the season came to an end on Saturday morning when the intruding male broke the final egg". We really do not know everything do we
And to think this thread started like this "Well not unexpectedly the season came to an end on Saturday morning when the intruding male broke the final egg". We really do not know everything do we
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
Bluejay said:We really do not know everything do we
Also hi Tiger, bluejay and WendyB! Wahoo!
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
Irvine I thinks its because of his Orange Chest..
CC I love a Wahoo and High Five maybe!!
Unknown said: Here's the proof that my heart's delight, my Precious boy is back:
Here's the proof that my heart's delight, my Precious boy is back:
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
rusty2 said: I have lurked for at least 5 years (I am a member!) now trying to post because I have never seen anything like this. I have been glued and, like you all, am so pleased Odin is back. Goodness knows what will happen next but I will be here if I can work this posting thing out!
I have lurked for at least 5 years (I am a member!) now trying to post because I have never seen anything like this. I have been glued and, like you all, am so pleased Odin is back. Goodness knows what will happen next but I will be here if I can work this posting thing out!
Looks like you've worked it out all right RUSTY :)
Hi MLS and Irvine. Good to see you.
We call the intruder OC because he has an Orange Chest. As there were 3 intruders, it made it easier for us to nickname them until such time that LG gave any of them official names.
EJ had stopped incubating the damaged egg until Odin returned. The one on the edge of the nest got moved when she moved the big stick which blew toward her in the wind.
EJ waits as we wait to see Odin returned :)